
Coopération judiciaire et état de droit


    La présente fiche thématique a été préparée par le Greffe de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (« Cour EDH ») et l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne dans le cadre d’une collaboration visant à présenter la jurisprudence dans des domaines choisis dans lesquels le droit de l’Union européenne et de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (« CEDH » ou « Convention EDH ») interagissent.
    The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) allows Member States to implement judicial decisions issued in another Member State. It applies to decisions such as arrests for the purpose of criminal prosecutions or the execution of custodial sentences. After being in force for over 20 years, FRA’s findings provide evidence for an assessment of the legislation in practice. This report looks at the fundamental rights challenges that people face who are requested through an EAW. It provides a unique insight into their experiences and those of the professionals involved. FRA’s findings indicate that shared challenges exist across EU Member States. They must increase efforts to ensure that people are able to take part in criminal proceedings and receive a fair trial.
    Michael O'Flaherty introduces the July edition of FRA's bulletin on the impact for fundamental rights of Covid-19. In this vlog he talks about the important role that people play who are engaged with the promotion and the protection of human rights in these times.
    The July edition of the COVID-19 bulletin will be available from 30 July.
    This handbook provides an overview of key aspects of access to justice in Europe.
    Fundamental Rights Report 2019: In some Member States access to justice faces challenges. Judicial independence continues to cause
    concerns. Victims’ procedural rights need more effective implementation. Gaps in preventing
    violence against women and domestic violence remain.
    This report outlines Member States’ approaches to age requirements and limits
    regarding child participation in judicial proceedings; procedural safeguards for, and rights of, children involved in criminal
    proceedings; as well as issues related to depriving children of their liberty.
    The right to access justice and all other relevant procedural rights are not just rights in themselves; they also protect against violations of every other right. Respect for children’s rights in the area of justice is therefore essential. International treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, European Union (EU) secondary law, and national legislation provide a number of relevant rights.
    Various proposals on EU-level information systems in the areas of borders and security mention interoperability, aiming to provide fast and easy access to information about third-country nationals.
    L’accès à la justice est un élément important de l’État de droit. Il permet aux individus de se protéger
    contre toute atteinte à leurs droits, d’introduire des recours contre les fautes civiles, de demander au
    pouvoir exécutif de rendre des comptes et de se défendre dans les procédures pénales. Ce manuel
    résume les grands principes juridiques européens en matière d’accès à la justice, en s’intéressant
    plus particulièrement au droit civil et au droit pénal.
    The proposal to establish a European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), mandated to prosecute crimes against the financial interests of the European Union, raises a number of fundamental rights issues.
    In relation to the European Commission proposal for a Directive on the freezing and confiscation of proceeds of crime in the European Union, the European Parliament requested advice from FRA on the extent to which confiscation of proceeds of crime could go without breaching fundamental rights.
    On 14 February 2011, as requested by the European Parliament, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) issued an opinion on the draft directive regarding the European Investigation Order (EIO) in criminal matters. The draft directive, aimed at mutual recognition of warrants for both existing and new evidence, is intended to replace an existing ‘fragmented regime' with a more comprehensive legislative instrument.
    Une procédure d’asile est équitable lorsque les demandeurs et demandeuses sont informés de leurs droits et obligations, et lorsqu’ils en comprennent les différentes étapes. Le droit d’être informé aux moments décisifs de la procédure constitue un élément important de l’objectivité procédurale. Sur la base des éléments issus d’entretiens avec près de 900 demandeurs et demandeuses d’asile, ce rapport examine les informations dont disposent les demandeurs d’asile sur la procédure d’asile. En particulier, il examine la source principale d’information des demandeurs d’asile, le type d’informations reçues, ainsi que le moment de la réception et la manière dont elles sont communiquées.
    Sur la base des éléments recueillis lors d’entretiens auprès d’environ 900 demandeurs d’asile, ce rapport vise à donner un aperçu de la mesure dans laquelle les demandeurs d’asile dans l’Union européenne ont accès à des recours effectifs comme le garantit l’article 47 de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne.
    On 16 October the Swedish Presidency presented a "draft of the Stockholm Programme" that is to be adopted at the EU summit in December 2009. Following this publication, the Fundamental Rights Agency has presented the following opinion paper "FRA Comments on the Presidency Draft Stockholm Programme" available for download below.