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On 9 December, the FRA Director will address the EU-NGO Human Rights Forum. This year the focus is on the impact of new technologies on human rights. The forum provides a platform to elaborate recommendations on how the EU can further foster human rights compliance in the digital sphere.
The Council of the EU’s working party on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons will feature findings from FRA’s report report on strong and effective National Human Rights Institutions.
On 7 December, it will be 20 years since the proclamation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights by the Presidents of the EU institutions. On that day, FRA, in partnership with the European Commission will hold a virtual conference ‘Reinforcing the EU Charter: Rights of people in the EU in the next decade’. European Commission Vice-President, Věra Jourová who is in charge of the revised Strategy for the Charter’s implementation, President of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Koen Lenaerts, and FRA Director, Michael O’Flaherty, will have a panel discussion on the need for collective efforts to reinforce application of the Charter.
Results from FRA’s survey of Traveller discrimination in Ireland will feature during a webinar on 7 December.
On 4 December, FRA and the European Committee of the Regions’ Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional & External Affairs (CIVEX) will hold their Annual Dialogue.
This year, FRA again teams up with the This human world international human rights film festival.
FRA’s Director will address Heads of National Human Rights Insitutions during the Annual NHRIs conference on 2 December.
FRA will take part via videoconference in a Commemorative Act marking 20 years since the proclamation of the EU Charter for Fundamental Rights.
FRA will host an online discussion about findings from its Fundamental Rights Survey report on What do fundamental rights mean for people in the EU?
External event
FRA will join the online meeting of the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee to exchange views on the proposal for a European Child Guarantee.