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Work on rights
Правосъдие, права на жертвите и съдебно сътрудничество
Права на жертвите
Права на обвиняемите
Гражданско правосъдие
Съдебно сътрудничество и върховенство на закона
Стопанска дейност и права на човека
Равенство, недискриминация и расизъм
Деца, младежи и възрастни хора
Лица с увреждания
Престъпления от омраза
Расов и етнически произход
Религия и убеждения
Пол, сексуална ориентация и полова идентичност
Убежище, миграция и граници
Достъп до убежище
Граници и информационни системи
Закрила на детето
Незаконна миграция, връщане и задържане на имигранти
Законна миграция и интегриране
Трафик на хора и трудова експлоатация
Защита на данните, неприкосновеност на личния живот и нови технологии
Изкуствен интелект и големи информационни масиви
Граници и информационни системи
Защита на данните
Незаконно профилиране
Подкрепа за системи и защитници на правата на човека
Харта на основните права на Европейския съюз
Междуправителствени системи във връзка с правата на човека
Национални системи и органи във връзка с правата на човека
Гражданско общество
Хартата на основните права на Европейския съюз
Какво представляват основните права?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Дял I: Достойнство
1 - Човешко достойнство
2 - Право на живот
3 - Право на неприкосновеност на личността
4 - Забрана на изтезанията и на нечовешкото или унизително отношение или наказание
5 - Забрана на робството и на принудителния труд
Дял II: Свободи
6 - Право на свобода и сигурност
7 - Зачитане на личния и семейния живот
8 - Защита на личните данни
9 - Право на встъпване в брак и право на създаване на семейство
10 - Свобода на мисълта, съвестта и религията
11 - Свобода на изразяване на мнение и свобода на информация
12 - Свобода на събранията и сдруженията
13 - Свобода на изкуствата и науките
14 - Право на образование
15 - Свобода при избор на професия и право на труд
16 - Свобода на стопанската инициатива
17 - Право на собственост
18 - Право на убежище
19 - Защита в случай на принудително отвеждане, експулсиране и екстрадиране
Дял III: Равенство
20 - Равенство пред закона
21 - Недискриминация
22 - Културно, религиозно и езиково многообразие
23 - Равенство между жените и мъжете
24 - Права на детето
25 - Права на възрастните хора
26 - Интеграция на хората с увреждания
Дял IV: Солидарност
27 - Право на информиране и консултиране на работниците в предприятието
28 - Право на колективни преговори и действия
29 - Право на достъп до услугите за намиране на работа
30 - Защита при неоснователно уволнение
31 - Справедливи и равни условия на труд
32 - Забрана на детския труд и защита на работещите младежи
33 - Семеен и професионален живот
34 - Социална сигурност и социална помощ
35 - Закрила на здравето
36 - Достъп до услугите от общ икономически интерес
37 - Опазване на околната среда
38 - Защита на потребителите
Дял V: Гражданство
39 - Право на гражданите да избират и да бъдат избирани в изборите за Европейския парламент
40 - Право на гражданите да избират и да бъдат избирани в общинските избори
41 - Право на добра администрация
42 - Право на достъп до документи
43 - Европейски омбудсман
44 - Право на петиции
45 - Свободно движение и пребиваване
46 - Дипломатическа и консулска закрила
Дял VI: Правосъдие
47 - Право на ефективни правни средства за защита и на справедлив съдебен процес
48 - Презумпция за невиновност и право на защита
49 - Принципи на законност и пропорционалност на престъплението и наказанието
50 - Право на всеки да не бъде съден или наказван два пъти за едно и също престъпление
Дял VII: Общи pазпоредби
51 - Приложно поле
52 - Обхват и тълкуване на правата и принципите
53 - Степен на закрила
54 - Забрана на злоупотребата с право
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Press packs
EU LGBTIQ survey - Press pack
Fundamental Rights Survey
EU LGBTI survey II
From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims
Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma
Severe labour exploitation in the EU
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals: Press pack
Fundamental rights at EU borders
Violence against women press pack
Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism
EU LGBT Press pack
Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children
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Work on rights
Work on rights
Правосъдие, права на жертвите и съдебно сътрудничество
Права на жертвите
Права на обвиняемите
Гражданско правосъдие
Съдебно сътрудничество и върховенство на закона
Стопанска дейност и права на човека
Равенство, недискриминация и расизъм
Деца, младежи и възрастни хора
Лица с увреждания
Престъпления от омраза
Расов и етнически произход
Религия и убеждения
Пол, сексуална ориентация и полова идентичност
Убежище, миграция и граници
Достъп до убежище
Граници и информационни системи
Закрила на детето
Незаконна миграция, връщане и задържане на имигранти
Законна миграция и интегриране
Трафик на хора и трудова експлоатация
Защита на данните, неприкосновеност на личния живот и нови технологии
Изкуствен интелект и големи информационни масиви
Граници и информационни системи
Защита на данните
Незаконно профилиране
Подкрепа за системи и защитници на правата на човека
Харта на основните права на Европейския съюз
Междуправителствени системи във връзка с правата на човека
Национални системи и органи във връзка с правата на човека
Гражданско общество
Хартата на основните права на Европейския съюз
Хартата на основните права на Европейския съюз
Какво представляват основните права?
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
Дял I: Достойнство
1 -
Човешко достойнство
2 -
Право на живот
3 -
Право на неприкосновеност на личността
4 -
Забрана на изтезанията и на нечовешкото или унизително отношение или наказание
5 -
Забрана на робството и на принудителния труд
Дял II: Свободи
6 -
Право на свобода и сигурност
7 -
Зачитане на личния и семейния живот
8 -
Защита на личните данни
9 -
Право на встъпване в брак и право на създаване на семейство
10 -
Свобода на мисълта, съвестта и религията
11 -
Свобода на изразяване на мнение и свобода на информация
12 -
Свобода на събранията и сдруженията
13 -
Свобода на изкуствата и науките
14 -
Право на образование
15 -
Свобода при избор на професия и право на труд
16 -
Свобода на стопанската инициатива
17 -
Право на собственост
18 -
Право на убежище
19 -
Защита в случай на принудително отвеждане, експулсиране и екстрадиране
Дял III: Равенство
20 -
Равенство пред закона
21 -
22 -
Културно, религиозно и езиково многообразие
23 -
Равенство между жените и мъжете
24 -
Права на детето
25 -
Права на възрастните хора
26 -
Интеграция на хората с увреждания
Дял IV: Солидарност
27 -
Право на информиране и консултиране на работниците в предприятието
28 -
Право на колективни преговори и действия
29 -
Право на достъп до услугите за намиране на работа
30 -
Защита при неоснователно уволнение
31 -
Справедливи и равни условия на труд
32 -
Забрана на детския труд и защита на работещите младежи
33 -
Семеен и професионален живот
34 -
Социална сигурност и социална помощ
35 -
Закрила на здравето
36 -
Достъп до услугите от общ икономически интерес
37 -
Опазване на околната среда
38 -
Защита на потребителите
Дял V: Гражданство
39 -
Право на гражданите да избират и да бъдат избирани в изборите за Европейския парламент
40 -
Право на гражданите да избират и да бъдат избирани в общинските избори
41 -
Право на добра администрация
42 -
Право на достъп до документи
43 -
Европейски омбудсман
44 -
Право на петиции
45 -
Свободно движение и пребиваване
46 -
Дипломатическа и консулска закрила
Дял VI: Правосъдие
47 -
Право на ефективни правни средства за защита и на справедлив съдебен процес
48 -
Презумпция за невиновност и право на защита
49 -
Принципи на законност и пропорционалност на престъплението и наказанието
50 -
Право на всеки да не бъде съден или наказван два пъти за едно и също престъпление
Дял VII: Общи pазпоредби
51 -
Приложно поле
52 -
Обхват и тълкуване на правата и принципите
53 -
Степен на закрила
54 -
Забрана на злоупотребата с право
EU Fundamental Rights Information System - EFRIS
Criminal detention database
Anti-Muslim hatred database
Case-law database
FRA e-learning platform
Data visualisation
Equality data collection: promising practices
Fighting hate crime: promising practices
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Work on rights
Равенство, недискриминация и расизъм
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Дял III: Равенство
Член 21 - Недискриминация
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Дял III: Равенство
Член 22 - Културно, религиозно и езиково многообразие
Data explorer
06 April 2023
Roma survey 2021
FRA’s 2021 survey on Roma in Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and Spain collected information from 8,461 respondents living in private households who self-identify as Roma, are 16 or older and have lived in the survey countries for at least the 12 months before the survey.
Report / Paper / Summary
Roma in 10 European Countries - Main results
This report presents findings from FRA’s 2021 survey on Roma in Croatia, Czechia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain, as well as in North Macedonia and Serbia. The survey includes interviews with more than 8,400 Roma, collecting information on more than 20,000 individuals living in their households. By focusing on Roma, the survey provides unique data and information that are not available from European general population surveys, which do not disaggregate on grounds of ethnic origin. The findings present a bleak but familiar picture of exclusion, deprivation, discrimination and racism.
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Data explorer
24 January 2022
Roma and Travellers survey
FRA’s 2019 survey on Roma and Travellers in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom interviewed almost 4 700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8 200 individuals living in their households.
Report / Paper / Summary
Roma and Travellers in six countries
This report presents findings from FRA’s 2019 survey on Roma and Travellers in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The survey included interviews with almost 4,700 Roma and Travellers, collecting information on more than 8,200 individuals living in their households.
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Fundamental Rights Report
Asylum, migration and borders
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Hate crime
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
People with disabilities
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2014 - Annual report
European Union (EU) Member States and institutions introduced a number of legal and policy measures in 2014 to safeguard fundamental rights in the EU. Notwithstanding these efforts, a great deal remains to be done, and it can be seen that the situation in some areas is alarming: the number of migrants rescued or apprehended at sea as they were trying to reach Europe’s borders quadrupled over 2013; more than a quarter of children in the EU are at risk of poverty or social exclusion; and an increasing number of political parties use xenophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric in their campaigns, potentially increasing some people’s vulnerability to becoming victims of crime or hate crime.
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
10 June 2015
Rights of the Child
Europe and the world celebrated the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2014. Despite considerable progress in those 25 years, some old challenges remain and new ones have arisen. The latest data show that 27.6 % of children in Europe – more than 26 million – are at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Many families with children have difficulties paying for their rent or mortgage, heating, school materials and even food. The legal protection of child victims of violence or sexual abuse and children without parental care was significantly reinforced and relevant policies were developed.
Hate crime
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
10 June 2015
Roma integration
EU Member States continued their efforts to improve Roma integration by implementing their national Roma integration strategies following the Council Recommendation of December 2013 on effective Roma integration measures. FRA supports these efforts by regularly collecting data and working with the Member States to develop monitoring methods that allow for efficient reporting on the situation of Roma in the Member States over time.
People with disabilities
Children, youth and older people
10 June 2015
Focus - Mainstreaming fundamental rights: turning words into action
To strengthen the European Union’s evidence base on fundamental rights helps to identify how these rights are respected and promoted, not only ‘on paper’ but ‘on the ground’. Fundamental rights are part of the founding values of the European Union (EU) that are minimum standards to which the EU’s institutions and Member States are held accountable and which they should respect and promote. Mainstreaming fundamental rights can help turning words into action, especially if linked to relevant indicators.
Hate crime
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
08 June 2015
Racism, xenophobia and related intolerance
Barriers persist in implementing effectively European Union (EU) legislation that prohibits and penalises manifestations of racism, xenophobia and ethnic discrimination. The sixth year of the economic crisis and turbulent developments in the Middle East and North Africa are raising concerns and considerations for migration and integration policies in the EU.
Report / Paper / Summary
Education: the situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States
This report examines the results of the European Union Agency’s for Fundamental Rights (FRA) 2011 Roma survey on education, which show that considerable gaps between Roma and non‑Roma children persist at all educational levels.
Report / Paper / Summary
Poverty and employment: the situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States
This report presents the results of the European Union Agency’s for Fundamental Rights (FRA) 2011 Roma survey on poverty and employment, which show, for example, that although most Roma are actively seeking a job, only about a third of those surveyed has paid work, which is often precarious and informal. It reveals multiple challenges:very low employment rates were observed, in particular for young Roma.
Fundamental Rights Report
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Asylum, migration and borders
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Hate crime
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
People with disabilities
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
Fundamental rights: key legal and policy developments in 2013. Highlights 2013
The EU and its Member States took a variety of important steps in 2013 to protect and promote fundamental rights by
new international commitments, revamping legislation and pursuing innovative policies on the ground. Yet, fundamental
rights violations seized the spotlight with distressing frequency: would‑be migrants drowning off the EU’s coast,
unprecedented mass surveillance, racist and extremist‑motivated murders, child poverty and Roma deprivation.
13 June 2014
Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI)
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) introduces its new project "Local Engagement for Roma Inclusion (LERI)".
Fundamental Rights Report
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Asylum, migration and borders
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Hate crime
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2013 - Annual report 2013
This year’s FRA annual report looks at fundamental rights-related developments in asylum, immigration and integration; border control and visa policy; information society, respect for private life and data protection; the rights of the child and the protection of children; equality and non-discrimination; racism, xenophobia and related intolerance; access to justice and judicial cooperation; rights of crime victims; EU Member States and international obligations.
Data explorer
03 July 2014
Survey on discrimination and social exclusion of Roma in EU (2011)
This 2011 study provides data on the socio-economic condition, experiences of discrimination and rights awareness of Roma in 11 EU Member States: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. The survey focused on respondents’ situation with respect to employment, education, housing and health.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Roma Pilot Survey – Technical report: methodology, sampling and fieldwork
This Technical report describes how the FRA Roma Pilot survey was carried out and the fieldwork outcomes in 11 EU Member States.
Opinion / Position Paper
Hate crime
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
FRA Opinion on the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia – with special attention to the rights of victims of crime
The Opinion assesses the impact of the Framework Decision on the rights of the victims of crimes motivated by hatred and prejudice, including racism and xenophobia.
Opinion / Position Paper
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Civil justice
National human rights systems and bodies
FRA Opinion on the situation of equality in the European Union 10 years on from initial implementation of the equality directives
Drawing on evidence gathered in its surveys and reports, FRA submits a set of opinions aimed at improving the protection against discrimination. These could be taken into account in the implementation and the eventual reform of the EU legal framework on the protection against discrimination.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Analysis of FRA Roma survey results by gender
This paper provides an analysis of data collected through FRA’s Roma Survey broken down by gender and covering the core areas of employment, education, housing and health, as well as any other gender‐sensitive policy areas. The paper is the result of a request made by the President of the European Parliament to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on 27 June 2013.
Report / Paper / Summary
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Asylum, migration and borders
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Fundamental rights: key legal and policy developments in 2012
This year’s summary of the FRA Annual report – Highlights 2012 – puts the spotlight on key legal and policy developments in the field of fundamental rights in 2012.
Fundamental Rights Report
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Asylum, migration and borders
Data protection, privacy and new technologies
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Fundamental rights: challenges and achievements in 2012
Against a backdrop of rising unemployment and increased deprivation, this FRA Annual report closely examines the situation of those, such as children, who are vulnerable to budget cuts, impacting important fields such as education, healthcare and social services. It looks at the discrimination that Roma continue to face and the mainstreaming of elements of extremist ideology in political and public discourse. It considers the impact the crises have had on the basic principle of the rule of law, as well as stepped up EU Member State efforts to ensure trust in justice systems.
Report / Paper / Summary
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare
Certain people are seen as particularly vulnerable to unequal treatment, because they share a combination of characteristics that may trigger discrimination. A Roma woman sterilised without her informed consent, for example, has suffered discrimination not just because of her sex, as all women do not face this treatment, nor just because she is Roma, as Roma men may not face this treatment. The discriminatory treatment is based specifically on the intersection of her sex and ethnic origin.
In brief / Factsheet
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
Children, youth and older people
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Factsheet - Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare
The FRA report 'Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare' examines experiences of unequal treatment on more than one ground in healthcare, providing evidence of discrimination or unfair treatment.
Report / Paper / Summary
Hate crime
Equality, non-discrimination and racism
People with disabilities
Racial and ethnic origin
Religion and belief
Sex, sexual orientation and gender
Justice, victims’ rights and judicial cooperation
Victims’ rights
Making hate crime visible in the European Union: acknowledging victims' rights
Discrimination and intolerance persist in the European Union (EU) despite the best efforts of Member States to root them out, FRA research shows. Verbal abuse, physical attacks and murders motivated by prejudice target EU society in all its diversity, from visible minorities to those with disabilities. This FRA report is designed to help the EU and its Member States to tackle these fundamental rights violations both by making them more visible and bringing perpetrators to account.
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