
Povelja o temeljnim pravima Europske unije

Članak 20 - Jednakost pred zakonom

Članak 20 - Jednakost pred zakonom

Svi su pred zakonom jednaki.

    • Text:
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    • HJ v US and MU
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Elisa Eestiu v Cybersecurity Council of the Security Committee of the Republic of Estonia and Office of Consumer Protection and Technical Supervision
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Défense Active des Amateurs d’Armes ASBL and Others v Conseil des ministres
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • WA v Direcţia pentru Evidenţa Persoanelor şi Administrarea Bazelor de Date din Ministerul Afacerilor Interne
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Order of Flemish Bars and Alain Claes and the de facto association “Belgian Association of Tax Lawyers” and others v. The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region and the Flemish Government
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Constitutional Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Court of Appeals of Bologna vs the Italian State
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Constitutional Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • O. G. v Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • M.A./France
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      State Council
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Hungary v European Parliament and Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Full Court)
      Policy area:
      Institutional affairs
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Republic of Poland v European Parliament and Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Full Court)
      Policy area:
      Internal market
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    56 results found

    • Grondwet voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

      Artikel 1 Allen die zich in Nederland bevinden, worden in gelijke gevallen gelijk behandeld. Discriminatie wegens godsdienst, levensovertuiging, politieke gezindheid, ras, geslacht of op welke grond dan ook, is niet toegestaan.

    • Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

      Article 1 All people are free and equal in their dignity and rights. Their fundamental rights and freedoms are inherent, inalienable, non-prescriptible, and irrepealable. Article 37 (…) (3) All parties to such proceedings are equal.

    • Constitution of the Czech Republic

      Article 96 (1) All parties to a proceeding have equal rights before the court.

    • Listina základních práv a svobod

      Článek 1 Lidé jsou svobodní a rovní v důstojnosti i v právech. Základní práva a svobody jsou nezadatelné, nezcizitelné, nepromlčitelné a nezrušitelné. Článek 37 (3) Všichni účastníci jsou si v řízení rovni.

    • Ústava České republiky

      Článek 96 (1) Všichni účastníci řízení mají před soudem rovná práva.

    • Equality Act 2006
      United Kingdom

      An Act to make provision for the establishment of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights; to dissolve the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality and the Disability Rights Commission; to make provision about discrimination on grounds of religion or belief; to enable provision to be made about discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation; to impose duties relating to sex discrimination on persons performing public functions; to amend the Disability Discrimination Act 1995; and for connected purposes.

    • Equality Act 2010
      United Kingdom

      Section 13 Direct discrimination
      (1) A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others.
      (2) If the protected characteristic is age, A does not discriminate against B if A can show A's treatment of B to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
      (3) If the protected characteristic is disability, and B is not a disabled person, A does not discriminate against B only because A treats or would treat disabled persons more favourably than A treats B.
      (4)If the protected characteristic is marriage and civil partnership, this section applies to a contravention of Part 5 (work) only if the treatment is because it is B who is married or a civil partner.
      (5) If the protected characteristic is race, less favourable treatment includes segregating B from others.
      (6) If the protected characteristic is sex—
      (a) less favourable treatment of a woman includes less favourable treatment of her because she is breast-feeding;
      (b) in a case where B is a man, no account is to be taken of special treatment afforded to a woman in connection with pregnancy or childbirth.
      (7) Subsection (6)(a) does not apply for the purposes of Part 5 (work).
      (8) This section is subject to sections 17(6) and 18(7).

      Section 19 Indirect discrimination
      (1)A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if A applies to B a provision, criterion or practice which is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of B's.
      (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a provision, criterion or practice is discriminatory in relation to a relevant protected characteristic of B's if—
      (a) A applies, or would apply, it to persons with whom B does not share the characteristic,
      (b) it puts, or would put, persons with whom B shares the characteristic at a particular disadvantage when compared with persons with whom B does not share it,
      (c) it puts, or would put, B at that disadvantage, and
      (d) A cannot show it to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
      (3) The relevant protected characteristics are—
      gender reassignment;
      marriage and civil partnership;
      religion or belief;
      sexual orientation.

    • Instrument of Government

      Chapter 1 - Basic principles of the form of government: Article 2 Public power shall be exercised with respect for the equal worth of all and the liberty and dignity of the individual. (...) The public institutions shall promote the opportunity for all to attain participation and equality in society and for the rights of the child to be safeguarded. The public institutions shall combat discrimination of persons on grounds of gender, colour, national or ethnic origin, linguistic or religious affiliation, functional disability, sexual orientation, age or other circumstance affecting the individual. The opportunities of the Sami people and ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities to preserve and develop a cultural and social life of their own shall be promoted; Article 9 Courts of law, administrative authorities and others performing public administration functions shall pay regard in their work to the equality of all before the law and shall observe objectivity and impartiality. Chapter 2 - Fundamental rights and freedoms: Article 12 No act of law or other provision may imply the unfavourable treatment of anyone because they belong to a minority group by reason of ethnic origin, colour, or other similar circumstances or on account of their sexual orientation; Article 13 No act of law or other provision may imply the unfavourable treatment of anyone on grounds of gender, unless the provision forms part of efforts to promote equality between men and women or relates to compulsory military service or other equivalent official duties.

    • Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform

      1 kapitlet - Statsskickets grunder: 2 § Den offentliga makten ska utövas med respekt för alla människors lika värde och för den enskilda människans frihet och värdighet. (…)Det allmänna ska verka för att alla människor ska kunna uppnå delaktighet och jämlikhet i samhället och för att barns rätt tas till vara. Det allmänna ska motverka diskriminering av människor på grund av kön, hudfärg, nationellt eller etniskt ursprung, språklig eller religiös tillhörighet, funktionshinder, sexuell läggning, ålder eller andra omständigheter som gäller den enskilde som person. Samiska folkets och etniska, språkliga och religiösa minoriteters möjligheter att behålla och utveckla ett eget kultur- och samfundsliv ska främjas; 9 § Domstolar samt förvaltningsmyndigheter och andra som fullgör offentliga förvaltningsuppgifter ska i sin verksamhet beakta allas likhet inför lagen samt iaktta saklighet och opartiskhet; 2 kapitlet - Grundläggande fri- och rättigheter: 12 § Lag eller annan föreskrift får inte innebära att någon missgynnas därför att han eller hon tillhör en minoritet med hänsyn till etniskt ursprung, hudfärg eller annat liknande förhållande eller med hänsyn till sexuell läggning; 13 § Lag eller annan föreskrift får inte innebära att någon missgynnas på grund av sitt kön, om inte föreskriften utgör ett led i strävanden att åstadkomma jämställdhet mellan män och kvinnor eller avser värnplikt eller motsvarande tjänsteplikt.

    • Constitutión Española

      Artículo 14 Los españoles son iguales ante la ley, sin que pueda prevalecer discriminación alguna por razón de nacimiento, raza, sexo, religión, opinión o cualquier otra condición o circunstancia personal o social.

    • Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain

      Section 14 Spaniards are equal before the law and may not in any way be discriminated against on account of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia

      Article 14 In Slovenia everyone shall be guaranteed equal human rights and fundamental freedoms irrespective of national origin, race, sex, language, religion, political or other conviction, material standing, birth, education, social status, disability or any other personal circumstance. All are equal before the law.

      Article 22 Everyone shall be guaranteed equal protection of rights in any proceeding before a court and before other state authorities, local community authorities, and bearers of public authority that decide on his rights, duties, or legal interests.

    • Ustava Republike Slovenije

      14. člen V Sloveniji so vsakomur zagotovljene enake človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, ne glede na narodnost, raso spol, jezik, vero, politično ali drugo prepričanje, gmotno stanje, rojstvo, izobrazbo, družbeni položaj, invalidnost ali katerokoli drugo osebno okoliščino.

      22. člen Vsakomur je zagotovljeno enako varstvo njegovih pravic v postopku pred sodiščem in pred drugimi državnimi organi, organi lokalnih skupnosti in nosilci javnih pooblastil, ki odločajo o njegovih pravicah, dolžnostih ali pravnih interesih.

    • Constitution of the Slovak Republic

      Article 12 (1) People are free and equal in dignity and in rights. Basic rights and freedoms are inviolable, inalienable, imprescriptible, and indefeasible. (...)

    • Ústava Slovenskej republiky

      Čl. 12 (1) Ľudia sú slobodní a rovní v dôstojnosti i v právach. Základné práva a slobody sú neodňateľné, nescudziteľné, nepremlčateľné a nezrušiteľné. (...)

    • Constituția României

      Articolul 16 (1) Cetatenii sunt egali în fata legii si a autoritatilor publice, fara privilegii si fara discriminari. (2) Nimeni nu este mai presus de lege. (3) Functiile si demnitatile publice, civile sau militare, pot fi ocupate, în conditiile legii, de persoanele care au cetatenia româna si domiciliul în tara. Statul român garanteaza egalitatea de sanse între femei si barbati pentru ocuparea acestor functii si demnitati. (...)

    • Constitution of Romania

      Article 16 (1) Citizens are equal before the law and public authorities, without any privilege or discrimination. (2) No one is above the law. (3) Access to public, civil, or military positions or dignities may be granted, according to the law, to persons whose citizenship is Romanian and whose domicile is in Romania. The Romanian State shall guarantee equal opportunities for men and women to occupy such positions and dignities. (...)

    • Constituição da República Portuguesa

      Artigo 13.º (Princípio da igualdade) 1. Todos os cidadãos têm a mesma dignidade social e são iguais perante a lei. 2. Ninguém pode ser privilegiado, beneficiado, prejudicado, privado de qualquer direito ou isento de qualquer dever em razão de ascendência, sexo, raça, língua, território de origem, religião, convicções políticas ou ideológicas, instrução, situação económica, condição social ou orientação sexual.

    • Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

      Article 13 (Principle of equality) (1) All citizens possess the same social dignity and are equal before the law. (2) No one may be privileged, favoured, prejudiced, deprived of any right or exempted from any duty for reasons of ancestry, sex, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political or ideological beliefs, education, economic situation, social circumstances or sexual orientation.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Poland

      Article 32.1. All persons shall be equal before the law. All persons shall have the right to equal treatment by public authorities.(...)

    1 results found

    • European Parliament resolution of 11 December 2013 on women with disabilities (2013/2065(INI))

      ‘49. Believes it is vital that Member States ensure that women and girls with disabilities enjoy equality before the law and are entitled to equality of legal protection and legal benefits, free from discrimination of any kind; believes that all discrimination on grounds of disability and gender must be banned, taking into consideration the fact that the confluence of these two factors has an exponential impact on inequality; [...]‘

    2 results found