
Duomenų apsauga, privatumas ir naujos technologijos

<p>More of our everyday lives are online &mdash; both at work and home. Meanwhile, terror attacks intensify calls for more surveillance. Concerns grow over the safety of our privacy and personal data.</p>
<p>FRA helps lawmakers and practitioners protect your rights in a connected world.</p>


    New language versions - Danish, Lithuanian, Slovenian
    10 November 2021
    Dėl sparčios informacinių technologijų plėtros padidėjo poreikis užtikrinti patikimą asmens duomenų apsaugą
    taikant tiek Europos Sąjungos, tiek Europos Tarybos priemones. Siekiant užtikrinti šią svarbią teisę, kyla naujų
    ir svarbių uždavinių, nes dėl technologinės pažangos plečiamos tokių sričių, kaip stebėjimas, ryšių perėmimas
    ir duomenų saugojimas, ribos. Šis vadovas parengtas siekiant supažindinti teisės specialistus, kurie neturi
    itin daug žinių apie duomenų apsaugą, su šia naujai besiformuojančia teisės sritimi.
    Pilietinės visuomenės organizacijos Europos Sąjungoje atlieka esminį vaidmenį skatindamos pagrindines teises, bet dėl teisinių ir praktinių suvaržymų joms tai daryti tapo sunkiau.
    Nors sunkumų patiriama visose ES valstybėse narėse, jų pobūdis ir mastas labai nevienodi. Iš esmės šiuo klausimu nėra duomenų ir neatlikta tyrimų (nei lyginamųjų tyrimų).
    Todėl FRA ataskaitoje nagrinėjamos įvairios sunkumų, su kuriais susiduria pilietinės visuomenės organizacijos, veikiančios žmogaus teisių srityje ES, rūšys ir pobūdis. Joje taip pat aprašoma perspektyvi praktika, kurią pasitelkus galima kovoti su tokiomis nerimą keliančiomis tendencijomis.
    Terorizmui, kibernetiniams išpuoliams ir itin gerai organizuotiems tarpvalstybiniams nusikaltėlių tinklams keliant vis didesnę grėsmę, žvalgybos tarnybų darbas tampa vis labiau būtinas, sudėtingas ir tarptautinis. Tokia veikla gali būti stipriai pažeidžiamos pagrindinės, ypač privatumo ir duomenų apsaugos, teisės. Kadangi dėl nuolatinės technologijų pažangos gali padidėti tokių pažeidimų
    grėsmė, veiksminga priežiūra ir teisių gynimo priemonės gali padėti pažaboti piktnaudžiavimo šioje srityje galimybes.
    This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and will address burning fundamental rights themes.
    This Opinion by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) aims to inform the European Parliament position concerning legislative proposals on interoperability between EU information technology systems (IT systems) presented on 12 December 2017 and currently discussed by the EU legislators.
    This report outlines the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using
    biometric and other data in EU IT systems in the area of asylum and migration.
    Mario Oetheimer presented FRA’s second surveillance report to the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Committee on 21 November in Brussels.
    This is the recording of the online press briefing about mass surveillance as presented by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on 16 October 2017.
    This second volume, ‘Surveillance by intelligence services: fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU’, explores legal changes since the first volume in 2015 and how these laws are applied in practice. It is based on data from all EU Member States on the legal framework governing surveillance and complemented by field research in seven Member States: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. This involved more than 70 interviews with a range of stakeholders related to surveillance. These included overseers and controllers from the executive, indedepent expert bodies, parliamentary committees, the judiciary and actors from the civil society. These quotes are contained in the report. Below are a selection of some of them:
    This report is FRA’s second publication addressing a European Parliament request for in-depth research on the impact of surveillance on fundamental rights. It updates FRA’s 2015 legal analysis on the topic, and supplements that analysis with field-based insights gained from extensive interviews with diverse experts in intelligence and related fields, including its oversight.
    In 2006 the EU issued its Data Retention Directive. According to the Directive, EU Member States had to store electronic telecommunications data for at least six months and at most 24 months for investigating, detecting and prosecuting serious crime. In 2016, with an EU legal framework on data retention still lacking, the CJEU further clarified what safeguards are required for data retention to be lawful.This paper looks at amendments to national data retention laws in 2016 after the Digital Rights Ireland judgment.
    The European Parliament requested this FRA Opinion on the fundamental rights and personal data protection implications of the proposed Regulation for the creation of a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), including an assessment of the fundamental rights aspects of the access
    by law enforcement authorities and Europol.
    Various proposals on EU-level information systems in the areas of borders and security mention interoperability, aiming to provide fast and easy access to information about third-country nationals.
    Diverse efforts at both EU and national levels sought to bolster fundamental rights protection in 2016, while some measures threatened to undermine such protection.
    Diverse efforts at both EU and national levels sought to bolster fundamental rights protection in 2016, while some measures threatened to undermine such protection.
    This year marks the 10th anniversary of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. Such a milestone offers an opportunity for reflection – both on the progress that provides cause for celebration and on the lingering shortcomings that must be addressed.
    The Agency’s Director, Michael O’Flaherty, took part in a meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on 9 February.
    The European Parliament asked the Agency to provide its Opinion on the fundamental rights impact of the proposed revision of the Eurodac Regulation on children.
    EU Member States are increasingly involved in border management activities on the high seas, within – or i cooperation with – third countries, and at the EU’s borders. Such activities entail risks of violating the principle of non-refoulement, the cornerstone of the international legal regime for the protection of refugees, which prohibits returning individuals to a risk of persecution. This report aims to encourage fundamental-rights compliant approaches to border management, including by highlighting potential grey areas.