


Os atos de terrorismo representam uma grave ameaça para a vida e a segurança das pessoas e um profundo desafio para a segurança dos Estados. Ao mesmo tempo, a legislação, as políticas e outras medidas de combate ao terrorismo podem implicar, direta ou indiretamente, sérias limitações aos direitos fundamentais e podem afetar negativamente os indivíduos, os grupos e a sociedade no seu conjunto. A presente síntese apresenta as principais conclusões da FRA no seu relatório sobre a Diretiva (UE) 2017/541 relativa à luta contra o terrorismo, o principal instrumento do direito penal à escala da União Europeia (UE) no domínio do combate ao terrorismo.
This report examines the EU’s main criminal law instrument in the field of counter-terrorism, Directive (EU) 2017/541. Specifically, it considers how the directive engages issues of fundamental rights, affecting individuals, groups and society as a whole.
This paper presents statistical survey data for the EU on how often people are stopped by the police, in what kind of situations they are stopped, the action taken by the police during stops, and views on whether or not the police acted respectfully.
This paper presents people’s concerns and experiences relating to security. It covers worry about crime, including terrorism and online fraud; experience of online fraud; experience of cyberharassment; and concern about illegal access to data.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the importance and power of hope accompanying the work of FRA in 2020. Particularly after a troubled start of the year.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty speaks about the human rights challenges, but also the opportunities, that come along with the development of artificial intelligence technology.
In the light of the events in New Zealand, Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination and hate crime against Muslims in the EU and makes 4 proposals on how to make Muslims feel more safe.
O presente relatório descreve as principais conclusões do segundo inquérito da FRA sobre
as experiências do povo judeu com o crime de ódio, a discriminação e o antissemitismo
na União Europeia — o maior inquérito sobre o povo judeu alguma vez realizado, a nível
This Opinion aims to inform the European Parliament’s position on the legislative proposal for a Regulation on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online, presented by the European Commission on 12 September 2018.
The Database 2012-2020 on anti-Muslim hatred provides information on significant international, European and national case law and rulings, UN human rights body decisions, reports, findings by human rights and equality bodies and organisations relating to hate crime, hate speech and discrimination against Muslims, as well as relevant research, reports, studies, data and statistics on these issues. It also provides information on victims' support organisations in the EU Member States.
Michael O'Flaherty focuses on the situation of the Jewish community living in the EU.
This report outlines the main findings of FRA’s second survey on Jewish people’s experiences with hate crime, discrimination and antisemitism in the European Union – the biggest survey of Jewish people ever conducted worldwide. Covering 12 EU Member States, the survey reached almost 16,500 individuals who identify as being Jewish. It follows up on the agency’s first survey, conducted in seven countries in 2012.
Last versions available are EL and NL
11 March 2021
O presente guia explica o que é a definição de perfis, os quadros jurídicos que a regulam e a razão pela qual a definição lícita de perfis é necessária para fazer respeitar os direitos fundamentais e indispensável para a eficácia da ação policial e da gestão das fronteiras. O guia fornece igualmente orientações práticas sobre como evitar a definição ilícita de perfis nas operações policiais e de gestão das fronteiras.
Com o terrorismo, os ataques informáticos e as sofisticadas redes criminosas transfronteiriças que apresentam ameaças crescentes, a atividade dos serviços de informações tornou-se mais urgente, complexo e internacional. Tal atividade pode afetar seriamente os direitos fundamentais, sobretudo em matéria de proteção da vida privada e dos dados pessoais. Embora os avanços tecnológicos contínuos possam agravar essa ameaça, a supervisão e os meios de defesa eficazes podem reduzir as possibilidades de abuso.
This report outlines the fundamental rights implications of collecting, storing and using
biometric and other data in EU IT systems in the area of asylum and migration.
This is the recording of the online press briefing about mass surveillance as presented by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on 16 October 2017.
Seventeen years after adoption of EU laws that forbid discrimination, immigrants, descendants of immigrants, and minority ethnic groups continue to face widespread discrimination across the EU and in all areas of life – most often when seeking employment. For many, discrimination is a recurring experience. This is just one of the findings of FRA’s second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II), which collected information from over 25,500 respondents with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across all 28 EU Member States.
Various proposals on EU-level information systems in the areas of borders and security mention interoperability, aiming to provide fast and easy access to information about third-country nationals.
This interview with Sir Julian King, EU Security Union Commissioner, was conducted on the occasion of his visit to the annual meeting of the network of EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies.