
Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību harta

44. pants - Tiesības iesniegt lūgumrakstu

44. pants - Tiesības iesniegt lūgumrakstu

Ikvienam Savienības pilsonim un jebkurai fiziskai personai, kas dzīvo kādā dalībvalstī, vai juridiskai personai, kuras juridiskā adrese ir kādā dalībvalstī, ir tiesības iesniegt lūgumrakstu Eiropas Parlamentam.

    • Text:

      Šajā pantā garantētās tiesības ir tiesības, kas garantētas Līguma par Eiropas Savienības darbību 20. un 227. pantā. Saskaņā ar Hartas 52. panta 2. punktu to piemēro saskaņā ar nosacījumiem, kas noteikti abos minētajos pantos.

      Eiropas Savienības Oficiālais Vēstnesis C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Šie paskaidrojumi ir sagatavoti Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību hartu izstrādājušā Konventa prezidija vadībā. Tie ir atjaunināti Eiropas Konventa prezidija vadībā, ņemot vērā Konventa izdarītos Hartas teksta (jo īpaši 51. un 52. panta) precizējumus un Savienības tiesību turpmāku attīstību. Kaut arī šiem paskaidrojumiem nav juridiska spēka, tie ir vērtīgi interpretācijas līdzekļi, kas paredzēti Hartas noteikumu izskaidrošanai.
    • Peter Schönberger v European Parliament
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Peter Schönberger v European Parliament
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General Jääskinen
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    39 results found

    • Grondwet voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

      Artikel 5 Ieder heeft het recht verzoeken schriftelijk bij het bevoegd gezag in te dienen.

    • Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

      Article 18 (1) The right of petition is guaranteed; in matters of public or other common interest, everyone has the right, on her own or together with other individuals, to address state bodies or territorial self-governing bodies with requests, proposals, or complaints. (2) Petitions may not be misused to interfere with the independence of the courts. (3) Petitions may not be misused for the purpose of calling for the violation of the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by this Charter.

    • Listina základních práv a svobod

      Článek 18 (1) Petiční právo je zaručeno; ve věcech veřejného nebo jiného společného zájmu má každý právo sám nebo s jinými se obracet na státní orgány a orgány územní samosprávy s žádostmi, návrhy a stížnostmi. (2) Peticí se nesmí zasahovat do nezávislosti soudu. (3) Peticemi se nesmí vyzývat k porušování základních práv a svobod zaručených Listinou.

    • Constitucion española

      Articulo 291. Todos los españoles tendrán el derecho de petición individual y colectiva, por escrito, en la forma y con los efectos que determine la ley.
      2. Los miembros de las Fuerzas o Institutos armados o de los Cuerpos sometidos a disciplina militar podrán ejercer este derecho sólo individualmente y con arreglo a lo dispuesto en su legislación específica.

    • Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain

      Article 29 1. All Spaniards shall have the right to individual and collective petition, in writing, in the manner and subject to the consequences to be laid down by law. 2. Members of the Armed Forces or Institutes or bodies subject to military discipline may only exercise this right individually and in accordance with statutory provisions relating to them.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia

      Article 45 Every citizen has the right to file petitions and to pursue other initiatives of general significance.

    • Ustava Republike Slovenije

      45. člen (pravica do peticije)Vsak državljan ima pravico do vlaganja peticij in do drugih pobud splošnega pomena.

    • Constitution of the Slovak Republic

      Article 27 (1) The right of petition is guaranteed. Everyone has the right, alone or with others, to address requests, proposals, and complaints to state bodies and territorial self-administration bodies in matters of public or other common interest. (2) A petition may not call for the violation of basic rights and freedoms. (3) A petition must not interfere with the independence of a court.

    • Ústava Slovenskej republiky

      Čl. 27 (1) Petičné právo sa zaručuje. Každý má právo sám alebo s inými obracať sa vo veciach verejného alebo iného spoločného záujmu na štátne orgány a orgány územnej samosprávy so žiadosťami, návrhmi a sťažnosťami. (2) Petíciou nemožno vyzývať na porušovanie základných práv a slobôd. (3) Petíciou nemožno zasahovať do nezávislosti súdu.

    • Constituição da República Portuguesa

      Artigo 52.º (Direito de petição e direito de acção popular) 1. Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de apresentar, individual ou colectivamente, aos órgãos de soberania, aos órgãos de governo próprio das regiões autónomas ou a quaisquer autoridades petições, representações, reclamações ou queixas para defesa dos seus direitos, da Constituição, das leis ou do interesse geral e, bem assim, o direito de serem informados, em prazo razoável, sobre o resultado da respectiva apreciação. 2. A lei fixa as condições em que as petições apresentadas colectivamente à Assembleia da República e às Assembleias Legislativas das regiões autónomas são apreciadas em reunião plenária. 3. É conferido a todos, pessoalmente ou através de associações de defesa dos interesses em causa, o direito de acção popular nos casos e termos previstos na lei, incluindo o direito de requerer para o lesado ou lesados a correspondente indemnização, nomeadamente para: a) Promover a prevenção, a cessação ou a perseguição judicial das infracções contra a saúde pública, os direitos dos consumidores, a qualidade de vida, a preservação do ambiente e do património cultural; b) Assegurar a defesa dos bens do Estado, das regiões autónomas e das autarquias locais.

    • Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

      Article 52 (Right to petition and right of actio popularis) (1) Every citizen has the right to individually, or jointly with others, submit petitions, representations, claims or complaints in defence of their rights, the Constitution, the laws or the general interest to the entities that exercise sovereignty, the self-government organs of the autonomous regions, or any authority, as well as the right to be informed of the result of the consideration thereof within a reasonable time limit. (2) The law shall lay down the terms under which collective petitions that are submitted to the Assembly of the Republic and the Legislative Assemblies of the autonomous regions are considered in plenary sitting. (3) Everyone is granted the right of actio popularis, including the right to apply for the applicable compensation for an aggrieved party or parties, in the cases and under the terms provided for by law, either personally or via associations that purport to defend the interests in question. The said right may particularly be exercised in order to: (a) Promote the prevention, cessation or judicial prosecution of offences against public health, consumer rights, the quality of life or the preservation of the environment and the cultural heritage; (b) Safeguard the property of the state, the autonomous regions and local authorities.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Poland

      Article 63 Everyone shall have the right to submit petitions, proposals and complaints in the public interest, in his own interest or in the interests of another person - with his consent - to organs of public authority, as well as to organizations and social institutions in connection with the performance of their prescribed duties within the field of public administration. The procedures for considering petitions, proposals and complaints shall be specified by statute.

    • Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

      Art. 63. Każdy ma prawo składać petycje, wnioski i skargi w interesie publicznym, własnym lub innej osoby za jej zgodą do organów władzy publicznej oraz do organizacji i instytucji społecznych w związku z wykonywanymi przez nie zadaniami zleconymi z zakresu administracji publicznej. Tryb rozpatrywania petycji, wniosków i skarg określa ustawa.

    • Constitution du Grand Duche de Luxembourg

      Article 27. Chacun a le droit d’adresser aux autorités publiques, des pétitions signées par une ou plusieurs personnes. - Les autorités constituées ont seules le droit d’adresser des pétitions en nom collectif. Article 67. Il est interdit de présenter en personne des pétitions à la Chambre.
      La Chambre a le droit de renvoyer aux membres du Gouvernement les pétitions qui lui sont adressées. - Les membres du Gouvernement donneront des explications sur leur contenu, chaque fois que la Chambre le demandera.
      La Chambre ne s’occupe d’aucune pétition ayant pour objet des intérêts individuels, à moins qu’elle ne tende au redressement de griefs résultant d’actes illégaux posés par le Gouvernement ou les autorités ou que la décision à intervenir ne soit de la compétence de la Chambre.

    • Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

      Article 27. Everyone has the right to address to the public authorities, petitions signed by one or more persons. - The constituted authorities alone have the right to address petitions collectively. Article 67. It is forbidden to present petitions in person to the Chamber.
      The Chamber has the right to refer to the members of the Government the petitions which are addressed to it. - The members of the Government shall provide
      explanations of their contents, whenever the Chamber demands it.
      The Chamber does not concern itself with any petition having individual interests for its object unless it is aimed at redressing grievances resulting from illegal acts of the Government or the authorities or unless the decision to intervene lies [within] the competence of the Chamber.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

      Article 33. Citizens shall be guaranteed the right of petition; the procedure for the implementation of this right shall be established by law.

    • Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija

      33 straipsnis. Piliečiams laiduojama peticijos teisė, kurios įgyvendinimo tvarką nustato įstatymas.

    • Constitution of the Italian Republic

      Art. 50. Any citizen may present petitions to Parliament to request legislative measures or to express collective needs.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Hungary

      Article 64 In the Republic of Hungary everyone has the right to present, individually or together with others, written petitions or complaints to the relevant public authority.

    • Magyarország Alaptörvénye

      Mindenkinek joga van ahhoz, hogy egyedül vagy másokkal együtt, írásban kérelemmel, panasszal vagy javaslattal forduljon bármely közhatalmat gyakorló szervhez.

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