
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Antisemitism is still a reality for many Jewish people in the EU today. Faced with prejudice and hostility, most feel unable to live openly Jewish lives. This report presents the results of FRA’s third EU survey of Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of antisemitism. The survey took place before the Hamas attacks in October 2023 and the war in Gaza; however, it includes evidence from a consultation with national and European Jewish umbrella organisations since. It covers 13 EU Member States that together account for around 96 % of the EU’s Jewish population.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    FRA’s third LGBTIQ survey shows that people still experience hate-motivated violence and discrimination. Trans and intersex people face even greater victimisation. Yet, signs of progress show that the EU’s and Member States’ efforts can positively affect people’s lives. More LGBTIQ people are open about their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Racism in the police can include discriminatory racial profiling practices through to excessive use of force. Incidents like these highlight deeper systemic issues that need addressing. Many in society are affected by racism in policing, not only the individuals or communities targeted. Lack of trust in policing can fuel social exclusion and damages the foundations of a fair and equal society, however promising practices are developing to address these issues. This is the first EU-wide report on racism in policing. FRA’s findings identify gaps in regulatory frameworks and propose concrete steps for action.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    FRA's first Being Black in the EU report exposed widespread and entrenched racism against people of African descent in Europe. Now updated with new data, this report revisits the situation revealing persistent racial discrimination, harassment and violence. Overall, experiences of racial discrimination increased in the EU countries since 2016, reaching as high as 77%. The lack of progress is alarming despite binding anti-discrimination law in the EU since 2000 and significant EU policy developments since then.
In this edition of his vlog, Michael O'Flaherty talks about the human rights aspects in the context of the Corona virus epidemic.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the publication of FRA's second LGBTI-survey on the 17th of March and how we can use the results to further battle discrimination.
Die Rechte des Kindes stehen an oberster Stelle. Maßnahmen für den Schutz und die
Teilhabe von Kindern gelten für ALLE Kinder in der EU.
Menschen afrikanischer Abstammung stoßen EU-weit auf ausgeprägte und tief sitzende Vorurteile und Ausgrenzung. Rassendiskriminierung
und rassistisch motivierte Belästigung
sind an der Tagesordnung. Die Erfahrungen mit rassistisch
motivierter Gewalt nehmen unterschiedliche
Formen an, betreffen jedoch immerhin 14 %.
Diskriminierendes Profiling durch die Polizei gehört
ebenfalls zum Alltag. Die Hindernisse, die einer Integration
im Weg stehen, sind vielfältig, insbesondere
dann, wenn es um die Suche nach Arbeitsplätzen
und Wohnraum geht.
This annual overview provides an update of the most recent figures on antisemitic incidents, covering the period 1 January 2008 – 31 December 2018, across the EU Member States, where data are available. It includes a section that presents evidence from international organisations. In addition, for the first time, it provides an overview of how Member States that have adopted or endorsed the non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) (2016) use or intend to use it.
FRA’s second EU Minorities and Discrimination survey (EU-MIDIS II) collected information from over 25,000 respondents with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across all 28 EU Member States. The main findings from the survey, published in 2017, pointed to a number of differences in the way women and men with immigrant backgrounds across the European Union (EU) experience how their rights are respected. This report summarises some of the most relevant survey findings in this regard, which show the need for targeted, gender-sensitive measures that promote the integration of – specifically – women who are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.
Based on FRA’s second large-scale survey on experiences and perceptions of antisemitism, this report focuses on the perspectives of young Jewish Europeans (aged 16-34) living in twelve EU Member States. It first describes this particular group and takes a look at defining antisemitism and understanding the place of Israel in it.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Ten years after the UN’s Disability Convention entered into force, 2018 saw it continue
to drive advances in disability rights across the EU.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Not all children benefit equally from efforts to guarantee child rights.
Some groups face particular difficulties.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Anti-Gypsyism across the EU remains a persistent barrier to improving the social and
economic situation of Roma today.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Ethnic minorities and migrants continue to face harassment and discrimination across the EU,
despite longstanding EU laws against racism.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Efforts to advance equality moved ahead in some areas but remain stalled in others.
This technical report presents in detail all the stages
of the survey and the relevant information needed to
assess the quality and reliability of the data, as well
as considerations for interpreting the survey results.
The following chapters of the report cover the procedures
used in the development and administration
of the survey.
Der Leitfaden Kinder ohne elterliche Fürsorge, die in einem anderen EU-Mitgliedstaat als ihrem
eigenen angetroffen werden hat das Ziel, die Handlungsfähigkeit aller im Bereich Kinderschutz
tätigen Akteure zu stärken. Der Schutz dieser Mädchen und Jungen ist von höchster Bedeutung und
stellt für die EU-Mitgliedstaaten eine Verpflichtung dar, die sich aus dem internationalen und dem
europäischen Rechtsrahmen ableitet. Der vorliegende Leitfaden legt den Schwerpunkt auf Kinder,
die Opfer von Menschenhandel geworden sind oder Gefahr laufen, dies zu werden, indem auf die
Umsetzung der Ziele eingegangen wird, die in der Mitteilung der Kommission zur Berichterstattung
über die Folgemaßnahmen zur Strategie der EU zur Beseitigung des Menschenhandels von
2017 beschrieben wurden. Dabei werden ermittelte Muster beleuchtet, auch im Hinblick auf die
geschlechtsspezifischen Besonderheiten von Straftaten.
Algorithms used in machine learning systems and artificial intelligence (AI) can only be as good as the data used for their development. High quality data are essential for high quality algorithms. Yet, the call for high quality data in discussions around AI often remains without any further specifications and guidance as to what this actually means.
Das Jahr 2018 brachte in Bezug auf den Schutz der Grundrechte sowohl
Fortschritte als auch Rückschritte. In ihrem Grundrechte-Bericht 2019
untersucht die FRA wichtige Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet und zeigt sowohl
Erfolge als auch Bereiche auf, in denen es immer noch Probleme gibt. Darüber
hinaus äußert sich die FRA in dieser Veröffentlichung zu den wichtigsten
Entwicklungen in den genannten Themenbereichen und gibt einen Überblick
über die Informationen, die diesen Stellungnahmen zugrunde liegen.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination on the basis of age in the EU and calls for more respect for Human- and Fundamental Rights of older people.
Despite efforts by the European Union (EU) and its Member States to reduce gender inequalities among citizens of Roma origin, important gender differences persist. Drawing on FRA’s own EU-MIDIS II survey research in nine EU Member States this report highlights the position of Roma women in education, employment and health, as well as the extent to which they experience hate-motivated discrimination, harassment and physical violence.
In the light of the events in New Zealand, Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination and hate crime against Muslims in the EU and makes 4 proposals on how to make Muslims feel more safe.
The Compendium of Practices on Equality Data is the product of the Subgroup on Equality Data, which was set up in February 2018 by the EU High Level Group on Non-Discrimination, Diversity and Equality and is facilitated by FRA. The Subgroup on Equality Data brings together representatives of EU Member States and Norway, the European Commission, Eurostat and FRA with the aim to support Member States in their efforts to improve the collection and use of equality data.
Hasskriminalität gehört in der gesamten Europäischen Union (EU) zum Alltag. Das bestätigen zwei neue Berichte der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA). Zu Hasskriminaliät zählen Gewalt und Straftaten, die durch Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit, religiöse Intoleranz oder durch eine Behinderung, die sexuelle Ausrichtung oder Geschlechtsidentität einer Person motiviert sind. Sie fügen aber nicht nur den unmittelbaren Opfern Schaden zu, sondern treffen auch das Herz des EU-Engagements für Demokratie und die Grundrechte auf Gleichberechtigung und Nichtdiskriminierung.