Prava Građana
Članak 44 - Pravo na peticiju
Svaki grañanin Unije i svaka fizička ili pravna osoba s boravištem odnosno registriranim sjedištem u jednoj državi članici ima pravo na podnošenje peticije Europskom parlamentu.
Article XXV (Freedom and Responsibility) Everyone shall have the right to submit, either individually or jointly with others, written applications, complaints or proposals to any organ exercising public power.
Article 10(1). Each person, acting on his own or together with others, shall have the right, observing the laws of the State, to petition in writing public authorities, who shall be obliged to take prompt action in accordance with provisions inforce, and to give a written and reasoned reply to the petitioner as provided by law [...]
Άρθρο 10 (1) Kαθένας ή πoλλoί μαζί έχoυν τo δικαίωμα, τηρώντας τoυς νόμoυς τoυ Kράτoυς, να αναφέρoνται εγγράφως στις αρχές, oι oπoίες είναι υπoχρεωμένες να ενεργoύν σύντoμα κατά τις κείμενες διατάξεις και να απαντoύν αιτιoλoγημένα σε εκείνoν, πoυ υπέβαλε την αναφoρά, σύμφωνα με τo νόμo. [...]
Article 17 Every person shall have the right individually or jointly with others to address written requests or complaints to competent authorities and to the legislature. Article 17a (1) Laws regarding military and alternative service may provide that the basic right of members of the Armed Forces and of alternative service freely to express and disseminate their opinions in speech, writing and pictures (first clause of paragraph (1) of Article 5), the basic right of assembly (Article 8), and the right of petition (Article 17) insofar as it permits the submission of requests or complaints jointly with others, be restricted during their period of military or alternative service. Article 45c (1) The Bundestag shall appoint a Petitions Committee to deal with requests and complaints addressed to the Bundestag pursuant to Article 17. (2) The powers of the Committee to consider complaints shall be regulated by a federal law.
Artikel 17 Jedermann hat das Recht, sich einzeln oder in Gemeinschaft mit anderen schriftlich mit Bitten oder Beschwerden an die zuständigen Stellen und an die Volksvertretung zu wenden. Artikel 17a (1) Gesetze über Wehrdienst und Ersatzdienst können bestimmen, daß für die Angehörigen der Streitkräfte und des Ersatzdienstes während der Zeit des Wehr- oder Ersatzdienstes das Grundrecht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten (Artikel 5 Abs. 1 Satz 1 erster Halbsatz), das Grundrecht der Versammlungsfreiheit (Artikel 8) und das Petitionsrecht (Artikel 17), soweit es das Recht gewährt, Bitten oder Beschwerden in Gemeinschaft mit anderen vorzubringen, eingeschränkt werden. Artikel 45c (1) Der Bundestag bestellt einen Petitionsausschuß, dem die Behandlung der nach Artikel 17 an den Bundestag gerichteten Bitten und Beschwerden obliegt. (2) Die Befugnisse des Ausschusses zur Überprüfung von Beschwerden regelt ein Bundesgesetz.
Article 46. Everyone has the right to address informational letters and petitions to government agencies, local authorities, and their officials. The procedure for responding to such letters and petitions is provided by law.
§ 46.Igaühel on õigus pöörduda märgukirjade ja avaldustega riigiasutuste, kohalike omavalitsuste ja nende ametiisikute poole. Vastamise korra sätestab seadus.
§ 54. Andragender kan kun overgives til folketinget ved et af dettes medlemmer.
Section 54. Petitions may be submitted to the Parliament only through one of its Members.
Appendice D – Part II – Rights and Fundamental freedoms Article 291. Every person has the right individually or jointly with others to address written requests or complaints to any competent public authority and to have them attended to and decided expeditiously; an immediate notice of any such decision taken duly reasoned shall be given to the person making the request or complaint and in any event within a period not exceeding thirty days.2. Where any interested person is aggrieved by any such decision or where no such decision is notified to such person within the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, such person may have recourse to a competent court in the matter of such request or complaint.
Article 146 Citizens of the Republic of Croatia shall be European Union citizens and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire, and in particular: (...) – the right to submit petitions to the European Parliament, complaints to the European Ombudsman and the right to apply to European Union institutions and advisory bodies in the Croatian language, as well as in all the other official languages of the European Union, and to receive a reply in the same language.
All rights shall be exercised in compliance with the conditions and limitations laid down in the founding treaties of the European Union and the measures undertaken pursuant to such treaties. In the Republic of Croatia, all rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire shall be enjoyed by all citizens of the European Union.
Članak 146. Državljani Republike Hrvatske su građani Europske unije i uživaju prava koja im jamči pravna stečevina Europske unije, a osobito: (...) – pravo podnošenja peticija Europskom parlamentu, predstavki Europskom ombudsmanu te pravo obraćanja institucijama i savjetodavnim tijelima Europske unije na hrvatskom jeziku, kao i na svim službenim jezicima Europske unije, te pravo dobiti odgovor na istom jeziku.
Sva prava ostvaruju se u skladu s uvjetima i ograničenjima propisanima ugovorima na kojima se temelji Europska unija te mjerama prihvaćenima na temelju tih ugovora. U Republici Hrvatskoj sva prava zajamčena pravnom stečevinom Europske unije uživaju svi građani Europske unije.
Art. 45. All citizens shall have the right to lodge complaints, proposals and petitions with the state authorities.
Чл. 45. Гражданите имат право на жалби, предложения и петиции до държавните органи.
Art. 28. Ieder heeft het recht verzoekschriften, door een of meer personen ondertekend, bij de openbare overheden in te dienen. Alleen de gestelde overheden hebben het recht verzoekschriften in gemeenschappelijke naam in te dienen.
Art. 28. Chacun a le droit d'adresser aux autorités publiques des pétitions signées par une ou plusieurs personnes. Les autorités constituées ont seules le droit d'adresser des pétitions en nom collectif.
Article 28.Everyone has the right to address petitions signed by one or more persons to the public authorities. Constituted bodies are alone entitled to address petitions under a collective name
Artikel 148a (5) Der Volksanwaltschaft obliegt ferner die Mitwirkung an der Erledigung der an den Nationalrat gerichteten Petitionen und Bürgerinitiativen. Näheres bestimmt das Bundesgesetz über die Geschäftsordnung des Nationalrates.
Article 148a (5) It is moreover incumbent on the ombudsman board to assist in the disposal of petitions and group memorials presented to the National Council. The Federal law on the National Council's Standing Orders stipulates the details.