FRA joined a round table discussion on the EU Digital Services Act, fundamental rights, and civic space on 8 November.
On 27 October, FRA took part in a meeting of the European Migration Network (EMN) Steering Board.
FRA attended the launch conference of the European Network on Statelessness’ Stateless Journeys campaign.
FRA was a panellist in back-to-back workshops at this year’s advanced course on international protection in Europe.
FRA contributed to the plenary meeting of the European Platform tackling undeclared work.
FRA took part in several events at the Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon from 2 to 4 November.
The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will hold a workshop in Vienna on 15 November.
FRA will take part in a UN Women expert group meeting to develop definitions for measuring online and technology-facilitated violence against women and girls.
FRA will speak on a panel on improving victim support and data collection via multisectoral cooperation.
On 17 November, FRA and the Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs (CIVEX) will hold its annual dialogue in the European Committee of the Regions.