
Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-Unjoni Ewropea

Artikolu 28 - Id-dritt ta' negozjar u ta' azzjoni kollettiva

Artikolu 28 - Id-dritt ta' negozjar u ta' azzjoni kollettiva

Il-ħaddiema u dawk li jħaddmu, jew l-organizzazzjonijiet rispettivi tagħhom, għandhom, skond il-liġi ta' l-Unjoni u l-liġijiet u l-prattiċi nazzjonali, id-dritt li jinnegozjaw u li jikkonkludu ftehim kollettivi fil-livelli xierqa u, fil-każ ta' konflitti ta' interess, li jieħdu azzjoni kollettiva, inkluż l-istrajk, sabiex jiddefendu l-interessi tagħhom.

    • Text:

      Dan l-Artikolu hu bbażat fuq l-Artikolu 6 tal-Karta Soċjali Ewropea u fuq il-Karta Komunitarja dwar id-Drittijiet Soċjali Fundamentali tal-Ħaddiema (il-punti 12 sa 14). Id-dritt għal azzjoni kollettiva kien rikonoxxut mill-Qorti Ewropea tad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem bħala wieħed mill-elementi tad-drittijiet sindakali stabbiliti fl-Artikolu 11 tal-KEDB. Fir-rigward tal-livelli approprjati li fihom ikunu jistgħu jsiru negozjati kollettivi, ara l-ispjegazzjoni għall-Artikolu preċedenti. Il-modalitajiet u l-limiti għall-eżerċizzju ta' azzjoni kollettiva, inkluża l-azzjoni ta' strajk, jaqgħu taħt il-liġijiet u l-prattiċi nazzjonali, inkluża l-kwistjoni jekk dan jistax isir b'mod parallel f'diversi Stati Membri.

      Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Dawn l-ispjegazzjonijiet ġew imħejjija oriġinarjament taħt ir-responsabbiltà tal-Praesidium tal-Konvenzjoni li abbozza l-Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea. Huma ġew aġġornati taħt ir-responsabbiltà tal-Praesidium tal-Konvenzjoni Ewropea, fid-dawl ta' l-aġġustamenti li saru għat-test tal-Karta minn dik il-Konvenzjoni (partikolarment fl-Artikoli (51 U 52) u ta' l-evoluzzjoni fil-liġi ta' l-Unjoni. Għalkemm dawn l-ispjegazzjonijiet m'għandhomx fihom infushom l-istatus ta' liġi, huma mezz siewi ta' interpretazzjoni intiż sabiex ikunu ċċarati d-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Karta.
    • Consorzio Italian Management and Catania Multiservizi SpA v Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • CS v Eurowings GmbH
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Ninth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) v European Commission
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Airhelp Ltd v Scandinavian Airlines System Denmark – Norway – Sweden
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Roberto Aquino and Others v European Parliament.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      General Court (Sixth chamber, Extended Composition)
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Surjit Singh Bedi v Bundesrepublik Deutschland and Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Prozessstandschaft für das Vereinigte Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Third Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Surjit Singh Bedi v Bundesrepublik Deutschland and Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Prozessstandschaft für das Vereinigte Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Rome Ordinary Court, Ravenna Ordinary Court, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Auto- ja Kuljetusalan Työntekijäliitto AKT v Öljytuote v Öljytuote ry, Shell Aviation Finland Oy
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General Sharpston
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    65 results found

    • Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

      Article 27 (1) Everyone has the right to associate freely with others for the protection of her economic and social interests. (2) Trade unions shall be established independently of the state. No limits may be placed upon the number of trade union organizations, nor may any of them be given preferential treatment in a particular enterprise or branch of industry. (3) The activities of trade unions and the formation and activities of similar associations for the protection of economic and social interests may be limited by law in the case of measures necessary in a democratic society for the protection of the security of the State, public order, or the rights and freedoms of others. (4) The right to strike is guaranteed under the conditions provided for by law; this right does not appertain to judges, prosecutors, or members of the armed forces or security corps. Article 44 Restrictions may be placed upon the exercise of the right of enterprise and of other economic activity, as well as of the right enumerated in Article 20 para. 2, by judges and prosecutors; by employees in state administration and in territorial self-government, holding the positions specified therein as well as upon their exercise of the right enumerated in Article 27 para. 4; by members of security corps and members of the armed forces, as well as, insofar as such is related to the performance of their duties, upon their exercise of the rights listed in Articles 18, 19, and 27 paras. 1 to 3. A law may place restrictions upon the exercise of the right to strike by persons who engage in professions essential for the protection of life and health.

    • Czech Labour Code No.262/2006 Coll.

       Collective Bargaining Act, No.2/1991 Coll., as amended.

    • Listina základních práv a svobod

      Článek 27 (1) Každý má právo svobodně se sdružovat s jinými na ochranu svých hospodářských a sociálních zájmů. (2) Odborové organizace vznikají nezávisle na státu. Omezovat počet odborových organizací je nepřípustné, stejně jako zvýhodňovat některé z nich v podniku nebo v odvětví. (3) Činnost odborových organizací a vznik a činnost jiných sdružení na ochranu hospodářských a sociálních zájmů mohou být omezeny zákonem, jde-li o opatření v demokratické společnosti nezbytná pro ochranu bezpečnosti státu, veřejného pořádku nebo práv a svobod druhých. (4) Právo na stávku je zaručeno za podmínek stanovených zákonem; toto právo nepřísluší soudcům, prokurátorům, příslušníkům ozbrojených sil a příslušníkům bezpečnostních sborů. Článek 44 Zákon může soudcům a prokurátorům omezit právo na podnikání a jinou hospodářskou činnost a právo uvedené v čl. 20 odst. 2; zaměstnancům státní správy a územní samosprávy ve funkcích, které určí, též právo uvedené v čl. 27 odst. 4; příslušníkům bezpečnostních sborů a příslušníkům ozbrojených sil též práva uvedená v čl. 18, 19 a čl. 27 odst. 1 až 3, pokud souvisí s výkonem služby. Osobám v povoláních, která jsou bezprostředně nezbytná pro ochranu života a zdraví, může zákon omezit právo na stávku.

    • Constitutión Española

      Artículo 28 1. Todos tienen derecho a sindicarse libremente. La ley podrá limitar o exceptuar el ejercicio de este derecho a las Fuerzas o Institutos armados o a los demás Cuerpos sometidos a disciplina militar y regulará las peculiaridades de su ejercicio para los funcionarios públicos. La libertad sindical comprende el derecho a fundar sindicatos y a afiliarse al de su elección, así como el derecho de los sindicatos a formar confederaciones y a fundar organizaciones sindicales internacionales o afiliarse a las mismas. Nadie podrá ser obligado a afiliarse a un sindicato. 2. Se reconoce el derecho a la huelga de los trabajadores para la defensa de sus intereses. La ley que regule el ejercicio de este derecho establecerá las garantías precisas para asegurar el mantenimiento de los servicios esenciales de la comunidad. Artículo 37 1. La ley garantizará el derecho a la negociación colectiva laboral entre los representantes de los trabajadores y empresarios, así como la fuerza vinculante de los convenios. 2. Se reconoce el derecho de los trabajadores y empresarios a adoptar medidas de conflicto colectivo. La ley que regule el ejercicio de este derecho, sin perjuicio de las limitaciones que pueda establecer, incluirá las garantías precisas para asegurar el funcionamiento de los servicios esenciales de la comunidad.

    • Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain

      Section 281. All have the right to freely join a trade union. The law may restrict or except the exercise of this right in the Armed Forces or Institutes or other bodies subject to military discipline, and shall lay down the special conditions of its exercise by civil servants. Trade union freedom includes the right to set up trade unions and to join the union of one's choice, as well as the right of trade unions to form confederations and to found international trade union organizations, or to become members thereof. No one may be compelled to join a trade union.2. The right of workers to strike in defence of their interests is recognized. The law governing the exercise of this right shall establish the safeguards necessary to ensure the maintenance of essential public services.

      Section 371. The law shall guarantee the right to collective labour bargaining between workers and employers' representatives, as well as the binding force of the agreements.2. The right of workers and employers to adopt collective labour dispute measures is hereby recognized. The law regulating the exercise of this right shall, without prejudice to the restrictions which it may impose, include the guarantees necessary to ensure the functioning of essential public services.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia

      Article 77 Employees have the right to strike.Where required by the public interest, the right to strike may be restricted by law, with due consideration given to the type and nature of activity involved.

    • Ustava Republike Slovenije

      77. člen Delavci imajo pravico do stavke. Če to zahteva javna korist, se lahko pravica do stavke, upoštevajoč vrsto in naravo dejavnosti, z zakonom omeji.

    • Act on Collective Bargaining (No. 2/1991) (consolidation)

      Article 36 Employees have the right to just and satisfying working conditions. The law guarantees, above all (...) g) the right to collective bargaining. Article 37 (1) Everyone has the right to freely associate with others in order to protect his economic and social interests. (2) Trade union organizations are established independently of the state. It is inadmissible to limit the number of trade union organizations, as well as to give some of them a preferential status in an enterprise or a branch of the economy. (3) The activity of trade union organizations and the founding and operation of other associations protecting economic and social interests can be restricted by law, if such measure is necessary in a democratic society to protect the security of the state, public order, or the rights and freedoms of others. (4) The right to strike is guaranteed. The conditions shall be laid down by law. Judges, prosecutors, members of the armed forces and armed corps, and members and employees of the fire and rescue brigades do not have this right.

    • Constitution of the Slovak Republic

      Article 36 Employees have the right to just and satisfying working conditions. The law guarantees, above all (...) g) the right to collective bargaining. Article 37 (1) Everyone has the right to freely associate with others in order to protect his economic and social interests. (2) Trade union organizations are established independently of the state. It is inadmissible to limit the number of trade union organizations, as well as to give some of them a preferential status in an enterprise or a branch of the economy. (3) The activity of trade union organizations and the founding and operation of other associations protecting economic and social interests can be restricted by law, if such measure is necessary in a democratic society to protect the security of the state, public order, or the rights and freedoms of others. (4) The right to strike is guaranteed. The conditions shall be laid down by law. Judges, prosecutors, members of the armed forces and armed corps, and members and employees of the fire and rescue brigades do not have this right.

    • Ústava Slovenskej republiky

      Čl. 36 Zamestnanci majú právo na spravodlivé a uspokojujúce pracovné podmienky. Zákon im zabezpečuje najmä (...) g) právo na kolektívne vyjednávanie.Čl. 37(1) Každý má právo sa slobodne združovať s inými na ochranu svojich hospodárskych a sociálnych záujmov. (2) Odborové organizácie vznikajú nezávisle od štátu. Obmedzovať počet odborových organizácií, ako aj zvýhodňovať niektoré z nich v podniku alebo v odvetví, je neprípustné. (3) Činnosť odborových organizácií a vznik a činnosť iných združení na ochranu hospodárskych a sociálnych záujmov možno obmedziť zákonom, ak ide o opatrenie v demokratickej spoločnosti nevyhnutné na ochranu bezpečnosti štátu, verejného poriadku alebo práv a slobôd druhých. (4) Právo na štrajk sa zaručuje. Podmienky ustanoví zákon. Toto právo nemajú sudcovia, prokurátori, príslušníci ozbrojených síl a ozbrojených zborov a príslušníci a zamestnanci hasičských a záchranných zborov.

    • Constituția României

      Articolul 41(5) Dreptul la negocieri colective în materie de munca si caracterul obligatoriu al conventiilor colective sunt garantate. Articolul 43(1) Salariatii au dreptul la greva pentru apararea intereselor profesionale, economice si sociale. (2) Legea stabileste conditiile si limitele exercitarii acestui drept, precum si garantiile necesare asigurarii serviciilor esentiale pentru societate.

    • Constitution of Romania

      Article 41(...) (5) The right to collective labour bargaining and the binding force of collective agreements shall be guaranteed.Article 43(1) The employees have the right to strike in the defence of their professional, economic and social interests. (2) The law shall regulate the conditions and limits governing the exercise of this right, as well as the guarantees necessary to ensure the essential services for the society.

    • Constituição da República Portuguesa

      Artigo 54.º (Comissões de trabalhadores) 1. É direito dos trabalhadores criarem comissões de trabalhadores para defesa dos seus interesses e intervenção democrática na vida da empresa. 2. Os trabalhadores deliberam a constituição, aprovam os estatutos e elegem, por voto directo e secreto, os membros das comissões de trabalhadores. 3. Podem ser criadas comissões coordenadoras para melhor intervenção na reestruturação económica e por forma a garantir os interesses dos trabalhadores. 4. Os membros das comissões gozam da protecção legal reconhecida aos delegados sindicais. 5. Constituem direitos das comissões de trabalhadores: a) Receber todas as informações necessárias ao exercício da sua actividade; b) Exercer o controlo de gestão nas empresas; c) Participar nos processos de reestruturação da empresa, especialmente no tocante a acções de formação ou quando ocorra alteração das condições de trabalho; d) Participar na elaboração da legislação do trabalho e dos planos económico-sociais que contemplem o respectivo sector; e) Gerir ou participar na gestão das obras sociais da empresa; f) Promover a eleição de representantes dos trabalhadores para os órgãos sociais de empresas pertencentes ao Estado ou a outras entidades públicas, nos termos da lei. Artigo 55.º (Liberdade sindical) 1. É reconhecida aos trabalhadores a liberdade sindical, condição e garantia da construção da sua unidade para defesa dos seus direitos e interesses. 2. No exercício da liberdade sindical é garantido aos trabalhadores, sem qualquer discriminação, designadamente: a) A liberdade de constituição de associações sindicais a todos os níveis; b) A liberdade de inscrição, não podendo nenhum trabalhador ser obrigado a pagar quotizações para sindicato em que não esteja inscrito; c) A liberdade de organização e regulamentação interna das associações sindicais; d) O direito de exercício de actividade sindical na empresa; e) O direito de tendência, nas formas que os respectivos estatutos determinarem. 5. As associações sindicais têm o direito de estabelecer relações ou filiar-se em organizações sindicais internacionais. 6. Os representantes eleitos dos trabalhadores gozam do direito à informação e consulta, bem como à protecção legal adequada contra quaisquer formas de condicionamento, constrangimento ou limitação do exercício legítimo das suas funções. Artigo 56.º (Direitos das associações sindicais e contratação colectiva) 1. Compete às associações sindicais defender e promover a defesa dos direitos e interesses dos trabalhadores que representem. 2. Constituem direitos das associações sindicais: a) Participar na elaboração da legislação do trabalho; b) Participar na gestão das instituições de segurança social e outras organizações que visem satisfazer os interesses dos trabalhadores; c) Pronunciar-se sobre os planos económico-sociais e acompanhar a sua execução; d) Fazer-se representar nos organismos de concertação social, nos termos da lei; e) Participar nos processos de reestruturação da empresa, especialmente no tocante a acções de formação ou quando ocorra alteração das condições de trabalho. 3. Compete às associações sindicais exercer o direito de contratação colectiva, o qual é garantido nos termos da lei. 4. A lei estabelece as regras respeitantes à legitimidade para a celebração das convenções colectivas de trabalho, bem como à eficácia das respectivas normas. Artigo 57.º (Direito à greve e proibição do lock-out) 1. É garantido o direito à greve. 2. Compete aos trabalhadores definir o âmbito de interesses a defender através da greve, não podendo a lei limitar esse âmbito. 3. A lei define as condições de prestação, durante a greve, de serviços necessários à segurança e manutenção de equipamentos e instalações, bem como de serviços mínimos indispensáveis para ocorrer à satisfação de necessidades sociais impreteríveis. 4. É proibido o lock-out.

    • Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

      Article 54 (Workers' committies) (1) Workers have the right to establish workers' committees for the defence of their interests and to secure a democratic share in the management of their enterprise. (2) Decisions to form workers’ committees must be taken by the workers in question, who must approve the committees’ by-laws, and must elect their members by direct, secret ballot. (3) Coordinating committees may be established, for the purpose of intervening more effectively in economic reorganisation and as a safeguard for the guarantees for the interests of the workers. (4) Committee members shall enjoy the protection afforded by the law to trade union delegates. (5) Workers' committees have the right: (a) To receive all information necessary for the carrying out of their activities; (b) To monitor the management of enterprises; (c) To participate in the processes of the company restructuring, particularly as they relate to training initiatives or when there is a change in working conditions; (d) To participate in the preparation of labour legislation, and social and economic plans, that concern their sector; (e) To manage, or participate in the management of, social activities of enterprises; (f) To sponsor the election of workers' representatives to the management organs of enterprises that belong to the State or other public bodies, in accordance with the law. Article 55 (Freedoms concerning trade unions) (1) Workers are accorded the freedom to form, belong to and operate trade unions as a condition and guarantee of the building of their unity in defence of their rights and interests. (2) Trade union freedoms are guaranteed to workers without discrimination, in particular the following: (a) Freedom to establish trade unions at every level; (b) Freedom of membership, no worker being required to pay dues to a trade union of which he or she is not a member; (c) Freedom in the organisation and internal regulation of trade unions; (d) The right to engage in trade union activity within businesses; (e) The right of trade unions to different aims, as determined by their constitutions. (5) Trade unions have the right to establish relations with or to join international trade union organisations. Article 56 (Trade union rights and collective agreements) (1) Trade unions have the right to defend and promote the defence of the rights and interests of the workers they represent. (2) Trade unions have the right: (a) To participate in the preparation of labour legislation; (b) To participate in the management of social security institutions and other bodies whose aim is to satisfy the interests of the working classes; (c) To be heard with regard to economic and social plans and to accompany the implementation thereof; (d) To be represented on bodies engaged in the harmonisation of social matters, as provided by the law; (e) To participate in the processes of company restructuring, particularly as they relate to training initiatives or when there is a change in working conditions. (3) Trade unions have the powers necessary for exercising the right to conclude collective agreements, which shall be guaranteed by law. (4) The rules governing the powers to conclude collective labour agreements, and the validity of their provisions, shall be prescribed by law. Article 57 (Right to strike and prohibition of lock-outs) (1) The right to strike is guaranteed. (2) Workers are entitled to determine which interests are to be protected by means of strikes; the range of those interests shall not be restricted by law. (3) The law shall determine the conditions under which services are provided, during a strike, that are necessary for the safety and maintenance of equipment and installations, as well as minimum services that are necessary to satisfy essential social needs. (4) Lock-outs are prohibited.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Poland

      Article 20A social market economy, based on the freedom of economic activity, private ownership, and solidarity, dialogue and cooperation between social partners, shall be the basis of the economic system of the Republic of Poland.Article 591. The freedom of association in trade unions, socio-occupational organizations of farmers, and in employers' organizations shall be ensured.2. Trade unions and employers and their organizations shall have the right to bargain, particularly for the purpose of resolving collective disputes, and to conclude collective labour agreements and other arrangements.3. Trade unions shall have the right to organize workers' strikes or other forms of protest subject to limitations specified by statute. For protection of the public interest, statutes may limit or forbid the conduct of strikes by specified categories of employees or in specific fields.4. The scope of freedom of association in trade unions and in employers' organizations may only be subject to such statutory limitations as are permissible in accordance with international agreements to which the Republic of Poland is a party. 

    • Constitution of the Republic of Poland

      Article 20A social market economy, based on the freedom of economic activity, private ownership, and solidarity, dialogue and cooperation between social partners, shall be the basis of the economic system of the Republic of Poland.Article 591. The freedom of association in trade unions, socio-occupational organizations of farmers, and in employers' organizations shall be ensured.2. Trade unions and employers and their organizations shall have the right to bargain, particularly for the purpose of resolving collective disputes, and to conclude collective labour agreements and other arrangements.3. Trade unions shall have the right to organize workers' strikes or other forms of protest subject to limitations specified by statute. For protection of the public interest, statutes may limit or forbid the conduct of strikes by specified categories of employees or in specific fields.4. The scope of freedom of association in trade unions and in employers' organizations may only be subject to such statutory limitations as are permissible in accordance with international agreements to which the Republic of Poland is a party. 

    • Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

      Art. 20Społeczna gospodarka rynkowa oparta na wolności działalności gospodarczej, własności prywatnej oraz solidarności, dialogu i współpracy partnerów społecznych stanowi podstawę ustroju gospodarczego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Art. 591. Zapewnia się wolność zrzeszania się w związkach zawodowych, organizacjach społeczno-zawodowych rolników oraz w organizacjach pracodawców.2. Związki zawodowe oraz pracodawcy i ich organizacje mają prawo do rokowań, w szczególności w celu rozwiązywania sporów zbiorowych, oraz do zawierania układów zbiorowych pracy i innych porozumień.3. Związkom zawodowym przysługuje prawo do organizowania strajków pracowniczych i innych form protestu w granicach określonych w ustawie. Ze względu na dobro publiczne ustawa może ograniczyć prowadzenie strajku lub zakazać go w odniesieniu do określonych kategorii pracowników lub w określonych dziedzinach.4. Zakres wolności zrzeszania się w związkach zawodowych i organizacjach pracodawców oraz innych wolności związkowych może podlegać tylko takim ograniczeniom ustawowym, jakie są dopuszczalne przez wiążące Rzeczpospolitą Polską umowy międzynarodowe.

    • Employment and Industrial Relations Act, Cap. 452 of the Laws of Malta, 2002




    • Code du Travail

      (dans sa teneur modifiée au 11 novembre 2009)

    • Constitution du Grand Duche de Luxembourg

      Article 11.(4) La loi garantit le droit au travail et l’Etat veille à assurer à chaque citoyen l’exercice de ce droit. La loi garantit les libertés syndicales et organise le droit de grève. Article 11.(5) La loi règle quant à ses principes la sécurité sociale, la protection de la santé, les droits des travailleurs, la lutte contre la
      pauvreté et l’intégration sociale des citoyens atteints d’un handicap.

    2 results found

    • Directive (EU) 2022/2041 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on adequate minimum wages in the European Union


      (3) Article 31 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (4) (the ‘Charter’) provides for the right of every worker to working conditions which respect his or her health, safety and dignity. Article 27 of the Charter provides for the right of workers to information and consultation. Article 28 of the Charter provides for the right of workers and employers, or their respective organisations, in accordance with Union law and national laws and practices, to negotiate and conclude collective agreements at the appropriate levels. Article 23 of the Charter provides for the right to equality between women and men in all areas, including employment, work and pay.


    • Directive 2014/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals for the purpose of employment as seasonal workers

      Article 23 - Right to equal treatment
      ‘1. Seasonal workers shall be entitled to equal treatment with nationals of the host Member State at least with regard to:
      (a) terms of employment, including the minimum working age, and working conditions, including pay and dismissal, working hours, leave and holidays, as well as health and safety requirements at the workplace;
      (b) the right to strike and take industrial action, in accordance with the host Member State’s national law and practice, and freedom of association and affiliation and membership of an organisation representing workers or of any organisation whose members are engaged in a specific occupation, including the rights and benefits conferred by such organisations, including the right to negotiate and conclude collective agreements, without prejudice to the national provisions on public policy and public security; [...].‘

    1 results found

    • R204 - Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204)

      VII. Freedom of association, social dialogue and role of employers’ and workers’ organizations
      ‘31. Members should ensure that those in the informal economy enjoy freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, including the right to establish and, subject to the rules of the organization concerned, to join organizations, federations and confederations of their own choosing
      32. Members should create an enabling environment for employers and workers to exercise their right to organize and to bargain collectively and to participate in social dialogue in the transition to the formal economy
      33. Employers’ and workers’ organizations should, where appropriate, extend membership and services to workers and economic units in the informal economy
      34. In designing, implementing and evaluating policies and programmes of relevance to the informal economy, including its formalization, Members should consult with and promote active participation of the most representative employers’ and workers’ organizations, which should include in their rank, according to national practice, representatives of membership-based representative organizations of workers and economic units in the informal economy
      35. Members and employers’ and workers’ organizations may seek the assistance of the International Labour Office to strengthen the capacity of the representative employers’ and workers’ organizations and, where they exist, representative organizations of those in the informal economy, to assist workers and economic units in the informal economy, with a view to facilitating the transition to the formal economy‘