The Fundamental Law of Hungary


Article XV (Freedom and Responsibility) […] (2) Hungary shall guarantee the fundamental rights to everyone without discrimination and in particular without discrimination on grounds of race, colour, sex, disability, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or any other status.
(3) Women and men shall have equal rights.
(4) By means of separate measures, Hungary shall help to achieve equality of opportunity and social inclusion.
(5) By means of separate measures, Hungary shall protect families, children, women, the elderly and those living with disabilities.

Article XIX (Freedom and Responsibility) […] (4) Hungary shall contribute to ensuring a life of dignity for the elderly by maintaining a
general state pension system based on social solidarity and by allowing for the operation of voluntarily established social institutions. An Act may lay down the conditions for entitlement to state pension also with regard to the requirement for stronger protection for women.