Artikolu 45 - Il-libertà ta' moviment u ta' residenza
1. Kull ċittadin ta' l-Unjoni għandu d-dritt tal-libertà ta' moviment u ta' residenza fit-territorju ta' l- Istati Membri. 2. Il-libertà ta' moviment u ta' residenza tista' tingħata, skond it-Trattati, lil ċittadini ta' pajjiżi terzi li jkunu residenti legalment fit-territorju ta' Stat Membru..
Id-dritt iggarantit bil-paragrafu 1 huwa d-dritt iggarantit bl-Artikolu 20(2)(a) tat-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea (ara wkoll il-bażi ġuridika fl-Artikolu 21; u s-sentenza tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tas- 17 ta' Settembru 2002, Baumbast (C-413/99, Ġabra 2002, p. I-7091). Skond l-Artikolu 52(2), dawk id-drittijiet għandhom japplikaw skond il-kondizzjonijiet u fil-limiti previsti fit-Trattati.
Il-paragrafu 2 jirriferi għall-kompetenza mogħtija lill-Unjoni permezz ta' l-Artikoli 77, 78 u 79 tat-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea. Konsegwentement, l-għoti ta' dan id-dritt jiddependi fuq l-eżerċizzju ta' din il-kompetenza mill-istituzzjonijiet.
Article 32 Anyone lawfully within the territory of the Republic of Croatia shall enjoy freedom of movement and freedom to choose his/her residence. All citizens of the Republic shall be entitled to leave the state territory at any time and permanently or temporarily settle abroad, and to return at any time. The right to movement within the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the right to depart may be exceptionally be curtailed by law, if necessary to protect the legal order, or the health, rights and liberties of others.
Article 146 Citizens of the Republic of Croatia shall be European Union citizens and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire, and in particular: – freedom of movement and residence in the territory of all Member States, (...) All rights shall be exercised in compliance with the conditions and limitations laid down in the founding treaties of the European Union and the measures undertaken pursuant to such treaties. In the Republic of Croatia, all rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire shall be enjoyed by all citizens of the European Union.
Članak 32. Svatko tko se zakonito nalazi na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske ima pravo slobodno se kretati i birati boravište. Svaki državljanin Republike Hrvatske ima pravo u bilo koje doba napustiti teritorij države i naseliti se trajno ili privremeno u inozemstvu i bilo kada se vratiti u domovinu. Pravo kretanja na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske, pravo ulaska u nju i izlaska iz nje može se iznimno ograničiti zakonom, ako je to nužno radi zaštite pravnog poretka, ili zdravlja, prava i sloboda drugih.
Članak 146. Državljani Republike Hrvatske su građani Europske unije i uživaju prava koja im jamči pravna stečevina Europske unije, a osobito: – slobodu kretanja i nastanjivanja na području svih država članica, (...) Sva prava ostvaruju se u skladu s uvjetima i ograničenjima propisanima ugovorima na kojima se temelji Europska unija te mjerama prihvaćenima na temelju tih ugovora. U Republici Hrvatskoj sva prava zajamčena pravnom stečevinom Europske unije uživaju svi građani Europske unije.
Art. 35(1) Everyone shall be free to choose a place of residence and shall have the right to freedom of movement in the territory of the country and to leave the country. This right shall be restricted only by virtue of law in the name of national security, public health, and the rights and freedoms of other citizens. [...]
Чл. 35(1) Всеки има право свободно да избира своето местожителство, да се придвижва по територията на страната и да напуска нейните предели. Това право може да се ограничава само със закон, за защита на националната сигурност, народното здраве и правата и свободите на други граждани. [...]
Artikel 2 (1) Jedermann, der sich rechtmäßig im Hoheitsgebiet eines Staates aufhält, hat das Recht, sich dort frei zu bewegen und seinen Wohnsitz frei zu wählen.
Article 2 (1) Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.