
Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie

Artikel 7 - De eerbiediging van het privé-leven en van het familie- en gezinsleven

Artikel 7 - De eerbiediging van het privé-leven en van het familie- en gezinsleven

Eenieder heeft recht op eerbiediging van zijn privé-leven, zijn familie- en gezinsleven, zijn woning en zijn communicatie.

    • Text:

      De in artikel 7 gewaarborgde rechten corresponderen met de rechten die in artikel 8 van het EVRM zijn gewaarborgd. Om rekening te houden met de technische ontwikkelingen is het woord `correspondentie` vervangen door `communicatie`.
      Conform artikel 52, lid 3, heeft dit recht dezelfde inhoud en reikwijdte als het recht in de daarmee corresponderende bepaling van het EVRM. Dit heeft tot gevolg dat de beperkingen die er rechtmatig aan kunnen worden gesteld, dezelfde zijn als die welke in het kader van voornoemd artikel 8 zijn toegestaan:
      `1. Eenieder heeft recht op respect voor zijn privé-leven, zijn familie- en gezinsleven, zijn woning en zijn correspondentie.
      2. Geen inmenging van enig openbaar gezag is toegestaan in de uitoefening van dit recht, dan voor zover bij de wet is voorzien en in een democratische samenleving noodzakelijk is in het belang van de nationale veiligheid, de openbare veiligheid of het economisch welzijn van het land, het voorkomen van wanordelijkheden en strafbare feiten, de bescherming van de gezondheid of de goede zeden of voor de bescherming van de rechten en vrijheden van anderen.`.

      Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Deze toelichtingen werden oorspronkelijk opgesteld onder de verantwoordelijkheid van het praesidium van de Conventie die het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie heeft opgesteld. Zij zijn bijgewerkt onder de verantwoordelijkheid van het praesidium van de Europese Conventie, in het licht van de wijzigingen die door laatstgenoemde Conventie in het Handvest zijn aangebracht (met name in artikel 51 en 52) en van verdere ontwikkelingen in het recht van de Unie. Hoewel zij op zich geen juridische waarde hebben, vormen zij een waardevol hulpmiddel voor de interpretatie, bedoeld om de bepalingen van het Handvest te verduidelijken.
    • Marián Kočner v European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • CR and Others v Landeshauptmann von Wien
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • NG v Direktor na Glavna direktsia ‘Natsionalna politsia’ pri Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti – Sofia
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Criminal proceedings against GN (interested party: Procuratore generale presso la Corte d’appello di Bologna)
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Criminal proceedings against Österreichischer Delegierter Europäischer Staatsanwalt
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • BV NORDIC INFO v Belgische Staat
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • SP and CI v Všeobecná úverová banka a.s
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • The Danish Prosecution Service (Anklagemyndigheden) v. Danish Authors' Association as representative of the plaintiff (Attorney Gitte Løvgren Larsen)
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      The Eastern High Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • A. G. v Lietuvos Respublikos generalinė prokuratūra
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • X v Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    50 results found

    • Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

      Article 11.(1) The State guarantees the natural rights of the human person and of the family. Article 11.(3) The State guarantees the protection of private life, save the exceptions established by the law. Article 15. The domicile is inviolable. An intrusion can only be made in the cases specified by the law and in the forms that it prescribes. Article 28. The secrecy of correspondence is inviolable. The law determines those agents responsible for the violation of the secrecy of correspondence entrusted to the postal [services]. The law regulates the guarantee to be given to the secrecy of telegrams.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

      Article 22. Private life shall be inviolable. Personal correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraph messages, and other communications shall be inviolable. Information concerning the private life of a person may be collected only upon a justified court decision and only according to the law. The law and courts shall protect everyone from arbitrary or unlawful interference with his private and family life, as well as from encroachment upon his honour and dignity. Article 24. The home of a human being shall be inviolable. Without the consent of the resident, it shall not be permitted to enter his home otherwise than by a court decision or according to the procedure established by law when this is necessary to guarantee public order, apprehend a criminal, or save the life, health, or property of a human being.

    • Lietuvos Respublikos civilinis kodeksas

        2.23 straipsnis. Teisė į privatų gyvenimą ir jo slaptumą 1. Fizinio asmens privatus gyvenimas neliečiamas. Informacija apie asmens privatų gyvenimą gali būti skelbiama tik jo sutikimu. Po asmens mirties tokį sutikimą gali duoti jo sutuoktinis, tėvai ar vaikai. 2. Privataus gyvenimo paţeidimu laikomas neteisėtas įėjimas į asmens gyvenamąsias ir kitokias patalpas, aptvertą privačią teritoriją, neteisėtas asmens stebėjimas, neteisėtas asmens ar jo turto apieškojimas, asmens telefoninių pokalbių, susirašinėjimo ar kitokios korespondencijos bei asmeninių uţrašų ir informacijos konfidencialumo paţeidimas, duomenų apie asmens sveikatos būklę paskelbimas paţeidţiant įstatymų nustatytą tvarką bei kitokie neteisėti veiksmai. 3. Draudţiama rinkti informaciją apie privatų asmens gyvenimą paţeidţiant įstatymus. Asmuo turi teisę susipaţinti su apie jį surinkta informacija, išskyrus įstatymų nustatytas išimtis. Draudţiama skleisti surinktą informaciją apie asmens privatų gyvenimą, nebent, atsiţvelgiant į asmens einamas pareigas ar padėtįvisuomenėje, tokios informacijos skleidimas atitinka teisėtą ir pagrįstą visuomenės interesą tokią informaciją ţinoti. 4. Privataus asmens gyvenimo duomenų, nors ir atitinkančių tikrovę, paskelbimas, taip pat asmeninio susirašinėjimo paskelbimas paţeidţiant šio straipsnio 1 ir 3 dalyse nustatytą tvarką, taip pat įėjimas į asmens gyvenamąjį būstą be jo sutikimo, išskyrus įstatymų numatytas išimtis, asmens privataus gyvenimo stebėjimas ar informacijos rinkimas apie jį paţeidţiant įstatymą bei kiti neteisėti veiksmai, kuriais paţeidţiama teisė į privatų gyvenimą, yra pagrindas pareikšti ieškinį dėl tokiais veiksmais padarytos turtinės ir neturtinės ţalos atlyginimo. 5. Šio straipsnio 1 ir 3 dalyse numatyti apribojimai, susiję su informacijos apie asmenį skelbimu ir rinkimu, netaikomi, kai tai daroma motyvuotu teismo sprendimu 2.24 straipsnis. Asmens garbės ir orumo gynimas[…]6. Paskleidęs tikrovės neatitinkančius duomenis asmuo atleidţiamas nuo civilinės atsakomybės, jeigu tie duomenys yra paskelbti apie viešą asmenį bei jo valstybinę ar visuomeninę veiklą, o juos paskelbęs asmuo įrodo, kad jis veikė sąţiningai siekdamas supaţindinti visuomenę su tuo asmeniu ir jo veikla.

    • Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija

      22 straipsnis. Žmogaus privatus gyvenimas neliečiamas. Asmens susirašinėjimas, pokalbiai telefonu, telegrafo pranešimai ir kitoks susižinojimas neliečiami. Informacija apie privatų asmens gyvenimą gali būti renkama tik motyvuotu teismo sprendimu ir tik pagal įstatymą. Įstatymas ir teismas saugo, kad niekas nepatirtų savavališko ar neteisėto kišimosi į jo asmeninį ir šeimyninį gyvenimą, kėsinimosi į jo garbę ir orumą. 24 straipsnis Žmogaus būstas neliečiamas. Be gyventojo sutikimo įeiti į būstą neleidžiama kitaip, kaip tik teismo sprendimu arba įstatymo nustatyta tvarka tada, kai reikia garantuoti viešąją tvarką, sulaikyti nusikaltėlį, gelbėti žmogaus gyvybę, sveikatą ar turtą.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Latvia

      96. Everyone has the right to inviolability of their private life, home and correspondence.110. The State shall protect and support marriage – a union between a man and a woman, the family, the rights of parents and rights of the child. The State shall provide special support to disabled children, children left without parental care or who have suffered from violence.

    • Latvijas Republikas Satversme

      96. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz privātās dzīves, mājokļa un korespondences neaizskaramību.110. Valsts aizsargā un atbalsta laulību — savienību starp vīrieti un sievieti, ģimeni, vecāku un bērna tiesības. Valsts īpaši palīdz bērniem invalīdiem, bērniem, kas palikuši bez vecāku gādības vai cietuši no varmācības.

    • Constitution of the Italian Republic

      Art. 14. The home is inviolable. Personal domicile shall be inviolable. Home inspections, searches, or seizures shall not be admissible save in the cases and manners complying with measures to safeguard personal liberty. Controls and inspections for reason of public health and safety, or for economic and fiscal purposes, shall be regulated by appropriate laws. Art. 15. Freedom and confidentiality of correspondence and of every other form of communication is inviolable. Limitations may only be imposed by judicial decision stating the reasons and in accordance with the guarantees provided by the law. Art. 29. The Republic recognises the rights of the family as a natural society founded
      on marriage. Marriage is based on the moral and legal equality of the spouses within the limits laid down by law to guarantee the unity of the family.

    • Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana

      Art. 14. Il domicilio è inviolabile. Non vi si possono eseguire ispezioni o perquisizioni o sequestri se non nei casi e modi stabiliti dalla legge secondo le garanzie prescritte per la tutela della libertà personale. Gli accertamenti e le ispezioni per motivi di sanità e di incolumità pubblica o a fini economici e fiscali sono regolati da leggi speciali. Art. 15 La libertà e la segretezza della corrispondenza e di ogni altra forma di comunicazione sono inviolabili. La loro limitazione può avvenire soltanto per atto motivato dell'autorità giudiziaria con le garanzie stabilite dalla legge. Art. 29. La Repubblica riconosce i diritti della famiglia come società naturale fondata sul matrimonio. Il matrimonio è ordinato sull'eguaglianza morale e giuridica dei coniugi, con i limiti stabiliti dalla legge a garanzia dell'unità familiare.

    • Constitution of Ireland

      Article 41.1.1 The State recognizes the Family as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society, and as a moral institution possessing inalienable and imprescriptible rights, antecedent and superior to all positive law. Article 41.1.2 The State, therefore, guarantees to protect the Family in its constitution and authority, as the necessary basis of social order and as indispensable to the welfare of the Nation and the State. Article 41.2.1 In particular, the State recognizes that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved. Article 41.2.2 The State shall, therefore, endeavor to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labor to the neglect of their duties in the home. Article 41.3.1 The State pledges itself to guard with special care the institution of Marriage, on which the Family is founded, and to protect it against attack. Article 41.3.2 A Court designated by law may grant a dissolution of marriage where, but only where, it is satisfied that - (i) at the date of the institution of the proceedings, the spouses have lived apart from one another for a period of, or periods amounting to, at least four years during the previous five years, (ii) there is no reasonable prospect of a reconciliation between the spouses, (iii) such provision as the Court considers proper having regard to the circumstances exists or will be made for the spouses, any children of either or both of them and any other person prescribed by law, and (iv) any further conditions prescribed by law are complied with.Article 41.3.3 No person whose marriage has been dissolved under the civil law of any other State but is a subsisting valid marriage under the law for the time being in force within the jurisdiction of the Government and Parliament established by this Constitution shall be capable of contracting a valid marriage within that jurisdiction during the lifetime of the other party to the marriage so dissolved. Article 41.3.4 4 Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law
      by two persons without distinction as to their sex. Article 42A..1 The state recognises and affirms the natural and
      imprescriptible rights of all children and shall, as far as practicable, by its laws protect and vindicate those rights.
      Article 42A..1 In exceptional cases, where the parents, regardless of their marital status, fail in their duty towards their chidren to such extent that the safety or welfare of any of their children is likely to be prejudicially affected, the state as guardian of the common good shall, by proportionate means as provided by law, endeavour to supply
      the place of the parents, but always with due
      regard for the natural and imprescriptible rights of the child.
      Article 42A.2 Provision shall be made by law for the adoption of any child where the parents have failed for such a period of time as may be prescribed by law in their duty towards the child and where the best interests of the child so require.
      Article 42A.3 Provision shall be made by law for the voluntary placement for adoption and the adoption of any child.
      Article 42.A.4.1 Provision shall be made by law that in the resolution of all proceedings –i brought by the state, as guardian of the
      common good, for the purpose of
      preventing the safety and welfare of any
      child from being prejudically affected, or
      ii concerning the adoption, guardianship or
      custody of, or access to, any child,
      the best interests of the child shall be the
      paramount consideration.
      Article 42.A.4.2 Provision shall be made by law for securing, as far as practicable, that in all proceedings referred
      to in subsection 1° of this section in respect of any child who is capable of forming his or her own views, the views of the child shall be ascertained and given due weight having regard to the age and maturity of the child.

    • Magyarország Alaptörvénye

      L) cikk (Alapvetés) (1) Magyarország védi a házasság intézményét mint férfi és nő között, önkéntes elhatározás alapján létrejött életközösséget, valamint a családot mint a nemzet fennmaradásának alapját. (2) Magyarország támogatja a gyermekvállalást. (3) A családok védelmét sarkalatos törvény szabályozza. VI. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Mindenkinek joga van ahhoz, hogy magán- és családi életét, otthonát, kapcsolattartását és jó hírnevét tiszteletben tartsák. [...] XVI. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Minden gyermeknek joga van a megfelelő testi, szellemi és erkölcsi fejlődéséhez szükséges védelemhez és gondoskodáshoz. (2) A szülőknek joguk van megválasztani a gyermekűknek adandó nevelést. (3) A szülők kötelesek kiskorú gyermekükről gondoskodni. E kötelezettség magában foglalja gyermekük taníttatását. (4) A nagykorú gyermekek kötelesek rászoruló szüleikről gondoskodni

    • The Fundamental Law of Hungary

      Article L (Foundation) (1) Hungary shall protect the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman established by voluntary decision, and the family as the basis of the survival of the nation. Family ties shall be based on marriage or the relationship between parents and children.
      (2) Hungary shall support the commitment to have children. (3) The protection of families shall be regulated by a cardinal Act. Article VI (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Everyone shall have the right to have his or her private and family life, home,
      communications and good reputation respected. (...) Article XVI (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Every child shall have the right to the potection and care necessary for his or her proper physical, mental and moral development. (2) Parents shall have the right to choose the upbringing to be given to their children. (3) Parents shall be obliged to take care of their minor children. This obligation shall include the provision of schooling for their children. (4) Adult children shall be obliged to take care of their parents if they are in need.

    • Constitution of the Hellenic Republic

      Article 9 (1) 1. Every person’s home is a sanctuary. The private and family life of the individual is inviolable. No home search shall be made, except when and as specified by law and alwaysin the presence of representatives of the judicial power. (2). Violators of the preceding provision shall be punished for violating the home’s asylum and for abuse of power, and shall be liable for full damages to the sufferer, as specified by law.

    • Το Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδας

      Άρθρο 9 (1). H κατoικία τoυ καθενός είναι άσυλo. H ιδιωτική και oικoγενειακή ζωή τoυ ατόμoυ είναι απαραβίαστη. Kαμία έρευνα δεν γίνεται σε κατoικία, παρά μόνo όταν και όπως oρίζει o νόμoς και πάντoτε με την παρoυσία εκπρoσώπων της δικαστικής εξoυσίας. (2). Oι παραβάτες της πρoηγoύμενης διάταξης τιμωρoύνται για παραβίαση τoυ oικιακoύ ασύλoυ και για κατάχρηση εξoυσίας και υπoχρεoύνται σε πλήρη απoζημίωση τoυ παθόντoς, όπως νόμoς oρίζει.

    • Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

      Article 6 (1) Marriage and the family shall enjoy the special protection of the state. (2) The care and upbringing of children is the natural right of parents and a duty primarily incumbent upon them. The state shall watch over them in the performance of this duty. (3) Children may be separated from their families against the will of their parents or guardians only pursuant to a law, and only if the parents or guardians fail in their duties or the children are otherwise in danger of serious neglect. (4) Every mother shall be entitled to the protection and care of the community. (5) Children born outside of marriage shall be provided by legislation with the same opportunities for physical and mental development and for their position in society as are enjoyed by those born within marriage. Article 10 (1) The privacy of correspondence, posts and telecommunications shall be inviolable. (2) Restrictions may be ordered only pursuant to a law. If the restriction serves to protect the free democratic basic order or the existence or security of the Federation or of a Land, the law may provide that the person affected shall not be informed of the restriction and that recourse to the courts shall be replaced by a review of the case by agencies and auxiliary agencies appointed by the legislature. Article 13 (1) The home is inviolable. (2) Searches may be authorised only by a judge or, when time is of the essence, by other authorities designated by the laws, and may be carried out only in the manner therein prescribed. (3) If particular facts justify the suspicion that any person has committed an especially serious crime specifically defined by a law, technical means of acoustical surveillance of any home in which the suspect is supposedly staying may be employed pursuant to judicial order for the purpose of prosecuting the offence, provided that alternative methods of investigating the matter would be disproportionately difficult or unproductive. The authorisation shall be for a limited time. The order shall be issued by a panel composed of three judges. When time is of the essence, it may also be issued by a single judge. (4) To avert acute dangers to public safety, especially dangers to life or to the public, technical means of surveillance of the home may be employed only pursuant to judicial order. When time is of the essence, such measures may also be ordered by other authorities designated by a law; a judicial decision shall subsequently be obtained without delay. (5) If technical means are contemplated solely for the protection of persons officially deployed in a home, the measure may be ordered by an authority designated by a law. The information thereby obtained may be otherwise used only for purposes of criminal prosecution or to avert danger and only if the legality of the measure has been previously determined by a judge; when time is of the essence, a judicial decision shall subsequently be obtained without delay. (6) The Federal Government shall report to the Bundestag annually as to the employment of technical means pursuant to paragraph (3) and, within the jurisdiction of the Federation, pursuant to paragraph (4) and, insofar as judicial approval is required, pursuant to paragraph (5) of this Article. A panel elected by the Bundestag shall exercise parliamentary oversight on the basis of this report. A comparable parliamentary oversight shall be afforded by the Länder. (7) Interferences and restrictions shall otherwise only be permissible to avert a danger to the public or to the life of an individual, or, pursuant to a law, to confront an acute danger to public safety and order, in particular to relieve a housing shortage, to combat the danger of an epidemic, or to protect young persons at risk.

    • Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

      Artikel 6 (1) Ehe und Familie stehen unter dem besonderen Schutze der staatlichen Ordnung. (2) Pflege und Erziehung der Kinder sind das natürliche Recht der Eltern und die zuvörderst ihnen obliegende Pflicht. Über ihre Betätigung wacht die staatliche Gemeinschaft. (3) Gegen den Willen der Erziehungsberechtigten dürfen Kinder nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes von der Familie getrennt werden, wenn die Erziehungsberechtigten versagen oder wenn die Kinder aus anderen Gründen zu verwahrlosen drohen. (4) Jede Mutter hat Anspruch auf den Schutz und die Fürsorge der Gemeinschaft. (5) Den unehelichen Kindern sind durch die Gesetzgebung die gleichen Bedingungen für ihre leibliche und seelische Entwicklung und ihre Stellung in der Gesellschaft zu schaffen wie den ehelichen Kindern. Artikel 10 (1) Das Briefgeheimnis sowie das Post- und Fernmeldegeheimnis sind unverletzlich. (2) Beschränkungen dürfen nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes angeordnet werden. Dient die Beschränkung dem Schutze der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung oder des Bestandes oder der Sicherung des Bundes oder eines Landes, so kann das Gesetz bestimmen, daß sie dem Betroffenen nicht mitgeteilt wird und daß an die Stelle des Rechtsweges die Nachprüfung durch von der Volksvertretung bestellte Organe und Hilfsorgane tritt. Artikel 13 (1) Die Wohnung ist unverletzlich. (2) Durchsuchungen dürfen nur durch den Richter, bei Gefahr im Verzuge auch durch die in den Gesetzen vorgesehenen anderen Organe angeordnet und nur in der dort vorgeschriebenen Form durchgeführt werden. (3) Begründen bestimmte Tatsachen den Verdacht, daß jemand eine durch Gesetz einzeln bestimmte besonders schwere Straftat begangen hat, so dürfen zur Verfolgung der Tat auf Grund richterlicher Anordnung technische Mittel zur akustischen Überwachung von Wohnungen, in denen der Beschuldigte sich vermutlich aufhält, eingesetzt werden, wenn die Erforschung des Sachverhalts auf andere Weise unverhältnismäßig erschwert oder aussichtslos wäre. Die Maßnahme ist zu befristen. Die Anordnung erfolgt durch einen mit drei Richtern besetzten Spruchkörper. Bei Gefahr im Verzuge kann sie auch durch einen einzelnen Richter getroffen werden. (4) Zur Abwehr dringender Gefahren für die öffentliche Sicherheit, insbesondere einer gemeinen Gefahr oder einer Lebensgefahr, dürfen technische Mittel zur Überwachung von Wohnungen nur auf Grund richterlicher Anordnung eingesetzt werden. Bei Gefahr im Verzuge kann die Maßnahme auch durch eine andere gesetzlich bestimmte Stelle angeordnet werden; eine richterliche Entscheidung ist unverzüglich nachzuholen. (5) Sind technische Mittel ausschließlich zum Schutze der bei einem Einsatz in Wohnungen tätigen Personen vorgesehen, kann die Maßnahme durch eine gesetzlich bestimmte Stelle angeordnet werden. Eine anderweitige Verwertung der hierbei erlangten Erkenntnisse ist nur zum Zwecke der Strafverfolgung oder der Gefahrenabwehr und nur zulässig, wenn zuvor die Rechtmäßigkeit der Maßnahme richterlich festgestellt ist; bei Gefahr im Verzuge ist die richterliche Entscheidung unverzüglich nachzuholen. (6) Die Bundesregierung unterrichtet den Bundestag jährlich über den nach Absatz 3 sowie über den im Zuständigkeitsbereich des Bundes nach Absatz 4 und, soweit richterlich überprüfungsbedürftig, nach Absatz 5 erfolgten Einsatz technischer Mittel. Ein vom Bundestag gewähltes Gremium übt auf der Grundlage dieses Berichts die parlamentarische Kontrolle aus. Die Länder gewährleisten eine gleichwertige parlamentarische Kontrolle. (7) Eingriffe und Beschränkungen dürfen im übrigen nur zur Abwehr einer gemeinen Gefahr oder einer Lebensgefahr für einzelne Personen, auf Grund eines Gesetzes auch zur Verhütung dringender Gefahren für die öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung, insbesondere zur Behebung der Raumnot, zur Bekämpfung von Seuchengefahr oder zum Schutze gefährdeter Jugendlicher vorgenommen werden.

    • Suomen perustuslaki

      10 § Yksityiselämän suoja Jokaisen yksityiselämä, kunnia ja kotirauha on turvattu. Henkilötietojen suojasta säädetään tarkemmin lailla. Kirjeen, puhelun ja muun luottamuksellisen viestin salaisuus on loukkaamaton. Lailla voidaan säätää perusoikeuksien turvaamiseksi tai rikosten selvittämiseksi välttämättömistä kotirauhan piiriin ulottuvista toimenpiteistä. Lailla voidaan säätää lisäksi välttämättömistä rajoituksista viestin salaisuuteen yksilön tai yhteiskunnan turvallisuutta taikka kotirauhaa vaarantavien rikosten tutkinnassa, oikeudenkäynnissä ja turvallisuustarkastuksessa sekä vapaudenmenetyksen aikana.

    • Constitution of Finland

      Section 10 Right to privacy Everyone's private life, honour and the sanctity of the home are guaranteed. More detailed provisions on the protection of personal data are laid down by an Act. The secrecy of correspondence, telephony and other confidential communications is inviolable. Measures encroaching on the sanctity of the home, and which are necessary for the purpose of guaranteeing basic rights and liberties or for the investigation of crime, may be laid down by an Act. In addition, provisions concerning limitations of the secrecy of communications which are necessary in the investigation of crimes that jeopardise the security of the individual or society or the sanctity of the home, at trials and security checks, as well as during the deprivation of liberty may be laid down by an Act.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

      Article 26. Everyone is entitled to inviolability of his or her private and family life. Government agencies, local authorities, and their officials may not interfere with any person’s private or family life, except in the cases and pursuant to a procedure provided by law to protect public health, public morality, public order or the rights and freedoms of others, to prevent a criminal offence, or to apprehend the offender.
      Article 27. The family, which is fundamental to the preservation and growth of the nation and which constitutes the foundation of society, enjoys the protection of the government.
      Spouses have equal rights.
      Parents have the right and the duty to raise their children and to provide for them.
      The protection of parents and children is provided by law.
      The family is required to provide for its members who are in need.
      Article 33. The home is inviolable. No one’s dwelling or other premises lawfully occupied by him or her, or his or her workplace may be forcibly entered or searched, except in the cases and pursuant to a procedure provided by law to protect public order, public health or the rights and freedoms of others, to prevent a criminal offence, to apprehend the offender, or to ascertain the truth in a criminal case.
      Article 43. Everyone has the right to confidentiality of messages sent or received by him or her by post, telegraph, telephone or other commonly used means. Derogations from this right may be made in the cases and pursuant to a procedure provided by law if they are authorised by a court and if they are necessary to prevent a criminal offence, or to ascertain the truth in a criminal case.

    • Danmarks Riges Grundlov

      § 72. Boligen er ukrænkelig. Husundersøgelse, beslaglæggelse og undersøgelse af breve og andre papirer samt brud på post-, telegraf- og telefonhemmeligheden må, hvor ingen lov hjemler en særegen undtagelse, alene ske efter en retskendelse.

    • Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseadus

      § 26. Igaühel on õigus perekonna- ja eraelu puutumatusele. Riigiasutused, kohalikud omavalitsused ja nende ametiisikud ei tohi kellegi perekonna- ega eraellu sekkuda muidu, kui seaduses sätestatud juhtudel ja korras tervise, kõlbluse, avaliku korra või teiste inimeste õiguste ja vabaduste kaitseks, kuriteo tõkestamiseks või kurjategija tabamiseks.
      § 27. Perekond rahva püsimise ja kasvamise ning ühiskonna alusena on riigi kaitse all. Abikaasad on võrdõiguslikud. Vanematel on õigus ja kohustus kasvatada oma lapsi ja hoolitseda nende eest. Seadus sätestab vanemate ja laste kaitse. Perekond on kohustatud hoolitsema oma abivajavate liikmete eest.
      § 33. Kodu on puutumatu. Ei tohi tungida kellegi eluruumi, valdusse ega töökohta ega neid ka läbi otsida, välja arvatud seadusega sätestatud juhtudel ja korras avaliku korra, tervise või teiste inimeste õiguste ja vabaduste kaitseks, kuriteo tõkestamiseks, kurjategija tabamiseks või tõe väljaselgitamiseks kriminaalmenetluses.
      § 43. Igaühel on õigus tema poolt või temale posti, telegraafi, telefoni või muul üldkasutataval teel edastatavate sõnumite saladusele. Erandeid võib kohtu loal teha kuriteo tõkestamiseks või kriminaalmenetluses tõe väljaselgitamiseks seadusega sätestatud juhtudel ja korras.

    12 results found

    • Regulation (EU) 2021/692 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 April 2021 establishing the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1381/2013 of the European Parliament

      Article 1

      Subject matter

      This Regulation establishes the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (the ‘Programme’) for the duration of the multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, as laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093.

      It lays down the objectives of the Programme, the budget for the period 2021–2027, the forms of Union funding and the rules for providing such funding.

    • Communication on a New Pact on Migration and Asylum

      Migration has been a constant feature of human history with a profound impact on European society, its economy and its culture. With a well-managed system, migration can contribute to growth, innovation and social dynamism. Key societal challenges faced by the world today – demography, climate change, security, the global race for talent, and inequality – all have an impact on migration. Policy imperatives such as free movement in the Schengen area, safeguarding fundamental rights, ensuring security, and filling skills gaps, all call for an effective migration policy. The task facing the EU and its Member States, while continuing to address urgent needs, is to build a system that manages and normalises migration for the long term and which is fully grounded in European values and international law.


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