
Vaccination campaigns are beginning to bring results in the global struggle to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. But there are setbacks in some countries. Particularly people in vulnerable situations, such as prisoners, homeless people and migrants, risk to be left behind in the deployment of Covid-19 vaccination, finds the Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) latest Coronavirus bulletin. FRA calls on EU countries to ensure fair and equal access to vaccines for all.
On 16 June, Spain’s Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with FRA, will launch a cycle of conferences on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. They aim to improve the knowledge of the Charter among legal actors in Spain, so that the Charter is duly applied in the country.
On 15 June, FRA will take part in an online round table discussion on research into people’s attitudes concerning fundamental rights. The Ministry of Justice of Finland organises the event.
FRA will join a seminar on Artificial Intelligence as part of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network. Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, hosts the seminar.
FRA’s Director will take part in the annual structured dialogue between the European Parliament’s Employment Committee and Helena Dalli, EU Equality Commissioner.
FRA will host a virtual seminar for legal staff of several ministries of the Slovenian government in the run-up to Slovenia’s Presidency of the Council of the EU. It aims at setting out the relevance and role of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter at the EU and national level.
FRA gave online training to 40 representatives of small-sized, grassroots and local human rights NGOs on communication strategies and campaigning.
The yearly joint FRA-European Judicial Training Network training on the EU Fundamental Rights Charter in national proceedings took place from 7 to 8 June.
The annual European Judicial Training Network study visit of judges and prosecutors to FRA this year went virtual.
FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty and the Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić held wide-ranging talks on 10 June in Vienna.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed gaps in respecting the fundamental rights to health, education, employment and social protection across society. FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2021 plots the pandemic’s wide-ranging impact on rights and suggests how best to address increasing inequalities and threats to societal cohesion.
On 10 June, FRA will launch its Fundamental Rights Report 2021. The report reviews the main developments of human rights protection in the EU in 2020. This year’s focus section outlines the importance of a rights-based approach in dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic and its consequences.
The EU Roma Working Party will meet from 10 to 11 June to discuss the next steps in implementing the new EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation. The discussion will focus on process indicators and how to engage further with key stakeholders, such as civil society and equality bodies, in developing, implementing and monitoring national frameworks.
FRA’s Director Michael O’Flaherty will speak on 10 June about freedom of expression protection frameworks in times of crisis.
On 4 June, the EU Delegation to Albania brings together key stakeholders from Albania for a webinar.
FRA took part in a panel discussion on triggering change nationally towards respect for the human rights of migrants at borders through the work of NHRIs and other human rights defenders.
On 31 May, the FRA Director will meet the heads of the European Network of Equality Bodies (Equinet) and of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) to discuss strategic issues of joint interest.
The FRA Director will join discussions on environmental sustainability and equality as part of EU Green Week 2021. The European Green Week 2021 runs from 31 May to 4 June.