GDPR Report 2024 - Cover
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Data protection rules protect privacy and prevent personal information from misuse. When the general data protection regulation (GDPR) came into force in 2018, it strengthened the role of data protection authorities. These supervisory bodies are the key enforcers of the fundamental right of protection of personal data. This report analyses the challenges they face in the GDPR implementation. The findings complement the European Commission's forthcoming evaluation of the GDPR.
Ahead of the EU elections, this report explores the political participation of people with disabilities. Although some Member States removed restrictions on the right to vote and to stand for elections, barriers still exist. This report is an update of new developments following FRA’s last report published in 2014. It sets out ways forward to ensure people with disabilities have equal opportunities, in line with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Many EU countries have made it easier for people with disabilities to vote in elections, finds the latest report from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). But some groups still face considerable barriers when it comes to voting and standing for elections. The report looks at best practices and suggests how to ensure people with disabilities have their say at election time.