
FRA opinion on the Stockholm Programme

The FRA opinion paper presents a selection primarily based on the current thematic priorities of the Agency and are inspired by the factual evidence the Agency's own research has so far produced. This contribution is therefore just a first step in a long term approach of the Agency to follow and address the issues in the Stockholm Programme.

The Stockholm Programme will - after the Tampere Programme (1999-2004) and the Programme of The Hague (2004-2009) - build the new multiannual programme defining the priorities of the European Union in the areas of freedom, security and justice. The Commission has grouped in its Communication [ COM (2009) 262 final] the various future challenges and its respective policy proposals under the following areas:

  • "A Europe of rights",
  • "A Europe of Justice",
  • "A Europe that protects",
  • and "A Europe of solidarity".

In all these four views on Europe's future, the protection of fundamental rights has an undeniable role to play. Read more in the document available below.