
Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību harta

6. pants- Tiesības uz brīvību un drošību

6. pants- Tiesības uz brīvību un drošību

Ikvienam ir tiesības uz personas brīvību un drošību.

    • Text:

      Hartas 6. pantā minētās tiesības ir tiesības, ko garantē ECK 5. pants, un saskaņā ar Hartas 52. panta 3. punktu šīm tiesībām ir tāda pati nozīme un darbības joma. Tāpēc ierobežojumi, ko tām var likumīgi uzlikt, nevar pārsniegt tos, kas atļauti saskaņā ar ECK 5. pantu, kas ir šāds:
      `1. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz personas brīvību un drošību. Nevienam nedrīkst atņemt brīvību, izņemot šādus gadījumus saskaņā ar tiesību aktos noteikto kārtību:
      a) ja kāda persona tiek likumīgi ieslodzīta, pamatojoties uz kompetentas tiesas spriedumu;
      b) ja kāda persona tiek likumīgi aizturēta vai apcietināta par nepakļaušanos likumīgam tiesas rīkojumam vai ir jānodrošina kāda tiesību aktos paredzēta pienākuma izpilde;
      c) ja kāda persona tiek likumīgi aizturēta vai apcietināta, lai viņu nodotu kompetentām tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm, balstoties uz pamatotām aizdomām, ka šī persona ir pārkāpusi likumu, vai ir pamatots iemesls uzskatīt par nepieciešamu aizkavēt viņu izdarīt likumpārkāpumu vai nepieļaut viņas bēgšanu pēc likumpārkāpuma izdarīšanas;
      d) ja likumīgi tiek aizturēts nepilngadīgais vai nu pāraudzināšanas nolūkā, vai lai nodotu viņu kompetentām tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm;
      e) ja likumīgi tiek aizturētas personas, lai aizkavētu infekcijas slimību izplatīšanos, vai garīgi slimas personas, alkoholiķi vai narkomāni, vai klaidoņi;
      f) ja likumīgi tiek aizturēta vai apcietināta kāda persona, lai neļautu šai personai nelikumīgi ieceļot valstī, vai ja attiecībā pret kādu personu tiek veiktas darbības, lai šo personu deportētu vai izraidītu no valsts.
      2. Ikviena aizturēta persona nekavējoties jāinformē viņai saprotamā valodā par aizturēšanas iemesliem un par viņai izvirzīto apsūdzību.
      3. Jebkura persona, kas aizturēta vai apcietināta saskaņā ar šā panta 1. punkta c) apakšpunktu, ir nekavējoties nododama tiesnesim vai citai amatpersonai, kura saskaņā ar tiesību aktiem ir pilnvarota īstenot tiesu varu, un laikus jāuzsāk lietas izskatīšana vai konkrētā persona līdz tiesvedības uzsākšanai jāatbrīvo. Atbrīvot var, piemērojot drošības līdzekli, kas nodrošina personas ierašanos tiesā.
      4. Jebkura persona, kurai aizturot vai apcietinot atņemta brīvība, var vērsties tiesā, kas nekavējoties lemj par viņas aizturēšanas likumīgumu un pieņem lēmumu par atbrīvošanu, ja aizturēšana nav bijusi likumīga.
      5. Ikvienai personai, kas aizturēta vai apcietināta pretēji šā panta noteikumiem, ir nodrošināmas tiesības uz zaudējumu atlīdzību.`.
      Hartas 6. pantā ietvertās tiesības jārespektē, jo īpaši, ja Eiropas Parlaments un Padome pieņem tiesību aktus tādā jomā kā tiesu sadarbība krimināllietās, pamatojoties uz Līguma par Eiropas Savienības darbību 82., 83. un 85. pantu, jo īpaši, lai definētu kopīgus minimuma noteikumus pārkāpumu un sodu kvalificēšanā, kā arī dažos procesuālo tiesību aspektos.

      Eiropas Savienības Oficiālais Vēstnesis C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Šie paskaidrojumi ir sagatavoti Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību hartu izstrādājušā Konventa prezidija vadībā. Tie ir atjaunināti Eiropas Konventa prezidija vadībā, ņemot vērā Konventa izdarītos Hartas teksta (jo īpaši 51. un 52. panta) precizējumus un Savienības tiesību turpmāku attīstību. Kaut arī šiem paskaidrojumiem nav juridiska spēka, tie ir vērtīgi interpretācijas līdzekļi, kas paredzēti Hartas noteikumu izskaidrošanai.
    • Criminal proceedings against IR
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Fifth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • XX v OO
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Tenth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • La Quadrature du Net and Others v Premier ministre and Others
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Information society
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Ministerio Fiscal v VL.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Fourth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Asylum and migration
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • European Commission v Hungary
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Irregular migration and return
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • /
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Constitutional Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • FMS and Others v Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság Dél-alföldi Regionális Igazgatóság and Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Asylum and migration
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Police and Border Guard Board vs X (asylum seeker, Armenian national)
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Supreme Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Appellant, a third-country national, v the Secretary of State of Justice and Security
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Council of State
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • WM v Stadt Frankfurt am Main
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    51 results found

    • Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

      Article 12. Individual freedom is guaranteed. No one may be prosecuted except in the cases specified by the law and in the form which it prescribes. No one may be arrested or detained except in the cases specified by the law and in the form which it prescribes. Except in the case of flagrante delicto, no one may be arrested except by virtue of a substantiated order of a judge, which must be served, at the moment of the arrest, or at the latest within twenty-four hours. Every person must be informed without delay of the means of legal recourse [they] have at [their] disposal to recover
      their freedom.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

      Article 20. Human liberty shall be inviolable. No one may be arbitrarily apprehended or detained. No one may be deprived of his liberty otherwise than on the grounds and according to the procedures established by law. A person apprehended in flagrante delicto must, within 48 hours, be brought before a court for the purpose of deciding, in the presence of this person, on the validity of the apprehension. If the court does not adopt a decision to detain the person, the apprehended person shall be released immediately.

    • Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija

      20 straipsnis. Žmogaus laisvė neliečiama.Niekas negali būti savavališkai sulaikytas arba laikomas suimtas. Niekam neturi būti atimta laisvė kitaip, kaip tokiais pagrindais ir pagal tokias procedūras, kokias yra nustatęs įstatymas.Nusikaltimo vietoje sulaikytas asmuo per 48 valandas turi būti pristatytas į teismą, kur sulaikytajam dalyvaujant sprendžiamas sulaikymo pagrįstumas. Jeigu teismas nepriima nutarimo asmenį suimti, sulaikytasis tuojau pat paleidžiamas.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Latvia

      94. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one may be deprived of or have their liberty restricted, otherwise than in accordance with law.

    • Latvijas Republikas Satversme

      94. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz brīvību un personas neaizskaramību. Nevienam nedrīkst atņemt vai ierobežot brīvību citādi kā tikai saskaņā ar likumu.

    • Constitution of the Italian Republic

      Art. 13. Personal liberty is inviolable. No one may be detained, inspected, or searched nor otherwise subjected to any restriction of personal liberty except by order of the Judiciary stating a reason and only in such cases and in such manner as provided by the law. In exceptional circumstances and under such conditions of necessity and
      urgency as shall conclusively be defined by the law, the police may take provisional measures that shall be referred within 48 hours to the Judiciary for
      validation and which, in default of such validation in the following 48 hours, shall be revoked and considered null and void. Any act of physical and moral violence against a person subjected to restriction of personal liberty shall be punished. The law shall establish the maximum duration of preventive detention.

    • Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana

      Art. 13. La libertà personale è inviolabile.Non è ammessa forma alcuna di detenzione, di ispezione o perquisizione personale, né qualsiasi altra restrizione della libertà personale, se non per atto motivato dall'autorità giudiziaria e nei soli casi e modi previsti dalla legge.In casi eccezionali di necessità ed urgenza, indicati tassativamente dalla legge, l'autorità di pubblica sicurezza può adottare provvedimenti provvisori, che devono essere comunicati entro quarantotto ore all'autorità giudiziaria e, se questa non li convalida nelle successive quarantotto ore, si intendono revocati e restano privi di ogni effetto.E' punita ogni violenza fisica e morale sulle persone comunque sottoposte a restrizioni di libertà.La legge stabilisce i limiti massimi della carcerazione preventiva.

    • Constitution of Ireland

      Article 40.4.1. No citizen shall be deprived of his personal liberty save in accordance with law. Article 40.4.2. Upon complaint being made by or on behalf of any person to the High Court or any judge thereof alleging that such person is being unlawfully detained, the High Court and any and every judge thereof to whom such complaint is made shall forthwith enquire into the said complaint and may order the person in whose custody such person is detained to produce the body of such person before the High Court on a named day and to certify in writing the grounds of his detention, and the High Court shall, upon the body of such person being produced before that Court and after giving the person in whose custody he is detained an opportunity of justifying the detention, order the release of such person from such detention unless satisfied that he is being detained in accordance with the law. Article 40.4.3. Where the body of a person alleged to be unlawfully detained is produced before the High Court in pursuance of an order in that behalf made under this section and that Court is satisfied that such person is being detained in accordance with a law but that such law is invalid having regard to the provisions of this Constitution, the High Court shall refer the question of the validity of such law to the Supreme Court by way of case stated and may, at the time of such reference or at any time thereafter, allow the said person to be at liberty on such bail and subject to such conditions as the High Court shall fix until the Supreme Court has determined the question so referred to it. Article 40.4.4. The High Court before which the body of a person alleged to be unlawfully detained is to be produced in pursuance of an order in that behalf made under this section shall, if the President of the High Court or, if he is not available, the senior judge of that Court who is available so directs in respect of any particular case, consist of three judges and shall, in every other case, consist of one judge only. 5° Nothing in this section, however, shall be invoked to prohibit, control, or interfere with any act of the Defence Forces during the existence of a state of war or armed rebellion. 6° Provision may be made by law for the refusal of bail by a court to a person charged with a serious offence where it is reasonably considered necessary to prevent the commission of a serious offence by that person. 5. The dwelling of every citizen is inviolable and shall not be forcibly entered save in accordance with law.(…)

    • Magyarország Alaptörvénye

      IV. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Mindenkinek joga van a szabadsághoz és a személyi biztonsághoz. (2) Senkit nem lehet szabadságától másként, mint törvényben meghatározott okokból és törvényben meghatározott eljárás alapján megfosztani. Tényleges életfogytig tartó szabadságvesztés csak szándékos, erőszakos bűncselekmény elkövetése miatt szabható ki. (3) A bűncselekmény elkövetésével gyanúsított és őrizetbe vett személyt a lehető legrövidebb időn belül szabadon kell bocsátani, vagy bíróság elé kell állítani. A bíróság köteles az elé állított személyt meghallgatni és írásbeli indokolással ellátott határozatban szabadlábra helyezéséről vagy letartóztatásáról haladéktalanul dönteni. (4) Akinek szabadságát alaptalanul vagy törvénysért ően korlátozták, kárának megtérítésére jogosult.

    • The Fundamental Law of Hungary

       Article IV (Freedom and Responsibility)(1) Everyone shall have the right to liberty and security of the person.
      (2) No one shall be deprived of liberty except for reasons specified in an Act and in accordance with the procedure laid down in an Act. Life imprisonment without parole may only be imposed for the commission of intentional and violent criminal offences.
      (3) Any person suspected of having committed a criminal offence and taken into detention
      must, as soon as possible, be released or brought before a court. The court shall be obliged to hear the person brought before it and shall without delay make a decision with a written statement of reasons to release or to arrest that person.
      (4) Everyone whose liberty has been restricted without a well-founded reason or unlawfully
      shall have the right to compensation.

    • Constitution of the Hellenic Republic

      Article 5 (1) All persons shall have the right to develop freely their personality and to participate in the social, economic and political life of the country, insofar as they do not infringe the rights of others or violate the Constitution and the good usages. (2). All persons living within the Greek territory shall enjoy full protection of their life, honour and liberty irrespective of nationality, race or language and of religious or political beliefs. Exceptions shall be permitted only in cases provided by international law. The extradition of aliens prosecuted for their action as freedom-fighters shall be prohibited. (3). Personal liberty is inviolable. No one shall be prosecuted, arrested, imprisoned or otherwise confined except when and as the law provides. (4). Individual administrative measures restrictive of the free movement or establishment in the country, and of the free exit and entrance therein of any Greek are prohibited. Restrictive measures of such content may only be imposed as an attendant penalty by a criminal court ruling, in exceptional cases of emergency and only in order to prevent the commitment of criminal acts, as specified by law. (5). All persons have the right to the protection of their health and of their genetic identity. Matters relating to the protection of every person against biomedical interventions shall be specified by law; Article 6 (1). No person shall be arrested or imprisoned without a reasoned judicial warrant which must be served at the moment of arrest or detention pending trial, except when caught in the act of committing a crime. (2) A person who is arrested in the act of committing a crime or on a warrant shall be brought before the competent examining magistrate within twenty-four hours of his arrest at the latest; should the arrest be made outside the seat of the examining magistrate, within the shortest time required to transfer him thereto. The examining magistrate must, within three days from the day the person was brought before him, either release the detainee or issue a warrant of imprisonment. Upon application of the person brought before him or in case of force majeure confirmed by decision of the competent judicial council, this time-limit shall be extended by two days. (3). Should either of these time-limits elapse before action has been taken, any warden or other officer, civil or military servant, responsible for the detention of the arrested person must release him immediately. Violators shall be punished for illegal detention and shall be liable to restore any damage caused to the sufferer and to pay him a monetary compensation for pain and suffering, as specified by law. (4). The maximum duration of detention pending trial shall be specified by law; such detention may not exceed a period of one year in the case of felonies or six months in the case of misdemeanours. In entirely exceptional cases, these maximum limits may be extended by six or three months respectively, by decision of the competent judicial council. It is prohibited to exceed these maximum limits of detention pending trial, by successively applying this measure to separate acts of the
      same case.

    • Το Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδας

      Άρθρο 5 (1). Kαθένας έχει δικαίωμα να αναπτύσσει ελεύθερα την πρoσωπικότητά τoυ και να συμμετέχει στην κoινωνική, oικoνoμική και πoλιτική ζωή της Xώρας, εφόσoν δεν πρoσβάλλει τα δικαιώματα των άλλων και δεν παραβιάζει τo Σύνταγμα ή τα χρηστά ήθη. (2). Όλoι όσoι βρίσκoνται στην Eλληνική Eπικράτεια απoλαμβάνoυν την απόλυτη πρoστασία της ζωής, της τιμής και της ελευθερίας τoυς, χωρίς διάκριση εθνικότητας, φυλής, γλώσσας και θρησκευτικών ή πoλιτικών πεπoιθήσεων. Eξαιρέσεις επιτρέπoνται στις περιπτώσεις πoυ πρoβλέπει τo διεθνές δίκαιo. Aπαγoρεύεται η έκδoση αλλoδαπoύ πoυ διώκεται για τη δράση τoυ υπέρ της ελευθερίας. (3). H πρoσωπική ελευθερία είναι απαραβίαστη. Kανένας δεν καταδιώκεται oύτε συλλαμβάνεται oύτε φυλακίζεται oύτε με oπoιoνδήπoτε άλλo τρόπo περιoρίζεται, παρά μόνo όταν και όπως oρίζει o νόμoς. (4). Απαγορεύονται ατομικά διοικητικά μέτρα που περιορίζουν σε οποιονδήποτε Έλληνα την ελεύθερη κίνηση ή εγκατάσταση στη Χώρα, καθώς και την ελεύθερη έξοδο και είσοδο σ’ αυτήν. Τέτοιου περιεχομένου περιοριστικά μέτρα είναι δυνατόν να επιβληθούν μόνο ως παρεπόμενη ποινή με απόφαση ποινικού δικαστηρίου, σε εξαιρετικές περιπτώσεις ανάγκης και μόνο για την πρόληψη αξιόποινων πράξεων, όπως νόμος ορίζει. (5). Καθένας έχει δικαίωμα στην προστασία της υγείας και της γενετικής του ταυτότητας. Νόμος ορίζει τα σχετικά με την προστασία κάθε προσώπου έναντι των βιοϊατρικών παρεμβάσεων. Άρθρο 6(1). Kανένας δεν συλλαμβάνεται oύτε φυλακίζεται χωρίς αιτιoλoγημένo δικαστικό ένταλμα, πoυ πρέπει να επιδoθεί τη στιγμή πoυ γίνεται η σύλληψη ή η πρoφυλάκιση. Eξαιρoύνται τα αυτόφωρα εγκλήματα. (2). Όπoιoς συλλαμβάνεται για αυτόφωρo έγκλημα ή με ένταλμα πρoσάγεται στoν αρμόδιo ανακριτή τo αργότερo μέσα σε είκoσι τέσσερις ώρες από τη σύλληψη, αν όμως η σύλληψη έγινε έξω από την έδρα τoυ ανακριτή, η πρoσαγωγή γίνεται μέσα στoν απoλύτως αναγκαίo χρόνo για τη μεταγωγή τoυ. O ανακριτής oφείλει, μέσα σε τρεις ημέρες από την πρoσαγωγή, είτε να απoλύσει τoν συλληφθέντα είτε να εκδώσει ένταλμα φυλάκισης. H πρoθεσμία αυτή παρατείνεται για δύo ημέρες, αν τo ζητήσει αυτός πoυ έχει πρoσαχθεί, ή σε περίπτωση ανώτερης βίας πoυ βεβαιώνεται αμέσως με απόφαση τoυ αρμόδιoυ δικαστικoύ συμβoυλίoυ. (3). Όταν περάσει άπρακτη καθεμία από τις δύo αυτές πρoθεσμίες, κάθε δεσμoφύλακας ή άλλoς, είτε πoλιτικός υπάλληλoς είτε στρατιωτικός, στoν oπoίo έχει ανατεθεί η κράτηση εκείνoυ πoυ έχει συλληφθεί, oφείλει να τoν απoλύσει αμέσως. Oι παραβάτες τιμωρoύνται για παράνoμη κατακράτηση και υπoχρεoύνται να επανoρθώσoυν κάθε ζημία πoυ έγινε στoν παθόντα και να τoν ικανoπoιήσoυν για ηθική βλάβη με χρηματικό πoσό, όπως νόμoς oρίζει. (4). Nόμoς oρίζει τo ανώτατo όριo διάρκειας της πρoφυλάκισης, πoυ δεν μπoρεί να υπερβεί τo ένα έτoς στα κακoυργήματα και τoυς έξι μήνες στα πλημμελήματα. Σε εντελώς εξαιρετικές περιπτώσεις τα ανώτατα αυτά όρια μπoρoύν να παραταθoύν για έξι και τρεις μήνες, αντίστoιχα, με απόφαση τoυ αρμόδιoυ δικαστικoύ συμβoυλίoυ. Απαγορεύεται η υπέρβαση των ανώτατων ορίων της προφυλάκισης με τη διαδοχική επιβολή του μέτρου αυτού για επί μέρους πράξεις της ίδιας υπόθεσης.

    • Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

      Article 104 (1) Liberty of the person may be restricted only pursuant to a formal law and only in compliance with the procedures prescribed therein. Persons in custody may not be subjected to mental or physical mistreatment. (2) Only a judge may rule upon the permissibility or continuation of any deprivation of liberty. If such a deprivation is not based on a judicial order, a judicial decision shall be obtained without delay. The police may hold no one in custody on their own authority beyond the end of the day following the arrest. Details shall be regulated by a law. (3) Any person provisionally detained on suspicion of having committed a criminal offence shall be brought before a judge no later than the day following his arrest; the judge shall inform him of the reasons for the arrest, examine him, and give him an opportunity to raise objections. The judge shall, without delay, either issue a written arrest warrant setting forth the reasons therefor or order his release. (4) A relative or a person enjoying the confidence of the person in custody shall be notified without delay of any judicial decision imposing or continuing a deprivation of liberty.

    • Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

      Artikel 104 (1) Die Freiheit der Person kann nur auf Grund eines förmlichen Gesetzes und nur unter Beachtung der darin vorgeschriebenen Formen beschränkt werden. Festgehaltene Personen dürfen weder seelisch noch körperlich mißhandelt werden. (2) Über die Zulässigkeit und Fortdauer einer Freiheitsentziehung hat nur der Richter zu entscheiden. Bei jeder nicht auf richterlicher Anordnung beruhenden Freiheitsentziehung ist unverzüglich eine richterliche Entscheidung herbeizuführen. Die Polizei darf aus eigener Machtvollkommenheit niemanden länger als bis zum Ende des Tages nach dem Ergreifen in eigenem Gewahrsam halten. Das Nähere ist gesetzlich zu regeln. (3) Jeder wegen des Verdachtes einer strafbaren Handlung vorläufig Festgenommene ist spätestens am Tage nach der Festnahme dem Richter vorzuführen, der ihm die Gründe der Festnahme mitzuteilen, ihn zu vernehmen und ihm Gelegenheit zu Einwendungen zu geben hat. Der Richter hat unverzüglich entweder einen mit Gründen versehenen schriftlichen Haftbefehl zu erlassen oder die Freilassung anzuordnen. (4) Von jeder richterlichen Entscheidung über die Anordnung oder Fortdauer einer Freiheitsentziehung ist unverzüglich ein Angehöriger des Festgehaltenen oder eine Person seines Vertrauens zu benachrichtigen.

    • Constitution

       Article 66(1) Nul ne peut être arbitrairement détenu. (2) L'autorité judiciaire, gardienne de la liberté individuelle, assure le respect de ce principe dans les conditions prévues par la loi.

    • Constitution

      Article 66 (1) No one shall be arbitrarily detained. (2) The judicial authority, guardian of the freedom of the individual, shall ensure compliance with this principle in the conditions laid down by statute.

    • Constitution of Finland

      Section 7 Right to life, personal liberty and integrity Everyone has the right to life, personal liberty, integrity and security. No one shall be sentenced to death, tortured or otherwise treated in a manner violating human dignity. The personal integrity of the individual shall not be violated, nor shall anyone be deprived of liberty arbitrarily or without a reason prescribed by an Act. A penalty involving deprivation of liberty may be imposed only by a court of law. The lawfulness of other cases of deprivation of liberty may be submitted for review by a court of law. The rights of individuals deprived of their liberty shall be guaranteed by an Act.

    • Suomen perustuslaki

      7 § Oikeus elämään sekä henkilökohtaiseen vapauteen ja koskemattomuuteen Jokaisella on oikeus elämään sekä henkilökohtaiseen vapauteen, koskemattomuuteen ja turvallisuuteen. Ketään ei saa tuomita kuolemaan, kiduttaa eikä muutoinkaan kohdella ihmisarvoa loukkaavasti. Henkilökohtaiseen koskemattomuuteen ei saa puuttua eikä vapautta riistää mielivaltaisesti eikä ilman laissa säädettyä perustetta. Rangaistuksen, joka sisältää vapaudenmenetyksen, määrää tuomioistuin. Muun vapaudenmenetyksen laillisuus voidaan saattaa tuomioistuimen tutkittavaksi. Vapautensa menettäneen oikeudet turvataan lailla.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

      § 20. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
      No one may be deprived of his or her liberty except in the cases and pursuant to a procedure provided by law:
      1) to enforce a judgment of conviction rendered or a detention ordered by a court;
      2) for the case of non-compliance with a direction of a court, or to guarantee fulfilment of a duty provided by law;
      3) to prevent a criminal or administrative offence, to bring before a competent authority a person in relation to whom there is reasonable suspicion that he or she has committed such an offence, or to prevent such a person from absconding;
      4) to place a minor under disciplinary supervision or to bring him or her before a competent authority to determine whether to impose such supervision;
      5) to detain a person suffering from an infectious disease, a person of unsound mind, an alcoholic or a drug addict, if such a person is a danger to himself or herself or to others;
      6) to prevent illegal settlement in Estonia and for removing a person from Estonia or for extraditing a person to a foreign state.
      No one may be deprived of his or her liberty on the mere ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation.
      § 21. Everyone who has been deprived of his or her liberty must be informed promptly, in a language and manner which he or she understands, of the reason for the deprivation of liberty and of his or her rights, and be given an opportunity to notify those closest to him or her. A person suspected of a criminal offence must also be promptly given an opportunity to choose a counsel and to confer with him or her. The right of a person suspected of a criminal offence to notify those closest to him or her of the deprivation of liberty may be circumscribed only in the cases and pursuant to a procedure provided by law to prevent a criminal offence or in the interests of ascertaining the truth in a criminal case.
      No one may be held in custody for more than forty-eight hours without a specific authorisation of a court. The decision of the court must be promptly communicated to the person in custody in a language and manner which he or she understands.

    • Danmarks Riges Grundlov

      § 71. Stk. 1. Den personlige frihed er ukrænkelig. Ingen dansk borger kan på grund af sin politiske eller religiøse overbevisning eller sin afstamning underkastes nogen form for frihedsberøvelse. Stk. 2. Frihedsberøvelse kan kun finde sted med hjemmel i loven. Stk. 3. Enhver, der anholdes, skal inden 24 timer stilles for en dommer. Hvis den anholdte ikke straks kan sættes på fri fod, skal dommeren ved en af grunde ledsaget kendelse, der afsiges snarest muligt og senest inden tre dage, afgøre, om han skal fængsles, og, hvis han kan løslades mod sikkerhed, bestemme dennes art og størrelse. Denne bestemmelse kan for Grønlands vedkommende fraviges ved lov, forsåvidt dette efter de stedlige forhold må anses for påkrævet. Stk. 4. Den kendelse, som dommeren afsiger, kan af vedkommende straks særskilt indbringes for højere ret. Stk. 5. Ingen kan underkastes varetægtsfængsel for en forseelse, som kun kan medføre straf af bøde eller hæfte. Stk. 6. Udenfor strafferetsplejen skal lovligheden af en frihedsberøvelse, der ikke er besluttet af en dømmende myndighed, og som ikke har hjemmel i lovgivningen om udlændinge, på begæring af den, der er berøvet sin frihed, eller den, der handler på hans vegne, forelægges de almindelige domstole eller anden dømmende myndighed til prøvelse. Nærmere regler herom fastsættes ved lov. Stk. 7. Behandlingen af de i stk. 6 nævnte personer undergives et af folketinget valgt tilsyn, hvortil de pågældende skal have adgang til at rette henvendelse.
      § 85. For forsvarsmagten er de i §§ 71, 78 og 79 givne bestemmelser kun anvendelige med de indskrænkninger, der følger af de militære loves forskrifter.

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