Past events

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FRA’s Director will address a panel discussion on rule of law, human rights, and religion. The discussion will take place on 16 October during the G20 interfaith forum.
The Consultative Forum of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, will meet on 15 October. FRA currently co-chairs the forum together with UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
On 15 October, the European Parliament will hold a public hearing on a European Citizens Initiative to promote minorities, and linguistic and cultural diversity. The organisers will present their initiative.
The FRA Director will give a keynote speech at the 2020 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform on 15 October. He will focus on ‘Where are we today in terms of connectivity between regional and global human rights mechanisms’.
On 13 October, FRA’s Management Board member for Italy, Oreste Pollicino and FRA Scientific Committee member, Francesco Palermo, will speak at an event on Sustainable Development Goal 16, peace, justice and strong institutions, and the role of National Human Rights Institutions.
FRA will take part in the annual closed session of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) as an observer.
FRA research on minimum age, guardianship and child protection underline the need to support young people as they leave care. For example, the vast majority of EU Member States do not apply minimum age requirements in institutional residential care.
The FRA Director will address the launch conference of the new EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation. He will draw on FRA’s Roma surveys underlining the persistent circle of poverty and discrimination many Roma and Travellers continue to endure.
On 12 October, FRA will present the Conditions of Criminal Detention database during a meeting of the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters (COPEN).
The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) will host a session during EU Regions Week to discuss how best to safeguard the rights of mobile EU citizens in post-pandemic times.