5. pants- Verdzības un piespiedu darba aizliegums
1. Nevienu nedrīkst turēt verdzībā vai kalpībā.
2. Nevienam nedrīkst likt veikt piespiedu darbu.
3. Cilvēku tirdzniecība ir aizliegta.
1. Hartas 5. panta 1. un 2. punktā minētās tiesības atbilst ECK 4. panta 1. un 2. punktam, kas izteikts tādiem pašiem vārdiem. Tāpēc saskaņā ar Hartas 52. panta 3. punktutam ir tāda pati nozīme un darbības joma kā minētajam ECK pantam. Tātad: - 1. punktā paredzētajām tiesībām nevar būt likumīgu ierobežojumu; - 2. punktā minēto jēdzienu `piespiedu darbs` jāsaprot, ievērojot ECK 4. panta 3. punktā ietvertās `negatīvās` definīcijas: `Šā panta nozīmē jēdziens `piespiedu darbs` neietver: a) darbu, ko parasti liek veikt ieslodzījumā, kas piespriests saskaņā ar šīs Konvencijas 5. panta nosacījumiem, vai nosacītas atbrīvošanas laikā no ieslodzījuma; b) militāro dienestu, vai – valstīs, kur ir atļauta atteikšanās no militārā dienesta pārliecības dēļ, – to dienestu, kas paredzēts obligātā militāra dienesta vietā; c) pienākumus ārkārtas stāvokļa vai stihiskas nelaimes gadījumā, kas apdraud sabiedrības labklājību; d) darbu vai dienestu, kas ietilpst parastajos pilsoniskajos pienākumos.`. 2. Šā panta 3. punkts ir tieši saistīts ar cilvēka cieņas jēdzienu, un tajā ir ņemtas vērā aktualitātes organizētās noziedzības jomā, piemēram, nelegālās imigrācijas vai seksuālas izmantošanas tīkla organizēšana peļņas nolūkā. Eiropola konvencijas pielikumā ir šāda definīcija, kas attiecas uz cilvēku tirdzniecību seksuālas izmantošanas nolūkos – `Cilvēku tirdzniecība: personas pakļaušana faktiskai un nelikumīgai citu personu varai, izmantojot vardarbību vai draudus vai ļaunprātīgi izmantojot savu stāvokli vai personas atkarību, lai iesaistītu prostitūcijā, seksuāli izmantotu nepilngadīgos vai veiktu pret viņiem seksuālu vardarbību, vai tirgotos ar pamestiem bērniem.`. Savienības acquis integrētās Šengenas Līguma Īstenošanas konvencijas VI nodaļā, kuras dalībnieces ir Apvienotā Karaliste un Īrija, 27. panta 1. punktā ir šāds teksts, kas attiecas uz nelegāliem imigrācijas tīkliem – `Līgumslēdzējas puses apņemas ieviest piemērotas sankcijas pret ikvienu, kas finansiāla labuma dēļ palīdz vai mēģina palīdzēt ārvalstniekam ieceļot vai uzturēties kādas Līgumslēdzējas puses teritorijā, pārkāpjot šīs Līgumslēdzējas puses tiesību aktus par ārvalstnieku ieceļošanu un uzturēšanos.`. Padome 2002. gada 19. jūlijā pieņēma Pamatlēmumu par cilvēku tirdzniecības apkarošanu (OV L 203, 1.8.2002., 1. lpp.), tā 1. pantā precīzi definējot noziedzīgus nodarījumus, kas saistīti ar cilvēku tirdzniecību darba vai seksuālas izmantošanas nolūkos un par ko dalībvalstīs ir jāpiemēro sodi saskaņā ar minēto pamatlēmumu.
Article 9 (1) No one may be subjected to forced labour or service. (2) The provision of paragraph 1 shall not apply to: (a) labour imposed in accordance with law upon persons serving a prison sentence or upon persons serving other penalties that take the place of the penalty of imprisonment, (b) military service or some other service provided for by law in place of compulsory military service, (c) service required on the basis of law in the event of natural disasters, accidents, or other danger threatening human life, health, or property of significant value, (d) conduct imposed by law for the protection of life, health, or the rights of others.
Článek 9 (1) Nikdo nesmí být podroben nuceným pracím nebo službám. (2) Ustanovení odstavce 1 se nevztahuje na: (a) práce ukládané podle zákona osobám ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody nebo osobám vykonávajícím jiný trest nahrazující trest odnětí svobody, (b) vojenskou službu nebo jinou službu stanovenou zákonem namísto povinné vojenské služby, (c) službu vyžadovanou na základě zákona v případě živelních pohrom, nehod, nebo jiného nebezpečí, které ohrožuje životy, zdraví nebo značné majetkové hodnoty, (d) jednání uložené zákonem pro ochranu života, zdraví nebo práv druhých.
Section 1 Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour (1)A person commits an offence if— (a)the person holds another person in slavery or servitude and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is held in slavery or servitude, or (b)the person requires another person to perform forced or compulsory labour and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is being required to perform forced or compulsory labour. (2)In subsection (1) the references to holding a person in slavery or servitude or requiring a person to perform forced or compulsory labour are to be construed in accordance with Article 4 of the Human Rights Convention. (3)In determining whether a person is being held in slavery or servitude or required to perform forced or compulsory labour, regard may be had to all the circumstances. (4)For example, regard may be had— (a)to any of the person’s personal circumstances (such as the person being a child, the person’s family relationships, and any mental or physical illness) which may make the person more vulnerable than other persons; (b)to any work or services provided by the person, including work or services provided in circumstances which constitute exploitation within section 3(3) to (6). (5)The consent of a person (whether an adult or a child) to any of the acts alleged to constitute holding the person in slavery or servitude, or requiring the person to perform forced or compulsory labour, does not preclude a determination that the person is being held in slavery or servitude, or required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
Part 7 Trafficking people for exploitation
Artículo 25 (...) 2. Las penas privativas de libertad y las medidas de seguridad estarán orientadas hacia la reeducación y reinserción social y no podrán consistir en trabajos forzados. (...)
Section 25(...) 2. Punishments entailing imprisonment and security measures shall be aimed at reeducation and social rehabilitation and may not involve forced labour. (...)
Article 49 Freedom of work shall be guaranteed. Everyone shall choose his employment freely. Everyone shall have access under equal conditions to any position of employment. Forced labour shall be prohibited.
49. člen Zagotovljena je svoboda dela. Vsakdo prosto izbira zaposlitev. Vsakomur je pod enakimi pogoji dostopno vsako delovno mesto. Prisilno delo je prepovedano.
Article 18 (1) No one may be subjected to forced labor, or services. (2) The provision of paragraph 1 does not apply to a) work assigned according to law to persons serving a prison sentence or persons serving other sentence substituting a prison sentence, b) military service or other service laid down by law in lieu of compulsory military service, c) services required on the basis of the law in the event of natural disasters, accidents, or other dangers posing a threat to life, health, or property of great value, d) activities prescribed by law to protect life, health, or the rights of others, e) small community services on the basis of the law.
Čl. 18(1) Nikoho nemožno poslať na nútené práce alebo nútené služby. (2) Ustanovenie odseku 1 sa nevzťahuje na a) práce ukladané podľa zákona osobám vo výkone trestu odňatia slobody alebo osobám vykonávajúcim iný trest nahrádzajúci trest odňatia slobody, b) vojenskú službu alebo inú službu ustanovenú zákonom namiesto povinnej vojenskej služby, c) službu vyžadovanú na základe zákona v prípade živelných pohrôm, nehôd alebo iného nebezpečenstva, ktoré ohrozuje životy, zdravie alebo značné majetkové hodnoty, d) konanie uložené zákonom na ochranu života, zdravia alebo práv iných, e) menšie obecné služby na základe zákona.
Articolul 42(1) Munca fortata este interzisa. (2) Nu constituie munca fortata: a) activitatile pentru îndeplinirea îndatoririlor militare, precum si cele desfasurate, potrivit legii, în locul acestora, din motive religioase sau de constiinta; b) munca unei persoane condamnate, prestata în conditii normale, în perioada de detentie sau de libertate conditionata; c) prestatiile impuse în situatia creata de calamitati ori de alt pericol, precum si cele care fac parte din obligatiile civile normale stabilite de lege.
Article 42(1) Forced labour is prohibited. (2) Forced labour does not include: a) activities of doing the military service, as well as activities performed in lieu thereof, according to the law, due to religious or conscience-related reasons; b) the work of a sentenced person, carried out under normal conditions, during detention or conditional release; c) any services required to deal with a calamity or any other danger, as well as those which are part of normal civil obligations as established by law.
Artigo 25.º (Direito à integridade pessoal) 2. Ninguém pode ser submetido a tortura, nem a tratos ou penas cruéis, degradantes ou desumanos. Artigo 59.º (Direitos dos trabalhadores) 1. Todos os trabalhadores, sem distinção de idade, sexo, raça, cidadania, território de origem, religião, convicções políticas ou ideológicas, têm direito: a) À retribuição do trabalho, segundo a quantidade, natureza e qualidade, observando-se o princípio de que para trabalho igual salário igual, de forma a garantir uma existência condigna; b) A organização do trabalho em condições socialmente dignificantes, de forma a facultar a realização pessoal e a permitir a conciliação da actividade profissional com a vida familiar; c) A prestação do trabalho em condições de higiene, segurança e saúde; d) Ao repouso e aos lazeres, a um limite máximo da jornada de trabalho, ao descanso semanal e a férias periódicas pagas.
Article 25 (Right to personal integrity) (2) No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment or punishment. Article 59 (Workers’ rights) (1) Regardless of age, sex, race, citizenship, place of origin, religion and political and ideological convictions, every worker has the right: (a) To the remuneration of his work in accordance with its volume, nature and quality, with respect for the principle of equal pay for equal work and in such a way as to guarantee a proper living; (b) That work be organised under conditions of social dignity and in such a way as to provide personal fulfilment and to make it possible to reconcile work and family life; (c) To work in conditions that are hygienic, safe and healthy; (d) To rest and leisure time, a maximum limit on the working day, a weekly rest period and periodic paid holidays.
Article 65(...) 2. An obligation to work may be imposed only by statute. (...)
Art. 65.(...) 2. Obowiązek pracy może być nałożony tylko przez ustawę. (...)
Article 35(1) No person shall be required to perform forced labour.(2) For the purposes of this section, the expression "forced labour" does not include(a) any labour required in consequence of the sentence or order of a court;(b) labour required of any person while he is lawfully detained by sentence or order of a court that, though not required in consequence of such sentence or order, is reasonably necessary in the interests of hygiene or for the maintenance of the place at which he is detained or, if he is detained for the purpose of his care, treatment, education or welfare, is reasonably required for that purpose;(c) any labour required of a member of a disciplined force in pursuance of his duties as such or, in the case of a person who has conscientious objections to service as a member of a naval, military or air force, any labour that that person is required by law to perform in place of such service;(d) any labour required during a period of public emergency or in the event of any other emergency or calamity that threatens the life or well-being of the community.
35. (1) Ħadd ma għandu jkun meħtieġ jagħmel xogħol furzat. (2) Għall-finijiet ta’ dan l-artikolu, il-frażi "xogħol furzat" ma tinkludix - (a) xi xogħol meħtieġ b’konsegwenza tas-sentenza jew ordni ta’ qorti; (b) xogħol meħtieġ mingħand xi ħadd waqt li jkun legalment detenut b’sentenza jew ordni ta’ qorti li, għalkemm ma jkunx meħtieġ b’konsegwenza ta’ dik is- sentenza jew ordni, ikun meħtieġ raġonevolment flinteressi tal-iġjene jew għat-tiżmim tal-post li fih ikun detenut jew, jekk ikun detenut għall-iskop tal-kura, trattament, edukazzjoni jew ġid tiegħu, ikun raġonevolment meħtieġ għal dak l-iskop; (ċ) xi xogħol meħtieġ mingħand membru ta’ korp dixxiplinat minħabba d-dmirijiet tiegħu bħala tali jew, fil-każ ta’ persuna li jkollha oġġezzjonijiet ta’ kuxjenza għal servizz bħala membru ta’ forza navali, militari jew tal-ajru, xi xogħol li dik il-persuna hija meħtieġa b’liġi li taqdi minflok dak is-servizz; (d) xi xogħol meħtieġ matul perijodu ta’ emerġenza pubblika jew fil-każ ta’ xi emerġenza oħra jew kalamità li thedded il-ħajja jew il-ġid tal-komunità.
Article 48. (...) Forced labour shall be prohibited. Military service or alternative service performed instead of military service, as well as work performed by citizens in time of war, natural disaster, epidemics, or other extreme cases, shall not be considered forced labour. In cases where persons convicted by a court perform work regulated by law, such work shall not be considered forced labour, either.
48 straipsnis. (...) Priverčiamasis darbas draudžiamas. Priverčiamuoju darbu nelaikoma tarnyba kariuomenėje ar ją pakeičianti alternatyvioji tarnyba, taip pat piliečių darbas karo, stichinės nelaimės, epidemijos ar kitais ypatingais atvejais. Priverčiamuoju darbu nelaikomas ir įstatymo reguliuojamas teismo nuteistųjų darbas.
Article 1
Subject matter
This Directive establishes minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the area of trafficking in human beings. It also introduces common provisions, taking into account the gender perspective, to strengthen the prevention of this crime and the protection of the victims thereof.
‘trafficking in human beings’ means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, as a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, the production, sale or distribution of child-pornography material, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs;
Article 4 – Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
1 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.
2 No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
3 For the purpose of this article the term "forced or compulsory labour" shall not include:
a any work required to be done in the ordinary course of detention imposed according to the provisions of Article 5 of this Convention or during conditional release from such detention;
b any service of a military character or, in case of conscientious objectors in countries where they are recognised, service exacted instead of compulsory military service;
c any service exacted in case of an emergency or calamity threatening the life or wellbeing of the community;
d any work or service which forms part of normal civic obligations.
Article 8
1. No one shall be held in slavery; slavery and the slave-trade in all their forms shall be prohibited.
2. No one shall be held in servitude.
(a) No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour;
(b) Paragraph 3 (a) shall not be held to preclude, in countries where imprisonment with hard labour may be imposed as a punishment for a crime, the performance of hard labour in pursuance of a sentence to such punishment by a competent court;
(c) For the purpose of this paragraph the term "forced or compulsory labour" shall not include:
(i) Any work or service, not referred to in subparagraph (b), normally required of a person who is under detention in consequence of a lawful order of a court, or of a person during conditional release from such detention;
(ii) Any service of a military character and, in countries where conscientious objection is recognized, any national service required by law of conscientious objectors;
(iii) Any service exacted in cases of emergency or calamity threatening the life or well-being of the community;
(iv) Any work or service which forms part of normal civil obligations.
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2018