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Aiming to leave no-one behind
- The EU strongly supports the 2030 Agenda and a rights-based approach to sustainable development
- Existing international and European human rights frameworks such as the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe’s European Social Charter are closely tied to the SDGs
- FRA complements existing data by capturing experiences of people at greater risk of being left behind
Realities on the ground
- Inequality has risen over the last 15 years in the EU
- The number of people in income poverty has risen by 8% since 2005. The largest increases occurred during the economic crisis. But this trend has recently drawn to a halt
- Inequality affects harder certain groups who are at greater risk of poverty...
- Immigrants 31%, compared to the EU-28 average of 17% (2017)
- Roma 80% in 8 EU Member States compared to the EU-28 average of 17% (2016)
- ...face widespread discrimination
- North Africans 31%
- Roma 26%
- Sub-Saharan Africans 24%
- ...and hate-motivated harassment
- Roma 30%LGBT people
- North Africans 29%
- Jews 28%
- LGBT people 19%
Tools for change
- EU financing and the EU’s policy tools, such as the European Semester
- National action 26 out of 28 Member States have already sent the United Nations their review of national efforts to meet the SDGs
- More active engagement and support by both civil society and national human rights bodies is necessary to implement SDGs from a fundamental rights perspective