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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
What are fundamental rights ?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Title I: Dignity
1 - Human dignity
2 - Right to life
3 - Right to integrity of the person
4 - Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
5 - Slavery / Forced Labour
Title II: Freedoms
6 - Right to liberty and security
7 - Respect for private and family life
8 - Protection of personal data
9 - Right to marry and right to found a family
10 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
11 - Freedom of expression and information
12 - Freedom of assembly and of association
13 - Freedom of the arts and sciences
14 - Right to education
15 - Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work
16 - Freedom to conduct a business
17 - Right to property
18 - Right to asylum
19 - Protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition
Title III: Equality
20 - Equality before the law
21 - Non-discrimination
22 - Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity
23 - Equality between women and men
24 - The rights of the child
25 - The rights of the elderly
26 - Integration of persons with disabilities
Title IV: Solidarity
27 - Workers' right to information and consultation within the undertaking
28 - Right of collective bargaining and action
29 - Right of access to placement services
30 - Protection in the event of unjustified dismissal
31 - Fair and just working conditions
32 - Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work
33 - Family and professional life
34 - Social security and social assistance
35 - Health care
36 - Access to services of general economic interest
37 - Environmental protection
38 - Consumer protection
Title V: Citizens' rights
39 - Right to vote and to stand as a candidate at elections to the European Parliament
40 - Right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections
41 - Right to good administration
42 - Right of access to documents
43 - European Ombudsman
44 - Right to petition
45 - Freedom of movement and of residence
46 - Diplomatic and consular protection
Title VI: Justice
47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial
48 - Presumption of innocence and right of defence
49 - Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
50 - Right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same criminal offence
Title VII: General provisions
51 - Field of application
52 - Scope and interpretation
53 - Level of protection
54 - Abuse of rights
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
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Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Fundamental Rights Survey
EU LGBTI survey II
From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims
Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack
Fundamental rights at EU borders
Violence against women press pack
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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
What are fundamental rights ?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Title I: Dignity
1 -
Human dignity
2 -
Right to life
3 -
Right to integrity of the person
4 -
Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
5 -
Slavery / Forced Labour
Title II: Freedoms
6 -
Right to liberty and security
7 -
Respect for private and family life
8 -
Protection of personal data
9 -
Right to marry and right to found a family
10 -
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
11 -
Freedom of expression and information
12 -
Freedom of assembly and of association
13 -
Freedom of the arts and sciences
14 -
Right to education
15 -
Freedom to choose an occupation and right to engage in work
16 -
Freedom to conduct a business
17 -
Right to property
18 -
Right to asylum
19 -
Protection in the event of removal, expulsion or extradition
Title III: Equality
20 -
Equality before the law
21 -
22 -
Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity
23 -
Equality between women and men
24 -
The rights of the child
25 -
The rights of the elderly
26 -
Integration of persons with disabilities
Title IV: Solidarity
27 -
Workers' right to information and consultation within the undertaking
28 -
Right of collective bargaining and action
29 -
Right of access to placement services
30 -
Protection in the event of unjustified dismissal
31 -
Fair and just working conditions
32 -
Prohibition of child labour and protection of young people at work
33 -
Family and professional life
34 -
Social security and social assistance
35 -
Health care
36 -
Access to services of general economic interest
37 -
Environmental protection
38 -
Consumer protection
Title V: Citizens' rights
39 -
Right to vote and to stand as a candidate at elections to the European Parliament
40 -
Right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections
41 -
Right to good administration
42 -
Right of access to documents
43 -
European Ombudsman
44 -
Right to petition
45 -
Freedom of movement and of residence
46 -
Diplomatic and consular protection
Title VI: Justice
47 -
Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial
48 -
Presumption of innocence and right of defence
49 -
Principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
50 -
Right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same criminal offence
Title VII: General provisions
51 -
Field of application
52 -
Scope and interpretation
53 -
Level of protection
54 -
Abuse of rights
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Work on rights
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Racial and ethnic origin
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Title III: Equality
Article 21 - Non-discrimination
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Title III: Equality
Article 22 - Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity
Report / Paper / Summary
Addressing Racism in Policing
Racism in the police can include discriminatory racial profiling practices through to excessive use of force. Incidents like these highlight deeper systemic issues that need addressing. Many in society are affected by racism in policing, not only the individuals or communities targeted. Lack of trust in policing can fuel social exclusion and damages the foundations of a fair and equal society, however promising practices are developing to address these issues. This is the first EU-wide report on racism in policing. FRA’s findings identify gaps in regulatory frameworks and propose concrete steps for action.
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Report / Paper / Summary
Being Black in the EU – Experiences of people of African descent
FRA's first Being Black in the EU report exposed widespread and entrenched racism against people of African descent in Europe. Now updated with new data, this report revisits the situation revealing persistent racial discrimination, harassment and violence. Overall, experiences of racial discrimination increased in the EU countries since 2016, reaching as high as 77%. The lack of progress is alarming despite binding anti-discrimination law in the EU since 2000 and significant EU policy developments since then.
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Report / Paper / Summary
Your rights matter: Police stops - Fundamental Rights Survey
This paper presents statistical survey data for the EU on how often people are stopped by the police, in what kind of situations they are stopped, the action taken by the police during stops, and views on whether or not the police acted respectfully.
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04 December 2017
Survey on Minorities and Discrimination in EU (2016)
This survey involved interviews with 25,515 people with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across 28 EU countries. It explores issues concerning discrimination as well as experiences of harassment, hate-motivated violence and discriminatory profiling.
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Opinion / Position Paper
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
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Civil justice
National human rights systems and bodies
FRA Opinion on the situation of equality in the European Union 10 years on from initial implementation of the equality directives
Drawing on evidence gathered in its surveys and reports, FRA submits a set of opinions aimed at improving the protection against discrimination. These could be taken into account in the implementation and the eventual reform of the EU legal framework on the protection against discrimination.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Discover the past for the future – The role of historical sites and museums in Holocaust education and human rights education in the EU
In 2009, the FRA conducted the first EU-wide study of the role that European memorial sites, museums and exhibitions play with respect to educating young Europeans about the Holocaust and human rights. The findings of the study were presented at a Conference in Auschwitz on the 27 January bringing together Education Ministers from across Europe.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare
Certain people are seen as particularly vulnerable to unequal treatment, because they share a combination of characteristics that may trigger discrimination. A Roma woman sterilised without her informed consent, for example, has suffered discrimination not just because of her sex, as all women do not face this treatment, nor just because she is Roma, as Roma men may not face this treatment. The discriminatory treatment is based specifically on the intersection of her sex and ethnic origin.
In brief / Factsheet
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Factsheet - Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare
The FRA report 'Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare' examines experiences of unequal treatment on more than one ground in healthcare, providing evidence of discrimination or unfair treatment.
Report / Paper / Summary
Hate crime
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
Making hate crime visible in the European Union: acknowledging victims' rights
Discrimination and intolerance persist in the European Union (EU) despite the best efforts of Member States to root them out, FRA research shows. Verbal abuse, physical attacks and murders motivated by prejudice target EU society in all its diversity, from visible minorities to those with disabilities. This FRA report is designed to help the EU and its Member States to tackle these fundamental rights violations both by making them more visible and bringing perpetrators to account.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Hate crime
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
EU-MIDIS Data in Focus Report 6: Minorities as Victims of Crime
This EU-MIDIS Data in focus report 6 presents data on respondents’ experiences of victimisation across five crime types: theft of or from a vehicle; burglary or attempted burglary; theft of personal property not involving force or threat (personal theft); assault or threat; and serious harassment. The European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS) is the first EU-wide survey to ask 23,500 individuals with an ethnic and minority background about their experiences of discrimination and criminal victimisation in everyday life.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Support for human rights systems and defenders
Discover the past for the future – The role of historical sites and museums in Holocaust education and human rights education in the EU - Summary
The European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) conducted European-wide research in 2009 on the contribution of memorial sites to Holocaust education and human rights education in the European Union (EU). This summary report, derived from the main report 'Discover the past for the future. The role of historical sites and museums in Holocaust education and human rights education in the EU', provides selected findings, discussion points and recommendations.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Hate crime
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
EU-MIDIS Data in Focus Report 2: Muslims
This report focuses on respondents who identified themselves as Muslims, and is the second in a series of EU-MIDIS ‘Data in Focus' reports exploring different results from the survey. Up to nine ‘Data in Focus' reports are planned. Given the shortage of extensive, objective and comparable data on Muslims in the European Union, EU-MIDIS provides, for the first time, comparable data on how Muslims across the EU experience discrimination and victimisation.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
EU-MIDIS Data in Focus Report 5: Multiple discrimination
The Fundamental Rights Agency publishes its first report on multiple discrimination: EU-MIDIS Data in Focus 5: ‘Multiple Discrimination' which focuses on perceptions of multiple discrimination experiences by respondents of ethnic or immigrant origin, compared with the general population.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Migrants, minorities and employment - Exclusion and discrimination in the 27 Member States of the European Union (Update 2003-2008)
The 2003-2008 update on the exclusion and discrimination of migrants, minorities and employment in the 27 EU Member States provides a comparative overview and analysis of data and information documenting discrimination in the workplaces and labour markets across the European Union.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
The Racial Equality Directive: application and challenges
The Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) is the key piece of EU legislation for combating discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin and for giving effect to the principle of equal treatment. The present report discusses the application of the directive through the laws and practices in the 27 EU Member States.
Report / Paper / Summary
Unlawful profiling
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Data protection
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Towards More Effective Policing, Understanding and preventing discriminatory ethnic profiling: A guide
When a decision to stop an individual is motivated solely or mainly by virtue of a person's race, ethnicity or religion, this constitutes discriminatory ethnic profiling. Such practices can serve to alienate certain communities in the EU, and in turn can contribute to inefficient policing. The FRA guide aims to help the police address and avoid discriminatory ethnic profiling, and is designed to be used as a tool for more effective policing.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Excursion to the past - teaching for the future: handbook for teachers
To mark the 2010 anniversary of "the night of the broken glass", the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) publishes a handbook for teachers: Excursion to the past - teaching for the future. The handbook emphasises the link between teaching about the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes, and teaching about human rights and democracy.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Support for human rights systems and defenders
National human rights systems and bodies
EU-MIDIS Data in Focus Report 3: Rights Awareness
EU-MIDIS "Data in Focus" report 3 focuses on respondents' knowledge about their rights in the field of non-discrimination, including knowledge about Equality Bodies in Member States. This Data In Focus report on 'Rights Awareness and equality bodies' relates to Article 21, on 'non-discrimination', as enrshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
The situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States - Survey results at a glance
Roma - Europe's largest minority of 10-12 million people - continue to experience discrimination and social exclusion; and they are not sufficiently aware of their rights guaranteed by EU law, such as the Racial Equality Directive. This report presents the first results of the FRA Roma pilot survey and the UNDP/World Bank/European Commission regional Roma survey carried out in 2011.
In brief / Factsheet
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
The situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States - Survey results at a glance - Factsheet
This factsheet presents the first results of the surveys based on an analysis of only part of the available data. The results presented are a first step in addressing the severe lack of data on the socio-economic situation of Roma in the EU and the fulfilment of their rights.
In brief / Factsheet
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Inequalities and multiple discrimination in healthcare
A factsheet on FRA's multiple discrimination project.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusion of migrants and minorities in sport: the situation in the European Union
Racism and ethnic discrimination in sport have increasingly become a public issue in European sport over the past decades. This report examines the occurrence and different forms of racism, ethnic discrimination and exclusionary practices in sports, focusing on different sports and levels of practice in the EU.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Civil society
The impact of the Racial Equality Directive - Views of trade unions and employers in the European Union (Strengthening the fundamental rights architecture in the EU IV)
This report focuses on the views of Europe's employer organisations, trade unions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) concerning the application of the Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) in practice, with a sole focus on the area of employment.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Hate crime
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia
The report "Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia" published presents available data on discrimination affecting Muslims in employment, education and housing.
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