FRA actively participated in a high-level conference of the European Migration Network. Organised by the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council it looked at how to make returns more effective.
FRA was a trainer during a training course on labour exploitation trafficking. The training addressed police officers and labour inspectors from different EU Member States.
The European Migration Forum in Brussels from 28 to 29 November focused on the role of civil society in implementing the EU’s Migration and Asylum Pact. FRA spoke during a panel on the fundamental rights of migrants, together with the EU Asylum Agency.
FRA presented the indicators on political participation of people with disabilities at the Disability Week at the European Parliament on 4 December. It focused on the most recent data on political participation of people with intellectual disabilities.
FRA Director Sirpa Rautio will be the keynote speaker at a public event to mark Vienna’s 10th anniversary as human rights city. Vienna became a human rights city in 2014, with a declaration, an action plan and subsequent opening of a human rights office.
The Agency’s Executive Board and Management Board will meet from 12 to 13 December.
On 22 November, FRA participated in the Plenary event of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe in Brussels.
On 21 November, FRA’s Director took part in a high-level conference in Strasbourg marking the 25th Anniversary of the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commissioner.
News Item
FRA held an information session for National Liaison Officers on FRANET – FRA’s multidisciplinary research network.
FRA’s handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration is now also available in Finnish, Latvian and Romanian.