Past events

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On 28 June, FRA will welcome the participants of the Public Leadership Programme for Women from the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Budapest.
FRA will speak at the OECD’s new Civic Space Protection Network which first meets online on 27 June. This new initiative aims to bring together public officials, to serve as a platform to share experiences, learnings, and good practices.
FRA will speak at a conference of the Council of Europe’s Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) on 25 June in Helsinki. The conference will be streamed live.
On 24 June, FRA will welcome a group of students from the Central European University.
FRA’s Director will be a keynote speaker at the OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting in Vienna on 24 June that will focus on tolerance, non-discrimination, and gender equality. The Maltese OSCE Chairpersonship and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will organise the meeting.
FRA will contribute to the Eurocities Working Group on Roma inclusion in Vantaa on 13 and 14 June. FRA will present key findings from its project on Local engagement for Roma Integration.
FRA will hold a meeting of foresight practitioners and human rights experts to raise awareness on the importance of considering fundamental rights in foresight activities.
FRA will attend the 12th meeting of the EU High-Level group on combating hate speech and hate crime. The event is jointly organised with the Belgium Presidency of the Council of the EU.
FRA will speak at the European Commission’s meeting on stronger Equality Bodies to combat discrimination. FRA will present its work on equality data, fundamental rights indicators and on strengthening statutory bodies.