Past events

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764 Events found

On 21 March, FRA will host a hybrid event on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights for a group of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs).
FRA will participate in the European Parliament’s anti-racism and diversity week in Brussels.
Over two days, judges, prosecutors and court staff will be at FRA for a training seminar focusing on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The Eurostat working group on crime and criminal justice statistics will hold its annual meeting.
On 13-14 March, FRA will meet the protecting victims of crime project team in Bucharest.
On 13 March, FRA will welcome the former ambassador of Israel in the EU and Brussels and a delegation of students.
The European Commission’s Child Rights Coordinator is convening several meetings to move forward with the implementation of the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child.
FRA will speak at this year’s Civil Society Days of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).
On 28 February, FRA’s Director will present the updated report on surveillance by intelligence services to the European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA).
FRA will take part in the annual meeting of European Presidents of Bar and Law Societies.