Article d'actualité

Swedes discusss reinforcing rights locally

FRA joined an online meeting of Swedish cities, regions, and other local-level stakeholders on human rights.

It gave a preview of the upcoming ‘Human Rights Cities in the EU: a framework for reinforcing rights locally’ report. The report will be launched on 11 October at the FRA Fundamental Rights Forum.

Several cities, regions, and other Swedish stakeholders actively participated in the development of this new framework. At the 7 September event, participants exchanged views on local human rights developments in Sweden.

The discussion covered existing infrastructures, in particular the dedicated cities platform and the key role played by the Swedish Association of Municipalities and Regions to promote and support a culture of rights at locally. Building on information shared at the event, the discussion highlighted the importance for the upcoming Swedish NHRI to consider developing links with regional and local actors.

Key lessons learned from the discussion and opportunities for further development in Sweden and in the EU will be shared at the Forum.

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute and the Jönköping County Administrative Board of Sweden organised the event.