
Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-Unjoni Ewropea

Artikolu 54 - Il-projbizzjoni ta' l-abbuż ta' dritt

Artikolu 54 - Il-projbizzjoni ta' l-abbuż ta' dritt

L-ebda dispożizzjoni ta' din il-Karta m'għandha tiġi interpretata b'mod li timplika dritt li ssir attività jew isir xi att li hu intiż biex jeqred xi dritt jew libertà rikonoxxuti f'din il-Karta jew biex jillimitahom b'mod aktar estiż minn kif previst f'din il-Karta..

  • Text:

    Dan l-Artikolu jikkorrispondi għall-Artikolu 17 tal-KEDB:

    `Ebda ħaġa li hemm f'din il-Konvenzjoni ma għandha tiġi interpretata li xi Stat, grupp jew persuna għandha xi dritt li tidħol f'xi attività jew tagħmel xi att maħsub biex jeqred xi wieħed mid-drittijiet u mil-libertajiet kontemplati f'din il-Konvenzjoni jew biex tillimitahom aktar minn dak provdut fil-Konvenzjoni.`

    [*] Nota editorjali: ir-referenzi għan-numru ta' l-Artikoli tat-Trattat ġew aġġornati u ġew ikkoreġuti wkoll xi żbalji ovvji.

    Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropea C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    Dawn l-ispjegazzjonijiet ġew imħejjija oriġinarjament taħt ir-responsabbiltà tal-Praesidium tal-Konvenzjoni li abbozza l-Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea. Huma ġew aġġornati taħt ir-responsabbiltà tal-Praesidium tal-Konvenzjoni Ewropea, fid-dawl ta' l-aġġustamenti li saru għat-test tal-Karta minn dik il-Konvenzjoni (partikolarment fl-Artikoli (51 U 52) u ta' l-evoluzzjoni fil-liġi ta' l-Unjoni. Għalkemm dawn l-ispjegazzjonijiet m'għandhomx fihom infushom l-istatus ta' liġi, huma mezz siewi ta' interpretazzjoni intiż sabiex ikunu ċċarati d-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Karta.

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  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Some 120 journalists and media practitioners from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East met in Vienna on 22 and 23 May 2006 to discuss the influence of media on intercultural relations and racism. Topics under discussion included improving reporting standards and accountability of journalists; self-regulation policies in the EU and in South-Mediterranean countries; impact of media reporting on ethnic and religious minorities; negative stereotyping; balancing freedom of expression with protection from hate speech; and making better use of expertise and experience of ethnic minority organisations.
  • 1
    This issue of Equal Voices seeks to give an overview of the main questions around the ‘integration debate' at the EU level: What is the context of the current debate? How is integration defined? Can integration be measured, and how? What should integration policies look like?

  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Activities and achievements of the FRA during the year 2005.
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    This report provides an account of the activities and achievements of the EUMC in 2005.
  • Leaflet / Flyer
    The recent months have seen a heated debate on freedom of speech and hate speech. This issue of the EUMC's Magazine Equal Voices brings together different views on the issue: NGOs, representatives of different religious communities, and media experts explain how they think hate speech can be tackled, and how freedom of speech should be applied in our societies.
  • Fundamental Rights Report
    The EUMC Annual Report 2006 looks at racial discrimination and data on racist violence and crime. It also includes an overview of positive initiatives.The EUMC finds that migrants and ethnic minorities remain discriminated against across the EU in employment, education and housing.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The report provides an overview on the situation of Roma and Travellers in education across the EU.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This pilot study is based on the data of 12 country studies of EU Member States.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The objective of this report is to present an overview of the situation regarding access to education of Roma and Traveller pupils in the European Union focusing on primary and secondary public education.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report is based on information supplied by the FRA's national focal points, and it shows that across the EU 15 similar mechanisms of housing disadvantage and discrimination affect migrants and minorities, such as denying access to accommodation on the grounds of the applicant's skin colour, imposing restrictive conditions limiting access to public housing, or even violent physical attacks aimed at deterring minorities from certain neighbourhoods.