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On 16 and 17 November 2020, FRA hosted the third meeting of the relaunched EU Roma Working Party via videoconference. On the first day, the national Roma contact points discussed the new EU Roma Strategic Framework on equality, inclusion and participation presented by DG JUST.
The NGOs Human Rights Watch, Refugee Rights Europe, in cooperation with the End Pushbacks Partnership network, hosted an online event on 18 November. It looked at pushbacks and rights violations at EU’s internal and external borders.
FRA’s Director in his video statement to the online General Conference of the European Coalition of cities against racism (ECCAR) on 19-20 November spoke of the serious patterns of discrimination and discriminatory attitudes towards certain population groups. He also pointed to how the COVID-19 pandemic has made matters worse.
The EU’s Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies are stepping up their mutual cooperation on digitalisation. Earlier today, the Heads of JHA Agencies came together for a virtual annual meeting, chaired by Eurojust, where they had a first exchange on Artificial Intelligence and digital capacity building, training tools and innovative learning. With the COVID-19 pandemic having served as a catalyst for teleworking and videoconferencing, the agencies agreed to explore avenues for closer cooperation in order to shape the digital future of law enforcement, border management and justice that respects fundamental rights.
FRA took part in a meeting of the Public Interest Litigation Project on 17 November.
Safeguarding children rights is more important than ever. Measures to tackle the spread of COVID-19 risk having a lasting effect on our children and our future. Children’s day on 20 November reminds us to step up efforts to protect the rights of all children and to provide them with opportunities to contribute to change.
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FRA held an inception meeting on 11 November with its research network, FRANET, to discuss updating its report on Guardianship systems for children deprived of parental care in the EU.
FRA and the Council of Europe met on 10 November to discuss updating the Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child. The handbook covers relevant Council of Europe and European Union legal standards, as well as case law from the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights.
FRA and the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) today signed off on a cooperation plan for the coming years.
The wave of violent anti-Jewish pogroms on 9 November 1938 – the so-called ‘Kristallnacht’ – is a poignant reminder of why Europe needs to eliminate once and for all the persistent antisemitism that pervades society. Antisemitism makes many Jews question why remain in Europe. If Europe fails its Jewish community, the modern European project will have failed.