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Tiesiskums, cietušo tiesības un tiesu iestāžu sadarbība
Cietušo tiesības
Apsūdzētā tiesības
Tiesu iestāžu sadarbība un tiesiskums
Uzņēmējdarbība un cilvēktiesības
Līdztiesība, nediskriminācija un rasisms
Bērni, jaunieši un gados vecāki cilvēki
Cilvēki ar invaliditāti
Naida noziegumi
Rases un etniskā piederība
Reliģija un pārliecība
Dzimums, seksuālā orientācija un dzimte
Patvērums, migrācija un robežas
Patvēruma pieejamība
Robežu un informācijas sistēmas
Bērnu aizsardzība
Neatbilstīga migrācija, atgriešanās un imigrantu aizturēšana
Likumīga migrācija un integrācija
Cilvēku tirdzniecība un darbaspēka ekspluatācija
Datu aizsardzība, privātums un jaunās tehnoloģijas
Mākslīgais intelekts un lielie dati
Robežu un informācijas sistēmas
Datu aizsardzība
Pretlikumīga profilēšana
Atbalsts cilvēktiesību sistēmām un aizstāvjiem
ES Pamattiesību harta
Starpvaldību cilvēktiesību sistēmas
Valsts cilvēktiesību sistēmas un struktūras
Pilsoniskā sabiedrība
ES Pamattiesību harta
Kas ir pamattiesības?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
I Sadaļa: Cieņa
1 - Cilvēka cieņa
2 - Tiesības uz dzīvību
3 - Tiesības uz personas neaizskaramību
4 - Spīdzināšanas un necilvēcīgas vai pazemojošas izturēšanās vai sodu aizliegums
5 - Verdzības un piespiedu darba aizliegums
II Sadaļa: Brīvības
6 - Tiesības uz brīvību un drošību
7 - Privātās un ģimenes dzīves neaizskaramība
8 - Personas datu aizsardzība
9 - Tiesības stāties laulībā un tiesības izveidot ģimeni
10 - Domu, pārliecības un ticības brīvība
11 - Vārda un informācijas brīvība
12 - Pulcēšanās un biedrošanās brīvība
13 - Humanitāro un eksakto zinātņu brīvība
14 - Tiesības uz izglītību
15 - Brīvība izvēlēties profesiju un tiesības strādāt
16 - Darījumdarbības brīvība
17 - Tiesības uz īpašumu
18 - Patvēruma tiesības
19 - Aizsardzība pārvietošanas, izraidīšanas vai izdošanas gadījumā
III Sadaļa: Vienlīdzība
20 - Vienlīdzība likuma priekšā
21 - Diskriminācijas aizliegums
22 - Kultūru, reliģiju un valodu daudzveidība
23 - Vīriešu un sieviešu līdztiesība
24 - Bērnu tiesības
25 - Vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku tiesības
26 - Invalīdu integrācija
IV Sadaļa: Solidaritāte
27 - Darba ņēmēju tiesības uz informāciju un konsultācijām uzņēmumā
28 - Tiesības uz kolektīvām sarunām un rīcību
29 - Tiesības izmantot darbā iekārtošanas pakalpojumus
30 - Aizstāvība nepamatotas atlaišanas gadījumā
31 - Godīgi un taisnīgi darba apstākļi
32 - Bērnu darba aizliegšana un strādājošu jauniešu aizsardzība
33 - Ģimenes dzīve un darbs
34 - Sociālais nodrošinājums un sociālā palīdzība
35 - Veselības aizsardzība
36 - Pieeja pakalpojumiem ar vispārēju tautsaimniecisku nozīmi
37 - Vides aizsardzība
38 - Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzība
V Sadaļa: Pilsoņu tiesības
39 - Tiesības balsot un tiesības kandidēt Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanās
40 - Tiesības balsot un tiesības kandidēt pašvaldību vēlēšanās
41 - Tiesības uz labu pārvaldību
42 - Tiesības piekļūt dokumentiem
43 - Eiropas ombuds
44 - Tiesības iesniegt lūgumrakstu
45 - Pārvietošanās un uzturēšanās brīvība
46 - Diplomātiskā un konsulārā aizsardzība
VI Sadaļa: Tiesiskums
47 - Tiesības uz efektīvu tiesību aizsardzību un taisnīgu tiesu
48 - Nevainīguma prezumpcija un tiesības uz aizstāvību
49 - Noziedzīgu nodarījumu un sodu likumības un samērīguma principi
50 - Tiesības netikt divreiz tiesātam vai sodītam krimināllietā par to pašu noziedzīgo nodarījumu
VII Sadaļa: Vispārīgi noteikumi
51 - Piemērošanas joma
52 - Tiesību un principu piemērošana un interpretēšana
53 - Aizsardzības līmenis
54 - Tiesību ļaunprātīgas izmantošanas aizliegums
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Valsts cilvēktiesību iestādes, līdztiesības struktūras un tiesībsarga iestādes
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Press releases
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FRA Products 2019
Press packs
EU LGBTIQ survey - Press pack
Fundamental Rights Survey
EU LGBTI survey II
From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims
Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack
Fundamental rights at EU borders
Violence against women press pack
Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism
EU LGBT Press pack
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children
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Work on rights
Work on rights
Tiesiskums, cietušo tiesības un tiesu iestāžu sadarbība
Cietušo tiesības
Apsūdzētā tiesības
Tiesu iestāžu sadarbība un tiesiskums
Uzņēmējdarbība un cilvēktiesības
Līdztiesība, nediskriminācija un rasisms
Bērni, jaunieši un gados vecāki cilvēki
Cilvēki ar invaliditāti
Naida noziegumi
Rases un etniskā piederība
Reliģija un pārliecība
Dzimums, seksuālā orientācija un dzimte
Patvērums, migrācija un robežas
Patvēruma pieejamība
Robežu un informācijas sistēmas
Bērnu aizsardzība
Neatbilstīga migrācija, atgriešanās un imigrantu aizturēšana
Likumīga migrācija un integrācija
Cilvēku tirdzniecība un darbaspēka ekspluatācija
Datu aizsardzība, privātums un jaunās tehnoloģijas
Mākslīgais intelekts un lielie dati
Robežu un informācijas sistēmas
Datu aizsardzība
Pretlikumīga profilēšana
Atbalsts cilvēktiesību sistēmām un aizstāvjiem
ES Pamattiesību harta
Starpvaldību cilvēktiesību sistēmas
Valsts cilvēktiesību sistēmas un struktūras
Pilsoniskā sabiedrība
ES Pamattiesību harta
ES Pamattiesību harta
Kas ir pamattiesības?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
I Sadaļa: Cieņa
1 -
Cilvēka cieņa
2 -
Tiesības uz dzīvību
3 -
Tiesības uz personas neaizskaramību
4 -
Spīdzināšanas un necilvēcīgas vai pazemojošas izturēšanās vai sodu aizliegums
5 -
Verdzības un piespiedu darba aizliegums
II Sadaļa: Brīvības
6 -
Tiesības uz brīvību un drošību
7 -
Privātās un ģimenes dzīves neaizskaramība
8 -
Personas datu aizsardzība
9 -
Tiesības stāties laulībā un tiesības izveidot ģimeni
10 -
Domu, pārliecības un ticības brīvība
11 -
Vārda un informācijas brīvība
12 -
Pulcēšanās un biedrošanās brīvība
13 -
Humanitāro un eksakto zinātņu brīvība
14 -
Tiesības uz izglītību
15 -
Brīvība izvēlēties profesiju un tiesības strādāt
16 -
Darījumdarbības brīvība
17 -
Tiesības uz īpašumu
18 -
Patvēruma tiesības
19 -
Aizsardzība pārvietošanas, izraidīšanas vai izdošanas gadījumā
III Sadaļa: Vienlīdzība
20 -
Vienlīdzība likuma priekšā
21 -
Diskriminācijas aizliegums
22 -
Kultūru, reliģiju un valodu daudzveidība
23 -
Vīriešu un sieviešu līdztiesība
24 -
Bērnu tiesības
25 -
Vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku tiesības
26 -
Invalīdu integrācija
IV Sadaļa: Solidaritāte
27 -
Darba ņēmēju tiesības uz informāciju un konsultācijām uzņēmumā
28 -
Tiesības uz kolektīvām sarunām un rīcību
29 -
Tiesības izmantot darbā iekārtošanas pakalpojumus
30 -
Aizstāvība nepamatotas atlaišanas gadījumā
31 -
Godīgi un taisnīgi darba apstākļi
32 -
Bērnu darba aizliegšana un strādājošu jauniešu aizsardzība
33 -
Ģimenes dzīve un darbs
34 -
Sociālais nodrošinājums un sociālā palīdzība
35 -
Veselības aizsardzība
36 -
Pieeja pakalpojumiem ar vispārēju tautsaimniecisku nozīmi
37 -
Vides aizsardzība
38 -
Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzība
V Sadaļa: Pilsoņu tiesības
39 -
Tiesības balsot un tiesības kandidēt Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanās
40 -
Tiesības balsot un tiesības kandidēt pašvaldību vēlēšanās
41 -
Tiesības uz labu pārvaldību
42 -
Tiesības piekļūt dokumentiem
43 -
Eiropas ombuds
44 -
Tiesības iesniegt lūgumrakstu
45 -
Pārvietošanās un uzturēšanās brīvība
46 -
Diplomātiskā un konsulārā aizsardzība
VI Sadaļa: Tiesiskums
47 -
Tiesības uz efektīvu tiesību aizsardzību un taisnīgu tiesu
48 -
Nevainīguma prezumpcija un tiesības uz aizstāvību
49 -
Noziedzīgu nodarījumu un sodu likumības un samērīguma principi
50 -
Tiesības netikt divreiz tiesātam vai sodītam krimināllietā par to pašu noziedzīgo nodarījumu
VII Sadaļa: Vispārīgi noteikumi
51 -
Piemērošanas joma
52 -
Tiesību un principu piemērošana un interpretēšana
53 -
Aizsardzības līmenis
54 -
Tiesību ļaunprātīgas izmantošanas aizliegums
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Work on rights
Patvērums, migrācija un robežas
Patvēruma pieejamība
Patvēruma pieejamība
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
VI Sadaļa: Tiesiskums
47. pants - Tiesības uz efektīvu tiesību aizsardzību un taisnīgu tiesu
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
II Sadaļa: Brīvības
18. pants - Patvēruma tiesības
Periodic updates / Series
Asylum and migration: Progress achieved and remaining challenges
Over the span of nearly eight years, there have been developments in showing respect for the human rights of those who arrive at the EU’s borders. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has shown how a large and sudden influx of people can be managed effectively and respectfully. Notwithstanding the improvements, the growing number of people crossing or attempting to enter the EU pose a wide range of fundamental rights challenges.
In this bulletin, FRA takes stock of concerns and improvements regarding the fundamental rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. It highlights the EU Member States’ legal and practical responses. It identifies key trends, promising practices, long-standing and emerging patterns, and persistent concerns.
Access all migration updates
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Periodic updates / Series
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Bulletin 1 - 2022
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 October and 31 December 2021.
Access 2021 updates
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Country sheets
Integrating young refugees in the EU - Country information
The EU Fundamental Rights Agency published in 2019 its report on the ‘Integration of young refugees in the EU’. The report explored the challenges of young people who fled armed conflict or persecution and arrived in the EU in 2015 and 2016. The report is based on 426 interviews with experts working in the area of asylum and integration, as well as 163 interviews with young people, aged 16 to 24, conducted between October 2017 and June 2018 in 15 regions and cities located in six Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden. The links on this page provide a summary of the information collected during this period for each country about unaccompanied children turning 18 and the change in people’s legal status once international protection is granted. These two issues had at the time been identified as moments requiring sufficient, consistent and systematic support, particularly from lawyers, social workers and guardians, to ensure successful integration.
Update of the 2016 FRA Opinion on fundamental rights in the hotspots set up in Greece and Italy
In November 2016, FRA formulated 21 individual opinions to address the fundamental rights shortcomings identified in the implementation of the hotspot approach in Greece and Italy. Despite genuine efforts to improve the situation since November 2016, many of the suggestions contained in the 21 opinions FRA formulated at the time remain valid.
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Periodic updates / Series
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Practical Tool for Guardians — Introduction to international protection
This tool introduces newly appointed guardians to the concept of international protection, possible forms of protection recognised through the asylum procedure, the relevant legal framework and the related rights of the child. It is part of a series of four practical tools for guardians of unaccompanied children with international protection needs. The objective is to support guardians in their daily tasks and responsibilities during the asylum procedure, including the procedure under the Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 (Dublin III regulation) and temporary protection. The tools have been developed by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
Periodic updates / Series
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Borders and information systems
Irregular migration, return and immigration detention
June 2023 update - Search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean and fundamental rights
Since October 2018, FRA has been publishing regular updates on NGO ships involved in search and rescue (SAR) operations in the Mediterranean, and the status of legal proceedings against them. This latest update covers until the end of June 2023.
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Read all SAR updates
Periodic updates / Series
Child protection
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Trafficking and labour exploitation
The Russian aggression against Ukraine – Displaced children finding protection in the EU - Bulletin 3
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine posed new challenges for the EU. Millions were forced to flee the war. As a result of the scale of people’s displacement, the EU activated for the first time the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD). More than 1.3 million children sought international protection in the EU. This bulletin explores the respect, protection and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of displaced children and ways to safeguard their rights. The third in a series, this bulletin builds on the evidence in FRA’s Bulletin #1 and #2 on the experiences of displaced people seeking safety in the EU.
Read press release
Read all Ukraine bulletins
Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Asylum and migration: Progress achieved and remaining challenges
Over the span of nearly eight years, there have been developments in showing respect for the human rights of those who arrive at the EU’s borders. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has shown how a large and sudden influx of people can be managed effectively and respectfully. Notwithstanding the improvements, the growing number of people crossing or attempting to enter the EU pose a wide range of fundamental rights challenges.
In this bulletin, FRA takes stock of concerns and improvements regarding the fundamental rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. It highlights the EU Member States’ legal and practical responses. It identifies key trends, promising practices, long-standing and emerging patterns, and persistent concerns.
Access all migration updates
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Report / Paper / Summary
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Child protection
Legal migration and integration
Trafficking and labour exploitation
Fleeing Ukraine: Displaced people’s experiences in the EU
Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine triggered scenes not seen in Europe for decades. It has since caused death, immense destruction, and unspeakable suffering. It also set in motion a mass movement of people not seen since World War II. To protect them, the EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive for the first time. In doing so, all EU Member States must offer protection to those displaced from Ukraine.
Download report on employment barriers
Download bulletins on the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Read press release
Periodic updates / Series
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Child protection
Trafficking and labour exploitation
The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine ― The broad fundamental rights impact in the EU - Bulletin 2
The Russian invasion of Ukraine triggered solidarity from EU governments, local authorities and society as they welcomed more than 7 million people fleeing the aggression. The European Union’s rapid response, activating the EU Temporary Protection Directive, offered welcome relief and much-needed support to those in need. It allowed displaced persons the opportunity to quickly settle and to work, travel and access services across the EU. But other pressing human rights issues have come to the fore and remain high on the EU’s agenda, such as human trafficking, sexual and gender-based violence, hate crime and hate-fuelled disinformation.
Download bulletin 1
Download findings of survey on displaced people from Ukraine
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Periodic updates / Series
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Borders and information systems
Child protection
Legal migration and integration
The war in Ukraine - Fundamental rights implications within the EU - Bulletin 1
This bulletin looks at the fundamental rights situation of all persons fleeing the Russian war in Ukraine to the four EU Member States neighbouring Ukraine. This is primarily in terms of the application of the EU Temporary Protection Directive. It is based on findings of FRA’s field mission to Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia at the beginning of March 2022. It is also based on weekly country reports prepared by Franet, the contracted research network of FRA between 1 March and 27 April 2022.
Download findings of survey on displaced people from Ukraine
Download bulletin 2
Read news item
Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Bulletin 1 - 2022
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 October and 31 December 2021.
Access 2021 updates
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Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Bulletin 3 - 2021
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 July and 30 September 2021.
Access all 2021 updates
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Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Bulletin 2 - 2021
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 January and 30 June 2021.
Access all 2021 updates
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Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Bulletin 1 - 2021
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 October and 31 December 2020.
Access all quarterly updates
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Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Quarterly bulletin 4 - 2020
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 July and 30 September 2020.
Access all quarterly updates
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Country sheets
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Child protection
Legal migration and integration
Integrating young refugees in the EU - Country information
The EU Fundamental Rights Agency published in 2019 its report on the ‘Integration of young refugees in the EU’. The report explored the challenges of young people who fled armed conflict or persecution and arrived in the EU in 2015 and 2016. The report is based on 426 interviews with experts working in the area of asylum and integration, as well as 163 interviews with young people, aged 16 to 24, conducted between October 2017 and June 2018 in 15 regions and cities located in six Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden. The links on this page provide a summary of the information collected during this period for each country about unaccompanied children turning 18 and the change in people’s legal status once international protection is granted. These two issues had at the time been identified as moments requiring sufficient, consistent and systematic support, particularly from lawyers, social workers and guardians, to ensure successful integration.
Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Quarterly bulletin 3 - 2020
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 April and 30 June 2020.
Access all quarterly updates
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Access all updates
Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Quarterly bulletin 2 - 2020
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by large migration movements. It addresses key fundamental rights concerns between 1 January and 31 March 2020.
Access all quarterly updates
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Access all updates
Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Quarterly bulletin 1 - 2020
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by large migration movements. It addresses key fundamental rights concerns between 1 October and 31 December 2019.
Access all quarterly updates
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Report / Paper / Summary
Legal migration and integration
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Child protection
Children, youth and older people
Integration of young refugees in the EU: good practices and challenges
Over 2.5 million people applied for international protection in the 28 EU Member States in 2015 and 2016. Many of those who were granted some form of protection are young people, who are likely to stay and settle in the EU. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights interviewed some of them, as well as professionals working with them in 15 locations across six EU Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden. This report presents the result of FRA’s fieldwork research, focusing on young people between the
ages of 16 and 24.
Periodic updates / Series
Asylum, migration and borders
Access to asylum
Child protection
Irregular migration, return and immigration detention
Migration: Key fundamental rights concerns - Quarterly bulletin 4
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has been regularly collecting data on asylum and
migration since September 2015. This report focuses on the fundamental rights situation
of people arriving in Member States and EU candidate countries particularly affected by
migration. It addresses fundamental rights concerns between 1 July and 30 September 2019.
Read news item
Access all 2019 updates
Access all 2018 updates
Periodic updates / Series
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Beyond the peak: challenges remain, but migration numbers drop
This report looks into the fundamental rights situation of asylum applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in the EU throughout 2018. It pulls together the main issues identified in FRA’s regular updates on fundamental rights related to asylum, migration and borders in selected EU Member States, which the agency has been publishing since September 2015.
Access to asylum
Asylum, migration and borders
Borders and information systems
Child protection
Update of the 2016 FRA Opinion on fundamental rights in the hotspots set up in Greece and Italy
In November 2016, FRA formulated 21 individual opinions to address the fundamental rights shortcomings identified in the implementation of the hotspot approach in Greece and Italy. Despite genuine efforts to improve the situation since November 2016, many of the suggestions contained in the 21 opinions FRA formulated at the time remain valid.
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