
Proteção de dados


GDPR Report 2024 - Cover
Miha Creative/Adobe Stock
Data protection rules protect privacy and prevent personal information from misuse. When the general data protection regulation (GDPR) came into force in 2018, it strengthened the role of data protection authorities. These supervisory bodies are the key enforcers of the fundamental right of protection of personal data. This report analyses the challenges they face in the GDPR implementation. The findings complement the European Commission's forthcoming evaluation of the GDPR.
This report provides a partial update on the findings of the 2017 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) report Surveillance by intelligence services: Fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU. It was prepared at the request of the European Parliament, which asked FRA to update its 2017 findings to support the work of its committee of inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA).
This document presents data from the FRA Fundamental Rights Survey. It includes data on opinions and experiences of people in the European Union (EU) linked to data protection and technology.
In this vlog Michael O'Flaherty outlines fundamental rights considerations when developing technological responses to public health, as he introduces the focus of FRA's next COVID-19 bulletin.
Este folheto apoia as pessoas no terreno e as autoridades a prestar informação aos requerentes de asilo e aos migrantes intercetados nas fronteiras externas de modo acessível e compreensível sobre o tratamento das impressões digitais no Eurodac.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has applied across the European Union (EU) since 25 May 2018. One year on, this paper looks at how the new regulation has affected the daily work of civil society organisations (CSOs).
Last versions available are EL and NL
11 March 2021
O presente guia explica o que é a definição de perfis, os quadros jurídicos que a regulam e a razão pela qual a definição lícita de perfis é necessária para fazer respeitar os direitos fundamentais e indispensável para a eficácia da ação policial e da gestão das fronteiras. O guia fornece igualmente orientações práticas sobre como evitar a definição ilícita de perfis nas operações policiais e de gestão das fronteiras.
Portuguese and Swedish version now available
18 October 2022
A rápida evolução das tecnologias da informação exacerbou a necessidade de uma proteção sólida dos dados pessoais, cujo direito é garantido por instrumentos da União Europeia (UE) e do Conselho da Europa (CdE). A salvaguarda deste importante direito implica importantes novos desafios porque os avanços tecnológicos expandem as fronteiras de áreas como a vigilância, a interceção das comunicações e o armazenamento dos dados. O presente manual destina-se a familiarizar os profissionais do Direito que não são especializados em proteção de dados com esta área emergente do Direito.
Com o terrorismo, os ataques informáticos e as sofisticadas redes criminosas transfronteiriças que apresentam ameaças crescentes, a atividade dos serviços de informações tornou-se mais urgente, complexo e internacional. Tal atividade pode afetar seriamente os direitos fundamentais, sobretudo em matéria de proteção da vida privada e dos dados pessoais. Embora os avanços tecnológicos contínuos possam agravar essa ameaça, a supervisão e os meios de defesa eficazes podem reduzir as possibilidades de abuso.
This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and will address burning fundamental rights themes.
This is the recording of the online press briefing about mass surveillance as presented by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) on 16 October 2017.
This report is FRA’s second publication addressing a European Parliament request for in-depth research on the impact of surveillance on fundamental rights. It updates FRA’s 2015 legal analysis on the topic, and supplements that analysis with field-based insights gained from extensive interviews with diverse experts in intelligence and related fields, including its oversight.
In 2006 the EU issued its Data Retention Directive. According to the Directive, EU Member States had to store electronic telecommunications data for at least six months and at most 24 months for investigating, detecting and prosecuting serious crime. In 2016, with an EU legal framework on data retention still lacking, the CJEU further clarified what safeguards are required for data retention to be lawful.This paper looks at amendments to national data retention laws in 2016 after the Digital Rights Ireland judgment.
This report, drafted in response to the European Parliament’s call for thorough research on fundamental rights protection in the context of surveillance, maps and analyses the legal frameworks on surveillance in place in EU Member States.
FRA was requested by the European Commission (EC) in January 2014 to provide practical guidance on the processing of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data for law enforcement purposes, in light of efforts by Member States to establish national PNR systems. As a result, in informal consultation with EC services and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and building on opinions FRA, the EDPS and the Article 29 Working Party on PNR, FRA presented twelve fundamental rights considerations to EU Member States experts at technical level.
This summary presents the FRA’s main research conclusions, which are published in full in Access to data protection remedies in EU Member States.
Technological advances make it ever more important to safeguard the right to personal data, which is enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Data protection violations arise principally from internet‑based activities, direct marketing and video surveillance, perpetrated by, for example, government bodies or financial and health institutions, research by the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) shows.
Following a request by the European Parliament on 5 September 2012 for an analysis of the fundamental rights issues associated with the proposed EU data protection reform package, FRA issued its opinion on the draft legislation on 1 October 2012.
When a decision to stop an individual is motivated solely or mainly by virtue of a person's race, ethnicity or religion, this constitutes discriminatory ethnic profiling. Such practices can serve to alienate certain communities in the EU, and in turn can contribute to inefficient policing. The FRA guide aims to help the police address and avoid discriminatory ethnic profiling, and is designed to be used as a tool for more effective policing.
The EU plays a pioneering role in the protection of personal data. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU enshrines the right to data protection as an autonomous fundamental right. Despite the underlying importance and centrality of the right to data protection in the EU, many deficiencies are present in the data protection system. This study on data protection identifies deficiencies in the EU Member States.