
Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību harta

1. pants- Cilvēka cieņa

1. pants- Cilvēka cieņa

Cilvēka cieņa ir neaizskarama. Tā ir jārespektē un jāaizsargā.

    • Text:

      Cilvēka cieņa ne tikai pieder pie pamattiesībām, tā ir arī pamattiesību faktiskais pamats. 1948. gadā pieņemtās Vispārējās cilvēktiesību deklarācijas preambulā ir ietverta doma par cilvēka cieņu: `Atzīdama, ka visiem cilvēku sabiedrības locekļiem piemītošās cieņas un viņu vienlīdzīgo un neatņemamo tiesību atzīšana ir pamats brīvībai, taisnīgumam un mieram visā pasaulē...`. Tiesa 2001. gada 9. oktobra spriedumā lietā C-377/98 Nīderlande/Eiropas Parlaments un Padome, Recueil, 2001., I–7079. lpp., 70. līdz 77. punktā apstiprināja, ka cilvēka pamattiesības uz cieņu ir Savienības tiesību sastāvdaļa.
      Tādējādi nevienu no šajā Hartā ietvertajām tiesībām nevar izmantot, lai aizskartu citas personas cieņu, un cilvēka cieņa pieder pie šajā Hartā ietverto tiesību būtības. Tādēļ tā jārespektē, pat ja kādas no tiesībām būtu jāierobežo.

      Eiropas Savienības Oficiālais Vēstnesis C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Šie paskaidrojumi ir sagatavoti Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību hartu izstrādājušā Konventa prezidija vadībā. Tie ir atjaunināti Eiropas Konventa prezidija vadībā, ņemot vērā Konventa izdarītos Hartas teksta (jo īpaši 51. un 52. panta) precizējumus un Savienības tiesību turpmāku attīstību. Kaut arī šiem paskaidrojumiem nav juridiska spēka, tie ir vērtīgi interpretācijas līdzekļi, kas paredzēti Hartas noteikumu izskaidrošanai.
    • Citizen of Siria v Republic of Slovenia and the police
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • S.Y. (A Minor) v. The Minister for Children and Ors.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      High Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Jens Hermans, Karin Verelst and C.U.; and others Association without lucrative purpose «Association de Promotion des Droits Humains et des Minorités» Versus The Flemish Government; The United College oCommon Community Commissionf the
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Constitutional Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Six petitioners v. National Electoral Commission
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • CG v The Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Free movement and equality
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Two subsidiaries of a pharmaceutical company v. Federal Administrative Court
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Federal Constitutional Court
      Policy area:
      Public Health
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Municipal Council of Dve Mogili vs Administrative Court Ruse
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Supreme Administrative Court
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Criminal proceedings against UC and TD
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Tenth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • KS and Others v The International Protection Appeals Tribunal and Others
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Fourth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Asylum and migration
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • WM v Stadt Frankfurt am Main
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    40 results found

    • Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

      Article 1 All people are free and equal in their dignity and rights. Their fundamental rights and freedoms are inherent, inalienable, non-prescriptible, and irrepealable. Article 10 (1) Everyone has the right to demand that her human dignity, personal honour, and good reputation be respected, and that her name be protected.

    • Constitution of the Czech Republic

      Preamble We, the citizens of the Czech Republic (…) Resolved to build, safeguard, and develop the Czech Republic in the spirit of the sanctity of human dignity and liberty, As the homeland of free citizens enjoying equal rights, conscious of their duties towards others and their responsibility towards the community, As a free and democratic state founded on respect for human rights and on the principles of civic society, As a part of the family of democracies in Europe and around the world, Resolved to guard and develop together the natural and cultural, material and spiritual wealth handed down to us, Resolved to abide by all proven principles of a state governed by the rule of law (…)

    • Listina základních práv a svobod

      Článek 1 Lidé jsou svobodní a rovní v důstojnosti i v právech. Základní práva a svobody jsou nezadatelné, nezcizitelné, nepromlčitelné a nezrušitelné. Článek 10 (1) Každý má právo, aby byla zachována jeho lidská důstojnost, osobní čest, dobrá pověst a chráněno jeho jméno.

    • Ústava České republiky

      My, občané České republiky (...) odhodláni budovat, chránit a rozvíjet Českou republiku v duchu nedotknutelných hodnot lidské důstojnosti a svobody jako vlast rovnoprávných, svobodných občanů, kteří jsou si vědomi svých povinností vůči druhým a zodpovědnosti vůči celku, jako svobodný a demokratický stát, založený na úctě k lidským právům a na zásadách občanské společnosti, jako součást rodiny evropských a světových demokracií, odhodláni společně střežit a rozvíjet zděděné přírodní a kulturní, hmotné a duchovní bohatství, odhodláni řídit se všemi osvědčenými principy právního státu (...)

    • The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
      United Kingdom

      Part 7 Trafficking people for exploitation

    • Instrument of Government

      Chapter 1 - Basic principles of the form of government: Article 2 Public power shall be exercised with respect for the equal worth of all and the liberty and dignity of the individual. (…)

    • Constitutión Española

      PreambleLa Nación española, (...) proclama su voluntad de: (...) Promover el progreso de la cultura y de la economía para asegurar a todos una digna calidad de vida.(...)Artículo 101. La dignidad de la persona, los derechos inviolables que le son inherentes, el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, el respeto a la ley y a los derechos de los demás son fundamento del orden político y de la paz social. (...)

    • Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain

      Preamble The Spanish Nation, (...) proclaims its will to: (...) Promote the progress of culture and of the economy to ensure a dignified quality of life for all. (...)

      Article 101. The dignity of the person, the inviolable rights which are inherent, the free development of the personality, the respect for the law and for the rights of others are the foundation of political order and social peace. (...)

    • Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia

      article 21 Respect for human personality and dignity shall be guaranteed in criminal and in all other legal proceedings, as well as during the deprivation of liberty and enforcement of punitive sanctions. Violence of any form against any person whose liberty has been restricted in any way is prohibited, as is the use of any form of coercion in obtaining confessions and statements. Article 34 Everyone has the right to personal dignity and safety.

    • Ustava Republike Slovenije

      21. člen Zagotovljeno je spoštovanje človekove osebnosti in njegovega dostojanstva v kazenskem in v vseh drugih pravdnih postopkih, in prav tako med odvzemom prostosti in izvrševanjem kazni. Prepovedano je vsakršno nasilje nad osebami, ki jim je prostost kakorkoli omejena, ter vsakršno izsiljevanje priznanj in izjav.

      34. člen Vsakdo ima pravico do osebnega dostojanstva in varnosti.

    • Constitution of the Slovak Republic

      Article 12(1) People are free and equal in dignity and in rights. Basic rights and freedoms are inviolable, inalienable, imprescriptible, and indefeasible. (...) Article 19(1) Everyone has the right to the preservation of human dignity, personal honour, reputation and the protection of good name. (...)

    • Ústava Slovenskej republiky

      Čl. 12(1) Ľudia sú slobodní a rovní v dôstojnosti i v právach. Základné práva a slobody sú neodňateľné, nescudziteľné, nepremlčateľné a nezrušiteľné. (...) Čl. 19(1) Každý má právo na zachovanie ľudskej dôstojnosti, osobnej cti, dobrej povesti a na ochranu mena. (...)

    • Constituția României

      Articolul 1(...) (3) România este stat de drept, democratic si social, în care demnitatea omului, drepturile si libertatile cetatenilor, libera dezvoltare a personalitatii umane, dreptatea si pluralismul politic reprezinta valori supreme, în spiritul traditiilor democratice ale poporului român si idealurilor Revolutiei din decembrie 1989, si sunt garantate. (...) Articolul 30(...) (6) Libertatea de exprimare nu poate prejudicia demnitatea, onoarea, viata particulara a persoanei si nici dreptul la propria imagine. (...)

    • Constitution of Romania

       Article 1(...) (3) Romania is a democratic and social state, governed by the rule of law, in which human dignity, the citizens' rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values, in the spirit of the democratic traditions of the Romanian people and the ideals of the Revolution of December 1989, and shall be guaranteed. (...) Article 30(...) … (6) Freedom of expression shall not be prejudicial to the dignity, honour, privacy of a person, and to the right to one's own image. (...)

    • Constituição da República Portuguesa

      Artigo 1.º (República Portuguesa) Portugal é uma República soberana, baseada na dignidade da pessoa humana e na vontade popular e empenhada na construção de uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária. Artigo 13.º (Princípio da igualdade) 1. Todos os cidadãos têm a mesma dignidade social e são iguais perante a lei. Artigo 26.º (Outros direitos pessoais) 2. A lei estabelecerá garantias efectivas contra a utilização abusiva, ou contrária à dignidade humana, de informações relativas às pessoas e famílias. 3. A lei garantirá a dignidade pessoal e a identidade genética do ser humano, nomeadamente na criação, desenvolvimento e utilização das tecnologias e na experimentação científica. Artigo 59.º (Direitos dos trabalhadores) 1. Todos os trabalhadores, sem distinção de idade, sexo, raça, cidadania, território de origem, religião, convicções políticas ou ideológicas, têm direito: b) À organização do trabalho em condições socialmente dignificantes, de forma a facultar a realização pessoal e a permitir a conciliação da actividade profissional com a vida familiar. Artigo 67.º (Família) 2. Incumbe, designadamente, ao Estado para proteção da família: e) Regulamentar a procriação assistida, em termos que salvaguardem a dignidade da pessoa humana. Artigo 206.º (Audiências dos tribunais) As audiências dos tribunais são públicas, salvo quando o próprio tribunal decidir o contrário, em despacho fundamentado, para salvaguarda da dignidade das pessoas e da moral pública ou para garantir o seu normal funcionamento.

    • Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

      Article 1 (Portuguese Republic) Portugal is a sovereign Republic, based on the dignity of the human person and the will of the people and committed to building a free, just and solidary society. Article 13 (Principle of equality) (1) All citizens have the same social dignity and are equal before the law. Article 26 (Other personal rights) (2) The law shall lay down effective guarantees against the improper procurement and misuse of information concerning persons and families and its procurement or use contrary to human dignity. (3) The law shall guarantee the personal dignity and genetic identity of the human person, particularly in the creation, development and use of technologies and in scientific experimentation. Article 59 (Workers' rights) (1) Regardless of age, sex, race, citizenship, place of origin, religion and political or ideological convictions, every worker has the right: (b) That the work be organised under conditions of social dignity and in such a way as to provide personal fulfilment and to make it possible to reconcile work and family life. Article 67 (Family) (2) In order to protect the family, the state is particularly charged with: (e) Regulating assisted procreation in such a way as to safeguard the dignity of the human person. Article 206 (Court hearings) Court hearings are public, save when, in order to safeguard personal dignity or public moral, or to insure its normal operation, the court itself decides otherwise in a written order that sets out the grounds of its decision.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Poland

      Preamble(...) We, the Polish Nation - all citizens of the Republic, ... (...) call upon all those who will apply this Constitution for the good of the Third Republic to do so paying respect to the inherent dignity of the person, his or her right to freedom, the obligation of solidarity with others, and respect for these principles as the unshakeable foundation of the Republic of Poland.Article 30 The inherent and inalienable dignity of the person shall constitute a source of freedoms and rights of persons and citizens. It shall be inviolable. The respect and protection thereof shall be the obligation of public authorities.

    • Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

      Preambuła(...) my, Naród Polski - wszyscy obywatele Rzeczypospolitej, (...) Wszystkich, którzy dla dobra Trzeciej Rzeczypospolitej tę Konstytucję będą stosowali, wzywamy, aby czynili to, dbając o zachowanie przyrodzonej godności człowieka, jego prawa do wolności i obowiązku solidarności z innymi, a poszanowanie tych zasad mieli za niewzruszoną podstawę Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.Art. 30 Przyrodzona i niezbywalna godność człowieka stanowi źródło wolności i praw człowieka i obywatela. Jest ona nienaruszalna, a jej poszanowanie i ochrona jest obowiązkiem władz publicznych.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

      Article 21. The human person shall be inviolable. Human dignity shall be protected by law.(…)

    • Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija

      21 straipsnis. Žmogaus asmuo neliečiamas. Žmogaus orumą gina įstatymas. (...)

    4 results found

    • Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on a Single Market For Digital Services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act)

      Article 34

      Risk assessment

      1. Providers of very large online platforms and of very large online search engines shall diligently identify, analyse and assess any systemic risks in the Union stemming from the design or functioning of their service and its related systems, including algorithmic systems, or from the use made of their services.

      They shall carry out the risk assessments by the date of application referred to in Article 33(6), second subparagraph, and at least once every year thereafter, and in any event prior to deploying functionalities that are likely to have a critical impact on the risks identified pursuant to this Article. This risk assessment shall be specific to their services and proportionate to the systemic risks, taking into consideration their severity and probability, and shall include the following systemic risks:


      (b) any actual or foreseeable negative effects for the exercise of fundamental rights, in particular the fundamental rights to human dignity enshrined in Article 1 of the Charter, to respect for private and family life enshrined in Article 7 of the Charter, to the protection of personal data enshrined in Article 8 of the Charter, to freedom of expression and information, including the freedom and pluralism of the media, enshrined in Article 11 of the Charter, to non-discrimination enshrined in Article 21 of the Charter, to respect for the rights of the child enshrined in Article 24 of the Charter and to a high-level of consumer protection enshrined in Article 38 of the Charter;

    • Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code)

      ‘(6) Border control is in the interest not only of the Member State at whose external borders it is carried out but of all Member States which have abolished internal border control. Border control should help to combat illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings and to prevent any threat to the Member States’ internal security, public policy, public health and international relations.‘


    • Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC Text with EEA relevance

      Article 3 General principle

      A clinical trial may be conducted only if:

      (a) the rights, safety, dignity and well-being of subjects are protected and prevail over all other interests; and

      (b) it is designed to generate reliable and robust data.

    • Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/220/JHA

      ‘(16) Victims of terrorism have suffered attacks that are intended ultimately to harm society. They may therefore need special attention, support and protection due to the particular nature of the crime that has been committed against them. Victims of terrorism can be under significant public scrutiny and often need social recognition and respectful treatment by society. Member States should therefore take particular account of the needs of victims of terrorism, and should seek to protect their dignity and security.’
      ‘(38) [...] A main task of these services and their staff, which play an important role in supporting the victim to recover from and overcome potential harm or trauma as a result of a criminal offence, should be to inform victims about the rights set out in this Directive so that they can take decisions in a supportive environment that treats them with dignity, respect and sensitivity. The types of support that such specialist support services should offer could include providing shelter and safe accommodation, immediate medical support, referral to medical and forensic examination for evidence in cases of rape or sexual assault, short and long-term psychological counselling, trauma care, legal advice, advocacy and specific services for children as direct or indirect victims.’
      ‘(52) Measures should be available to protect the safety and dignity of victims and their family members from secondary and repeat victimisation, from intimidation and from retaliation, such as interim injunctions or protection or restraining orders.’
      Article 18 - Right to protection
      ‘Without prejudice to the rights of the defence, Member States shall ensure that measures are available to protect victims and their family members from secondary and repeat victimisation, from intimidation and from retaliation, including against the risk of emotional or psychological harm, and to protect the dignity of victims during questioning and when testifying. When necessary, such measures shall also include procedures established under national law for the physical protection of victims and their family members.’

    4 results found

    • UN General Assembly Resolution 70/175 (2015) - United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules)

      Basic principles

      Rule 1

      All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings. No prisoner shall be subjected to, and all prisoners shall be protected from, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, for which no circumstances whatsoever may be invoked as a justification. The safety and security of prisoners, staff, service providers and visitors shall be ensured at all times.


      Rule 5

      1. The prison regime should seek to minimize any differences between prison life and life at liberty that tend to lessen the responsibility of the prisoners or the respect due to their dignity as human beings. ...


      Rule 50

      The laws and regulations governing searches of prisoners and cells shall be in accordance with obligations under international law and shall take into account international standards and norms, keeping in mind the need to ensure security in the prison. Searches shall be conducted in a manner that is respectful of the inherent human dignity and privacy of the individual being searched, as well as the principles of proportionality, legality and necessity.


      Rule 58

      ... 2. Where conjugal visits are allowed, this right shall be applied without discrimination, and women prisoners shall be able to exercise this right on an equal basis with men. Procedures shall be in place and premises shall be made available to ensure fair and equal access with due regard to safety and dignity.


      Rule 72

      The prison administration shall treat the body of a deceased prisoner with respect and dignity. The body of a deceased prisoner should be returned to his or her next of kin as soon as reasonably possible, at the latest upon completion of the investigation. The prison administration shall facilitate a culturally appropriate funeral if there is no other responsible party willing or able to do so and shall keep a full record of the matter.


    • Universal Declaration of Human Rights


      Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

      Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

      Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

      Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

      Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

      Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

      Now, therefore


      proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

    • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

      Article 1

      1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

      2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.

      3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

    • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

      Article 1

      1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural developmen