
Press Release
Il n’existe pas de solution universelle pour ce qui est de l’inclusion au niveau local, mais quatre éléments clés peuvent accroître les chances de succès, comme le démontre le dernier rapport de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne.
Michael O'Flaherty
Michael O’Flaherty, FRA Director, speaks to European Affairs Ministers about trust in public institutions during the General Affairs Council's annual rule of law dialogue in Brussels on 12 November 2018.
Michael O’Flaherty
Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Agreement between the EU and Council of Europe on cooperation of the Council of Europe and our Agency. 10 years on from the Agreement, our collaboration has become a fixture in Europe’s human rights landscape. I am grateful to the Council of Europe for its support, and look forward to continuing our work together to ensure that the rights of everyone in the EU and in Europe are defended and respected. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and will address burning fundamental rights themes.
Près de 25 millions d’enfants dans l’UE vivent dans des ménages à faible revenu qui souffrent de conditions de vie inacceptables et ne mangent souvent pas à leur faim. Une éducation et des soins de santé insuffisants menacent leurs droits fondamentaux et les privent de perspectives d’échapper au cycle de la pauvreté, selon le dernier rapport de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne.
Michael O’Flaherty
In our politics, there has been a normalisation of the unacceptable in terms of word and deed. That includes racist and xenophobic words and deeds, which are now as pervasive as they are corrosive to democratic life in the European Union and around the world. Our Agency’s data show worsening conditions across all major areas of our work. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O’Flaherty
The FRA Director delivered a speech to justice ministers from across the EU during the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 11 October in Luxembourg. His speech focused on some of the key challenges for the human rights system in the EU and pointed to possible ways of safeguarding fundamental rights for everybody in the EU. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos
We can be sad and we can be angry. But we also need to persevere. We need to keep reminding our governments to acknowledge the impact of anti-Gypsyism that undermines their own considerable investment in Roma inclusion. Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos provides welcome remarks at the 12th Platform meeting on 9 October 2018.
Some views from participants at the Fundamental Rights Forum about how they commit to delivering on fundamental rights in tomorrow’s Europe.
Michael O’Flaherty
Michael O’Flaherty, Chair of the Forum and FRA Director sums up his impressions of FRA's Fundamental Rights Forum 2018 and presents the Chair’s Statement 2018 on 27 September 2018 in Vienna. *** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY ***
Press Release
Un appel à agir pour lutter contre les menaces pressantes auxquelles l’Europe est confrontée en matière de droits de l’homme a été lancé au Forum des droits fondamentaux 2018 à Vienne. Cet événement organisé par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne a permis à plus de 700 experts de haut niveau venus du monde de partager leurs compétences, idées et expertises au service des droits de l’homme.
Michael O’Flaherty
Michael O’Flaherty, Chair of the Forum and FRA Director gives the opening remarks on the first day of the Agency's Fundamental Rights Forum 2018 in Vienna, 25 September 2018. *** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY ***
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights will hold its next Fundamental Rights Forum in Vienna from 25 to 27 September 2018.
This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and will address burning fundamental rights themes.
Michael O'Flaherty
Today’s threats to human rights know no frontiers. Safeguarding these rights means renewing our commitment to multilateralism and working together to ensure all people can live in dignity and security. FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty gives a keynote speech at the conference in Warsaw, 7 September 2018.
Michael O'Flaherty
The FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty provides comments at the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) conference in Edinburgh, 7 September 2018.
Les inspections sur le lieu de travail font souvent défaut ou sont inefficaces, ce qui permet à des employeurs peu scrupuleux d’exploiter leurs travailleurs, tel est le constat fait par l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) dans son dernier rapport. Renforcer les inspections pour lutter contre les abus et donner aux travailleurs les moyens de signaler des pratiques peu scrupuleuses sont des solutions suggérées par la FRA pour contribuer à mettre un terme aux formes graves d’exploitation par le travail.
FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty focuses on ways to push back against challenges to our human rights system.
Press Release
Mieux enregistrer les crimes de haine dans l’UE aidera les États membres à continuer de lutter contre ce problème persistant. Le dernier rapport de l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne montre, à partir d’éléments probants, ce que les États membres réalisent déjà en la matière et leur fournit des conseils d’amélioration.
Article d'actualité
The FRA Director joined other high-level panellists in discussing freedom of religion, antisemitism and Islamophobia during a joint meeting of the Council’s Working Parties on Human Rights (COHOM) and on Fundamental Rights, Citizens Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP).