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756 Events found

FRA will present its Human Rights Cities framework to the Finnish Association of Municipalities on 11 November.
On 11 November, FRA, in cooperation with National Roma Contact Points (NRCPs) will present preliminary results from FRA’s Roma survey 2020.
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty will speak about police violence against Roma during a meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on 9 November.
FRA will speak in a session on fundamental rights and civic space during a conference on civil society on 5 November.
FRA was invited to provide training on the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter at a staff training event organised by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, together with the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and the Equality Commission of Northern Ireland.
On 4 November, FRA will take part in an online conference on civil society perspectives on the European Rule of Law mechanism.
FRA’s Director will visit Ireland from 3-5 November.
FRA invites civil society organisations, registered in its Fundamental Rights Platform, to take part in an online Roma meeting on 10 November.
On 28 October, the FRA Director will participate in a virtual Slovenian Presidency conference on 'Stamping out hate crime and hate speech – Effective responses to hate crimes and hate speech online, and protection of victims'.
FRA will join an event in Sweden that will look at the impact of the pandemic on equality and human rights, and ways forward.