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3559 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Téléchargements Category / Subcategory
Arts Human Rights meeting report / 25388 / Agency
( 11/10/2017 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
D-SE-17-T06 - Questions and answers I / 25385 / Agency
( 11/10/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-17-T06 Annex - A1 - Technical specifications (amended) / 25384 / Agency
( 11/10/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Independent living press release / 25382 / Agency
( 10/10/2017 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
Questions and answers III F-SE-17-T11 / 25317 / Agency
( 25/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Annex C Standard submissions form F-SE-17-T11-corrected2 / 25316 / Agency
( 25/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
Current migration situation in the EU: Oversight of reception facilities / 25307 / Agency
( 22/09/2017 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Monthly data collection on the migration situation in the EU – September 2017 highlights / 25306 / Agency
( 22/09/2017 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
D-SE-17-T06 - Annex C - Standard submission form / 25303 / Agency
( 21/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-17-T06 - Annex B - Draft direct services contract / 25302 / Agency
( 21/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-17-T06 - Annex A1 - Technical specifications / 25301 / Agency
( 21/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-17-T06 - Annex A - Tender specifications / 25300 / Agency
( 21/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-17-T06 - Invitation to tender / 25299 / Agency
( 21/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
D-SE-17-T06 - Contract notice / 25298 / Agency
( 21/09/2017 )
Administrative documents / Public procurement
EUMIDIS II Muslim press release / 25268 / Agency
( 20/09/2017 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases