
Equality, non-discrimination and racism

Equality is a core value of the EU. You have the right to fair treatment regardless of who you are, what you believe, or how you chose to live.

We carry out research and share expertise to help fight discrimination, inequality and racism in all its forms.


  • Report / Paper / Summary
    This report presents key results of the EU gender-based violence survey based on data from all 27 Member States. The report focuses on the overall prevalence of physical violence or threats and/or sexual violence by any perpetrator, violence perpetrated by women’s intimate partners and by other people (non-partners) and women’s experiences of sexual harassment at work.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Racism towards Muslims is increasing in countries across the EU. Muslims face racial discrimination and racist harassment because of their religion, skin colour or ethnic background. This report shows a sharp rise since the last survey in 2016.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Antisemitism is still a reality for many Jewish people in the EU today. Faced with prejudice and hostility, most feel unable to live openly Jewish lives. This report presents the results of FRA’s third EU survey of Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of antisemitism. The survey took place before the Hamas attacks in October 2023 and the war in Gaza; however, it includes evidence from a consultation with national and European Jewish umbrella organisations since. It covers 13 EU Member States that together account for around 96 % of the EU’s Jewish population.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    FRA’s third LGBTIQ survey shows that people still experience hate-motivated violence and discrimination. Trans and intersex people face even greater victimisation. Yet, signs of progress show that the EU’s and Member States’ efforts can positively affect people’s lives. More LGBTIQ people are open about their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics.
    Barriers persist in implementing effectively European Union (EU) legislation that prohibits and penalises manifestations of racism, xenophobia and ethnic discrimination. The sixth year of the economic crisis and turbulent developments in the Middle East and North Africa are raising concerns and considerations for migration and integration policies in the EU.
    This paper examines the legal situation of intersex people from a fundamental rights perspective. It draws on evidence from the Agency’s updated legal analysis on homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, which now includes a section on intersex issues.
    A new Focus paper by the EU Agency of Fundamental Rights (FRA) outlines how Member States across the EU have reformed their laws and policies to meet their obligations under the CRPD. By bringing together examples of such reforms, it also highlights how the adoption of international commitments can drive wide-ranging processes of change at the national level.
    Each year thousands of children take part in criminal and civil judicial proceedings, affected by parental divorce
    or as victims or witnesses to crime. Such proceedings can be stressful for anyone. The European Union Agency
    for Fundamental Rights (FRA) investigated whether children’s rights are respected in these proceedings.
    Children need to be heard and be involved in all issues that concern them. This includes the justice system.
    This paper discusses the difficulties faced by people with disabilities who become victims of hate crime, and the different legal frameworks in place to protect such victims in the EU’s Member States. It ends by listing a number of suggestions for improving the situation at both the legislative and policy levels.
    The rights of victims of crime to access justice and to be protected against repeat victimisation may remain illusory in practice if the victim fails to receive professional advice and support. This research by the European Union Agency
    for Fundamental Rights (FRA) examines support service provision for such victims across the 28 EU Member States, in line with the 2012 EU Victims’ Directive. It focuses not on abstract fundamental rights standards but on the final
    practical results.
    Trans persons, or those whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex assigned them at birth, face frequent discrimination, harassment and violence across the European Union (EU) today. This reality triggers fears that persuade many to hide or disguise their true selves. This report examines issues of equal treatment and discrimination on two grounds, namely sexual orientation and gender identity. It analyses data on the experiences of 6,579 trans respondents from the EU Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) survey, the largest body of empirical evidence of its kind to date.
    Children and young people are increasingly involved in research and decision making on different aspects of rights which relate to them. EU Member States have different rules, regulations and guidelines regarding the participation of children in research, in particular concerning ethics approval and informed consent.
    This video was shown in the beginning of the high-level conference “Tackling sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination: next steps in EU and Member State policy making”.
    Primarily using data and information collected from five EU Member States, this paper briefly describes the phenomenon of forced marriage and selected legislative measures taken to address it. It lists promising practices
    for the prevention of forced marriage and for supporting victims. The paper covers only one among many forms of violence against women analysed by FRA in its Violence against women: an EU-wide survey. Main results report (2014).
    In light of a lack of comparable data on the respect, protection and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons, FRA launched in 2012 its European Union (EU) online survey of LGBT persons’ experiences of discrimination, violence and harassment.
    Antisemitism can be expressed in the form of verbal and physical attacks, threats, harassment, property damage, graffiti or other forms of text, including hate speech on the internet.
    This document provides clear explanations for children of the key terms used in the child-friendly justice project. It explains what rights are and how these rights should be protected during legal proceedings.
    The EU and its Member States took a variety of important steps in 2013 to protect and promote fundamental rights by
    new international commitments, revamping legislation and pursuing innovative policies on the ground. Yet, fundamental
    rights violations seized the spotlight with distressing frequency: would‑be migrants drowning off the EU’s coast,
    unprecedented mass surveillance, racist and extremist‑motivated murders, child poverty and Roma deprivation.
    This handbook aims to strengthen the protection of children, specifically addressing the particular needs of child victims of trafficking.
    This year’s FRA annual report looks at fundamental rights-related developments in asylum, immigration and integration; border control and visa policy; information society, respect for private life and data protection; the rights of the child and the protection of children; equality and non-discrimination; racism, xenophobia and related intolerance; access to justice and judicial cooperation; rights of crime victims; EU Member States and international obligations.
    The opportunity to be involved in political life, whether by standing for elected office, joining a political party, or following political news stories in the media, is at the heart of what it means to live in a democratic society. The report analyses data on the situation of political participation of persons with disabilities collected from across the 28 European Union (EU) Member States by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Commission-funded Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED).
    FRA’s Fundamentally Right podcast series launched on 19 January. The final episode, Law: a bird's eye view, with FRA's Gabriel Toggenburg, is now out.
    Holocaust Remembrance Day is a time to honour and remember the millions of Jews, Roma, people with disabilities, gays and lesbians, and many others who fell victim to the horrors of Nazi persecution. Championing inclusion and tolerance towards others serves to honour their memory, says the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).
    FRA has today, 19 January, launched a new podcast, titled Fundamentally Right. The podcast charts how events inspired people dedicating their professional lives working for EU’s independent centre of reference and excellence for promoting and protecting human rights.
    The dataset from FRA’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) survey is now available for further use by researchers.
    The pandemic is likely to leave a lasting impression on many people, not least people with disabilities. If anything, it underlines the need for Europe to honour the rights of people with disabilities and prepare for next year’s European Disability Strategy.
    The rights to education, healthcare and fair working conditions are among the rights most affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. The Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) latest bulletin reveals the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on people’s social rights and the groups most at risk.
    FRA joined a meeting on 23 November of the European Commission’s informal expert group on the Rights of the Child.
    Too many women and girls remain unprotected. The surge in domestic violence during the Coronavirus pandemic has made this obvious. It has exposed how common this human rights abuse still is. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November is a chance to re-galvanise efforts to effectively protect women's rights and end violence against women.
    On 14 November, FRA took part in the 2020 PROTECT Expert Forum. The event explored existing and emerging issues surrounding migration management in Europe, in light of the UN Global Compacts on Refugees and Migrants.
    FRA’s Director in his video statement to the online General Conference of the European Coalition of cities against racism (ECCAR) on 19-20 November spoke of the serious patterns of discrimination and discriminatory attitudes towards certain population groups. He also pointed to how the COVID-19 pandemic has made matters worse.
    Safeguarding children rights is more important than ever. Measures to tackle the spread of COVID-19 risk having a lasting effect on our children and our future. Children’s day on 20 November reminds us to step up efforts to protect the rights of all children and to provide them with opportunities to contribute to change.
    The wave of violent anti-Jewish pogroms on 9 November 1938 – the so-called ‘Kristallnacht’ – is a poignant reminder of why Europe needs to eliminate once and for all the persistent antisemitism that pervades society. Antisemitism makes many Jews question why remain in Europe. If Europe fails its Jewish community, the modern European project will have failed.
    People can now also order the 2018 edition of the handbook on European non-discrimination law in Bulgarian and Croatian.
    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is shocked and saddened by the terrorism that shook Vienna last night. It extends its sympathy to the families of the victims and those injured in the shootings.
    FRA presented the results of its surveys on Roma and Travellers in the Council Working Party on Social Questions on 29 October.
    On 8 October, FRA gave a presentation drawing from its research on the fight against Homophobia and Transphobia at the launch of the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme in Spain.
    The FRA Director exchanged views with justice ministers from across the EU on 9 October on combating antisemitism and hate speech.
    The Coronavirus pandemic hit Roma and Travellers particularly hard, shows a new bulletin from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Many Roma and Travellers lost their income, overcrowding and lack of sanitation increased their health risks, and distance learning was difficult without internet access. Discrimination and anti-Roma rhetoric have increased too, especially online. FRA calls on policymakers to urgently address these immediate challenges and put in place lasting structures to fight deep-rooted prejudice and discrimination.
    The handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child is now also available in Georgian.
    Living in some of the richest countries in the world, a quarter of Roma and Travellers in Western Europe cannot afford basic items such as heating or healthy food, and up to a fifth of their children go to bed hungry, reveal the results of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) new survey. Rampant discrimination coupled with early school leaving also leads to lack of job opportunities and widespread poverty for many. As a result, the life expectancy of Roma and Travellers is 10 years below the expectancy of the general population. These findings should drive policy responses at EU and national level and support policymakers to work with Roma and Travellers to tackle exclusion and poverty.
    FRA will take part in discussions during the EU’s high-level group on non-discrimination, equality and diversity on 26 May.
    FRA will join a video conference on 18 May to mark the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
    The FRA Director will address the Bureau of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) on 19 May.
    On 6 May, the European Parliament Intergroup on Rights of the Child will hold a virtual roundtable to reflect and discuss the impact of the current pandemic on children.
    The agency’s Scientific Committee meeting will be held on 24 April via video conference.
    On 14 May, FRA will publish findings from its second LGBTI survey. It was the world's biggest ever EU-wide survey of LGBTI people’s discrimination and hate experiences.