Promising Practice

Data hub on living conditions of people with disabilities and of LGBTIQ people

In 2013, the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs started to develop a web-based data hub that systematises data on the living conditions and life situations of people with disabilities and makes them accessible to a wide audience. It was subsequently extended to also cover LGBTIQ people and work is currently ongoing to include data on ethnicity.
Institutional and structural guidelines
Map existing sources
Foster inter-institutional cooperation
Build up data hub
Facilitate effective use
Gender identity or expression
Racial or ethnic origin
Sexual orientation
Intersex / variation of sex characteristics
Includes multiple / intersectional discrimination

Promising practice :


In this page:

Why was the practice needed?

In 2013, the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs developed a data hub on the living conditions of people with disabilities and LGBTIQ people. It responded to the need voiced by various policymakers and civil society actors both at national and local level to have access to systematised knowledge and statistics in their respective fields. Before the adoption of this practice, users had to resort to more fragmented data sources.

How was it implemented?

The Directorate first commissioned Statistics Norway to identify which of their data sources would be relevant for the purposes of this hub.

In addition, the Directorate mapped available sources, such as administrative data, different registers and qualitative data. The Directorate then convened expert groups with representatives of civil society organisations, researchers, and other government bodies, which suggested additional data sources.

As a second step Statistics Norway produced a list of indicators to monitor the living conditions of people with disabilities and their participation. This provided the foundation of the data hub in the field of disability. The indicators, which are mainly based on surveys, are grouped in seven areas of life, namely: 1. Family, network and safety; 2. Satisfaction, health and need for assistance; 3. Participation and social contact; 4. Housing conditions; 5. Education; 6. Employment and work relations; and 7. Income and economic situation.

Whenever possible, data are disaggregated by sex and age, and most also by type of disability. The data hub also includes information on intersecting identities such as people with disabilities and LGBTIQ-people belonging to ethnic minorities.

The data hubs are updated as new statistics and research become available. The Directorate receives regular input from civil society actors and researchers. The wider public is also invited to provide feedback via the web pages.


  • The data hubs systematise and make accessible relevant and up-to-date statistics and research regarding various grounds of discrimination (currently LGBTIQ and disability) and the living conditions of groups with protected characteristics. Statistics suitable as indicators and allowing for regular data monitoring over time are prioritised.
  • The web pages contain illustrated statistics with accompanying descriptions as well as analyses, along with references to relevant literature. Sources are clearly indicated. Easy-to-use graphs and tables may be downloaded from the website. English summaries are included.

Key success factors

  • Cooperation with Statistics Norway and involving civil society organisations in the whole process have been key elements in the project’s success (see also the information on the equality data coordinator at Statistics Norway and on the Equality Forum included in this compendium).
  • The reliance on a step-by-step strategy was another condition for success. Starting by building a foundation first and adding to it later rather than attempting to cover all issues at the same time proved to be a sound strategy. Furthermore, it was helpful to be clear and transparent about the feasibility of outcomes to avoid raising unrealistic expectations.

Technical information

  • Data sources covered: Census; Administrative data; Household or individual surveys; Victimisation surveys; Attitudinal surveys; Complaints data; Qualitative research.
  • Areas of life covered: Employment; Education; Health; Social Protection; Housing and living conditions; Access to good and services; Others:Universal design.
  • Target audience: Public institutions, civil society organisations and general population
  • Duration: 2013 - present
  • Geographical scope: National; and municipal level (for people with disabilities).
  • Leading institution: The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs
  • Other organisations involved/consulted: Statistics Norway; Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombudsman For disability: civil society organisations FFO (Funksjonshemmedes fellesforbund / The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People) , SAFO (Samarbeidsforumet av funksjonshemmedes organisasjoner / Norwegian Forum of Disabled Peoples’ Organisations), Unge funksjonshemmede (The Norwegian association of youth with disabilities); research institutions: NOVA (Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring/NOVA – Norwegian Social Research), NTNU (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet / Norwegian University of Science and Technology). For LGBTIQ:civil society organisations FRI (Foreningen for kjønns- og seksualitetsmangfold / Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity), Skeiv verden (Queer World), Skeiv ungdom (Queer Youth), FTPN (Forbundet for transpersoner I Norge / Transgender Association), Helseutvalget (Gay & lesbian health Norway), and welfare directorates .
  • Financial & human resources: Budget: Data collection: approximately €20,000; Web resource development: approximately €100,000; Source of the budget: State budget; Staff: 2 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for the development, 1 FTE for maintenance


Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Norway (Bufdir) / Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet

Email: postmottak (at) bufdir (dot) no