Press packs
The following press packs are currently available:
- Survey of Jewish People’s Experiences and Perceptions of Antisemitism - 11/7/2024
- EU LGBTIQ survey - 14/5/2024
- Fundamental Rights Survey - 19/2/2021
- EU LGBTI survey II - A long way to go for LGBTI equality - 14/5/2020
- From institutions to community living for persons with disabilities: perspectives from the ground - 4/12/2018
- Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey – Main results - 6/12/2017
- Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Muslims – Selected findings - 21/09/2017
- Together in the EU: Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants - 15/03/2017
- Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of children - 22/02/2017
- Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) Roma – Selected findings - 29/11/2016
- Severe labour exploitation in the EU - 2/6/2015
- Child-friendly justice – perspectives and experiences of professionals - 5/5/2015
- Fundamental rights at EU borders - 10/11/2014
- Violence against women: an EU-wide survey - 5/3/2014
- Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism - 8/11/2013
- EU LGBT survey - 17/05/2013