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The Data and Research Strategy 2018-2020 is linked to the Department's Strategic Plan 2017-2019. The objective of this practice is to develop a more evidence-based approach to policy making by ensuring better management, integration and use of knowledge, data and research. The strategy seeks to facilitate better collaboration and information sharing between the Department of Justice and Equality, as the lead Department with responsibility for equality in Ireland, its Agencies and stakeholders, including the public.
The strategy covers all relevant activities of the Department of Justice and Equality, and outlines strategic actions and outcomes. Under each Strategic Action there are sub-actions and allocated responsibilities.
The Strategic Actions are:
Crucial steps in the governance of the strategy will be:
The three-year strategy is reviewed by the Department on an ongoing basis. The Chief Information Officer of the Department of Justice and Equality has responsibility for delivery.
The strategy will cover all discrimination grounds as defined in Irish equality legislation: gender, marital status, family status, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, religious belief and membership of the Traveller community. Most data collected will allow for disaggregation by age and gender, in some cases also by ethnicity.
The key strand of work on equality issues will be implemented by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), an independent research institute working towards a vision of ‘Informed policy for a better Ireland’.
Department of Justice and Equality
Email: research (at) justice (dot) ie