Current and upcoming events

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5 Events found

Over 60 key actors working on civic space monitoring, promotion and protection in Europe will come together at FRA to discuss civic space monitoring. From 16 to 18 September, they will discuss the overall landscape and who is doing what with respect to monitoring.
On 20 September, there will be an awareness training session on the implementation of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter. FRA will introduce the EU Charter and its implications for EU legislators.
FRA will take part in the UN Summit for the Future Action Days side event on empowering the future, making social rights of youth real. The Council of Europe organised the event that will take place on 20 September in New York.
The General Conference of the European Coalition of Cities against Racism (ECCAR) will take place in Heidelberg from 23 to 25 September.
The “Annual EU CharterXchange” is an initiative of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Commission to enhance the application of the rights enshrined in the EU Charter for Fundamental Rights (EU Charter). The European Commission’s 'Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU’, adopted in 2020, and the subsequent Council conclusions on strengthening the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European Union call for further efforts in the Member States to promote the application of the EU Charter. The CharterXchange contributes to this objective by increasing the exchange of knowledge and experience and fostering collaboration among experts, policymakers, and stakeholders through a regular forum, which started in 2023, dedicated to the EU Charter.