The information platform is for civil society organisations and lawyers, as well as data protection authorities and national human rights institutions.
It provides information about the legal basis and functioning of the systems. It also offers advice on how to support people whose rights may have been violated. It touches on fundamental rights issues such as data protection, the right to information, treating people with dignity when collecting data, and access to justice.
The information platform covers existing EU IT systems for migration and policing, including the Visa Information System (VIS), Schengen Information System (SIS), and the Eurodac system for managing fingerprints of asylum seekers and migrants apprehended at the EU’s external borders.
It also covers future systems, such as the Entry/Exit System (EES) for registering non-EU nationals travelling for a short stay, the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for visa free travellers and the European Criminal Records Information System for non-EU nationals (ECRIS-TCN).
The European Commission proposes that the Entry/Exit System, the first of the new IT systems, will come into operation in a progressive manner as of next year.