Past events

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770 Events found

FRA will take part in the Council of Europe’s high-level conference ‘Beyond the horizon: a new era for the rights of the child’, on 7 April in Rome.
On 6 April, FRA will run a webinar on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) and how civil society organisations can make use of it.
FRA will join the Privacy Symposium, a conference that takes place in Venice from 5-7 April.
On 29 March, the European Law Institute (ELI) will run a webinar on access to justice, effective remedies, and business and human rights.
On 29 March, FRA will take part in an online working meeting on age equality.
What is the future for business and human rights?
On 22 March, FRA will give an overview of the EU's goals and measures in the fight against racism and discrimination. It will also present the Agency’s work.
FRA will speak on a panel during the final conference of the Enhancing Stakeholder Awareness and Resources for Hate Crime Victim Support (EStAR) project.