
FRA is jointly organising a scientific conference with the German Federal Ministry of Justice.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will meet State Secretaries and staff of the German Justice and Interior Ministries on 31 May.
The Austrian Vida inclusion conference will take place on the 31 May in Vienna.
The EU Agency for Asylum (EUAA) and FRA held an expert panel to discuss fundamental rights issues when accessing asylum procedures at the EU external borders.
On 18 May, FRA presented the update of its criminal detention conditions database during a meeting of the Council Working Party on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal matters.
The European Guardianship Network held a meeting from 17 to 18 May to discuss the response to the Ukrainian crisis, training guardians, and the network’s standards and principles.
FRA will host a panel debate on modern technologies used for law enforcement and fundamental rights at this year’s annual Computer, Privacy and Data Protection conference.
EU countries are welcoming and supporting unprecedented numbers of people fleeing the war in Ukraine. It has serious implications for many fundamental rights within the EU and requires Member States to find sustainable solutions, as the first Ukraine bulletin from the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) shows.
The FRA Director exchanged views with the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizen’s Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) on 13 May 2022.
The Frontex Consultative Forum on fundamental rights took place on 12 May in Warsaw.
FRA took part in a conference on responsible AI in the Hague from 12 to 13 May.
While many volunteers, organisations and EU countries provide help to the many children fleeing Ukraine, challenges and concerns need to be addressed: such as registration and interpretation, guardianship for unaccompanied children, access to education and childcare.
The agency’s Executive Board and Management Board will convene on 19 and 20 May in Vienna.
The National Contact Point for EEA/Norway Grants in Czechia and the Financial Mechanism Office of EEA/Norway Grants will bring together all actors engaged in implementing the Roma inclusion and empowerment programme under the Norway Grants 2014-2021 programme.
FRA and the CIVEX Commission of the European Committee of the Regions will host on online training event on 19 May.
On 19 and 20 May, the Croatian data protection authority, AZOP, hosts the 30th conference of data protection authorities in Dubrovnik.
In this vlog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty talks about the importance of celebrating diversity in our societies. He calls on everyone to build bridges and listen to each other, so we can create a society where everyone is equal in dignity and in rights.
On 18 and 19 May, FRA’s Director and staff will take part in the European conference on antisemitism.
On 16 May, FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty will meet the OSCE Representative on Freedom of Media Teresa Ribeiro.
On 16 May, FRA will welcome a delegation of fellows from the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme.