EU agencies

FRA cooperates with a number of EU agencies on specific human rights topics, especially in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs.

The data that the FRA collects and analyses provides evidence that can aid agencies when they formulate operational responses by, for example, highlighting the victim's viewpoint. FRA also provides fundamental rights analysis and proposals for the integration or mainstreaming of a fundamental-rights dimension into a number of agencies' activities.

FRA works closely with a number of EU agencies, among them:

Watch this short video about EU Agencies: making Europe a better place to live:

Cooperation agreements

FRA has established cooperation agreements with CEPOL, Europol, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Frontex, EIGE, EASO and Eurofound. The aim of the cooperation agreements is to formalise the close collaboration between the agencies and to ensure that the work in areas of mutual interest is carefully coordinated and managed in order to avoid duplication.

A list of all cooperation agreements can be found in the register of documents.

Agencies’ networks

FRA takes an active part in the Network of EU Agencies - a forum of 40 EU agencies aiming to improve the coordination, information exchange and agreement of common positions on issues of shared interest among agencies. During the FRA chairmanship in 2014, the network focused on how to improve the use of agency intelligence by the public, stakeholders and the media; implementation of Commission’s Roadmap for decentralised agencies, new rules for EU staff and its financing; and diversity in the workplace within EU institutions and its agencies.

FRA also contributes to the work of Justice and Home Affairs agencies network, bringing together nine EU agencies working in the area of freedom, security and justice (CEPOL, EIGE, EMCDDA, EUAA, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Europol, FRA and Frontex). The purpose of this network is to increase operational and policy coordination among these agencies on issues such as trafficking in human beings, migration and border management and combating organised crime, while ensuring respect for fundamental rights. FRA chaired this network for the first time in 2016, focussing on the themes of migration and security (which also address key fundamental rights), with a special focus on effective collaboration between agencies to improve child protection – particularly in the context of the migration situation – across the EU. Each year, the network reports to the Council’s Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) regarding the network’s progress and achievements (see reports from the past few years linked below).

In 2019, the nine EU Justice and Home Affairs Agencies marked the 10-year anniversary of the EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights by pledging to continue to respect and promote fundamental rights throughout their work – including an annual exchange of best practices on building and enhancing their capacity to respect the Charter during the regular network meetings of Justice and Home Affairs Agencies.

FRA is a member of the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security. This is a collaborative network of innovation labs that work to provide the latest innovation updates and effective solutions to support the work of internal security actors in the EU and its Member States, including justice, border security, immigration, asylum and law enforcement practitioners. FRA supports the Hub to ensure that fundamental rights compliance of future products is factored in throughout the innovation process.
