FRA took part in a meeting of the European Trade Union Confederation’s Migration and Inclusion Committee in Brussels on 16 May.
FRA presented its work on tackling anti-Muslim hatred during a joint Equinet – European Commission meeting in Brussels from 22 to 23 May in Brussels.
On 15 May, FRA presented its research on the challenges faced by Data Protection Authorities in implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation, six years after its entry into force, at the Spring conference of European Data Protection Authorities in Riga.
People’s fundamental rights are at risk across Europe. This is due to rising levels of poverty, persistent threats against democracy, widespread racism and challenges occurring in the context of migration, finds FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2024. These threats underline the need to ensure a strong and sustainable fundamental rights protection across the EU, particularly for people in vulnerable situations. The report suggests how policymakers and civil society can work in tandem to counter the threat of social exclusion and enable a more equal and fairer society for all.
Launch Date
Project Status
This project will support the European Commission's evaluation of its Regulation addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online. FRA will look at the fundamental rights impact of measures to tackle terrorist content online.