
Pohlavie, sexuálna orientácia a rodová identita


Informačné materiály
While awareness of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons is on the rise across the European Union, hurdles to their full enjoyment of their fundamental rights remain. This report updates FRA’s 2010 report on homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
European Union (EU) Member States and institutions introduced a number of legal and policy measures in 2014 to safeguard fundamental rights in the EU. Notwithstanding these efforts, a great deal remains to be done, and it can be seen that the situation in some areas is alarming: the number of migrants rescued or apprehended at sea as they were trying to reach Europe’s borders quadrupled over 2013; more than a quarter of children in the EU are at risk of poverty or social exclusion; and an increasing number of political parties use xenophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric in their campaigns, potentially increasing some people’s vulnerability to becoming victims of crime or hate crime.
New strategic guidelines in the area of freedom, security and justice by the European Council placed increasing mutual trust, strengthening the protection of victims and reinforcing the rights of accused persons and suspects high on the EU policy agenda. Many EU Member States adopted new laws or reformed existing laws and policies in this area, while efforts continued at UN, Council of Europe and EU level to strengthen the rule of law, judicial independence and the efficiency of justice systems, as cornerstones of a democratic society.
Trans persons, or those whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex assigned them at birth, face frequent discrimination, harassment and violence across the European Union (EU) today. This reality triggers fears that persuade many to hide or disguise their true selves. This report examines issues of equal treatment and discrimination on two grounds, namely sexual orientation and gender identity.
This paper examines the legal situation of intersex people from a fundamental rights perspective. It draws on evidence from the Agency’s updated legal analysis on homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, which now includes a section on intersex issues.
Developments in equality and non-discrimination in 2014 were marked by the EU’s efforts to become more inclusive. Working actively to counter discrimination in all its forms and to foster equal treatment requires sustained efforts by all interested parties, so EU institutions worked closely with Member States and FRA to raise awareness on issues of discrimination, including on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, or to encourage recourse to redress mechanisms.
Trans persons, or those whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex assigned them at birth, face frequent discrimination, harassment and violence across the European Union (EU) today. This reality triggers fears that persuade many to hide or disguise their true selves. This report examines issues of equal treatment and discrimination on two grounds, namely sexual orientation and gender identity. It analyses data on the experiences of 6,579 trans respondents from the EU Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) survey, the largest body of empirical evidence of its kind to date.
This video was shown in the beginning of the high-level conference “Tackling sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination: next steps in EU and Member State policy making”.
This video message by Ulrike Lunacek was produced for the high-level conference “Tackling sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination: next steps in EU and Member State policy making”.

This video message by Conchita Wurst was produced for the high-level conference “Tackling sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination: next steps in EU and Member State policy making”.
On 28 October 2014, the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU, in cooperation with FRA and the General Secretariat of the Council, hosted the high-level conference “Tackling sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination: next steps in EU and Member State policy making”.
Primarily using data and information collected from five EU Member States, this paper briefly describes the phenomenon of forced marriage and selected legislative measures taken to address it. It lists promising practices
for the prevention of forced marriage and for supporting victims. The paper covers only one among many forms of violence against women analysed by FRA in its Violence against women: an EU-wide survey. Main results report (2014).
In light of a lack of comparable data on the respect, protection and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons, FRA launched in 2012 its European Union (EU) online survey of LGBT persons’ experiences of discrimination, violence and harassment.
The EU and its Member States took a variety of important steps in 2013 to protect and promote fundamental rights by
new international commitments, revamping legislation and pursuing innovative policies on the ground. Yet, fundamental
rights violations seized the spotlight with distressing frequency: would‑be migrants drowning off the EU’s coast,
unprecedented mass surveillance, racist and extremist‑motivated murders, child poverty and Roma deprivation.
This year’s FRA annual report looks at fundamental rights-related developments in asylum, immigration and integration; border control and visa policy; information society, respect for private life and data protection; the rights of the child and the protection of children; equality and non-discrimination; racism, xenophobia and related intolerance; access to justice and judicial cooperation; rights of crime victims; EU Member States and international obligations.
Best of the launch conference 'Violence against women across the EU: Abuse at home, work, in public and online'.
FRA's survey on violence against women reveals for the first time the extent to which women are abused at home, at work, in public and online.
This FRA survey is the first of its kind on violence against women across the 28 Member States of the European Union (EU). It is based on interviews with 42,000 women across the EU, who were asked about their experiences of physical, sexual and psychological violence, including incidents of intimate partner violence (‘domestic violence’).
Násilie páchané na ženách je v rozpore s hlavnými základnými právami žien, ako je dôstojnosť, prístup k spravodlivosti a rodová rovnosť. Napríklad každá tretia žena sa stala obeťou fyzického a/alebo sexuálneho násilia po dovŕšení 15. roku života, každá piata žena sa stala obeťou prenasledovania, každá druhá žena musela čeliť jednej alebo viacerým formám sexuálneho obťažovania.