Artigo 4.o- Proibição da tortura e dos tratos ou penas desumanos ou degradantes
Ninguém pode ser submetido a tortura, nem a tratos ou penas desumanos ou degradantes.
O direito consagrado no artigo 4.o é o direito garantido pelo artigo 3.o, de igual teor, da CEDH: `Ninguém pode ser submetido a torturas, nem a penas ou tratamentos desumanos ou degradantes.` Em aplicação do n.o 3 do artigo 52.o da Carta, tem por conseguinte um sentido e um âmbito iguais aos daquele artigo.
95. The State shall protect human honour and dignity. Torture or other cruel or degrading treatment of human beings is prohibited. No one shall be subjected to inhuman or degrading punishment. (…)
95. Valsts aizsargā cilvēka godu un cieņu. Spīdzināšana, citāda cietsirdīga vai cieņu pazemojoša izturēšanās pret cilvēku ir aizliegta. Nevienu nedrīkst pakļaut nežēlīgam vai cilvēka cieņu pazemojošam sodam. (…)
Art. 13 (...) Any act of physical and moral violence against a person subjected to restriction of personal liberty shall be punished. (...) Art. 27. Criminal responsibility is personal. A defendant shall be considered not guilty until a final sentence has been passed. Punishments may not be inhuman and shall aim at re-educating the convicted. (...)
Art. 13. (...) E' punita ogni violenza fisica e morale sulle persone comunque sottoposte a restrizioni di libertà. (...)Art. 27. La responsabilità penale è personale.L'imputato non è considerato colpevole sino alla condanna definitiva. Le pene non possono consistere in trattamenti contrari al senso di umanità e devono tendere alla rieducazione del condannato. (...)
III. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG)(1) Senkit nem lehet kínzásnak, embertelen, megalázó bánásmódnak vagy büntetésnek alávetni, valamint szolgaságban tartani. […] IV. Cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) […] (2) […] Tényleges életfogytig tartó szabadságvesztés csak szándékos, erőszakos bűncselekmény elkövetése miatt szabható ki. [...]
Article III (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) No one shall be subject to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment […] Article IV (Freedom and Responsibility) […] (2) […] Life imprisonment without parole may only be imposed for the commission of intentional and violent criminal offences. [...]
Article 7 (2). Torture, any bodily maltreatment, impairment of health or the use of psychological violence, as well as any other offence against human dignity are prohibited and punished as provided by law. [...]
Άρθρο 7(2) Tα βασανιστήρια, oπoιαδήπoτε σωματική κάκωση, βλάβη υγείας, ή άσκηση ψυχoλoγικής βίας, καθώς και κάθε άλλη πρoσβoλή της ανθρώπινης αξιoπρέπειας απαγoρεύoνται και τιμωρoύνται, όπως νόμoς oρίζει. […]
Article 2 (1) Every person shall have the right to free development of his personality insofar as he does not violate the rights of others or offend against the constitutional order or the moral law. (2) Every person shall have the right to life and physical integrity. Freedom of the person shall be inviolable. These rights may be interfered with only pursuant to a law. Article 104 (1) Liberty of the person may be restricted only pursuant to a formal law and only in compliance with the procedures prescribed therein. Persons in custody may not be subjected to mental or physical mistreatment. (...)
Artikel 2 (1) Jeder hat das Recht auf die freie Entfaltung seiner Persönlichkeit, soweit er nicht die Rechte anderer verletzt und nicht gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung oder das Sittengesetz verstößt. (2) Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit. Die Freiheit der Person ist unverletzlich. In diese Rechte darf nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes eingegriffen werden. Artikel 104 (1) Die Freiheit der Person kann nur auf Grund eines förmlichen Gesetzes und nur unter Beachtung der darin vorgeschriebenen Formen beschränkt werden. Festgehaltene Personen dürfen weder seelisch noch körperlich mißhandelt werden. (...)
Article 66-1 Nul ne peut être condamné à la peine de mort.
Article 66-1 No one shall be sentenced to death.
Section 7 Right to life, personal liberty and integrity Everyone has the right to life, personal liberty, integrity and security. No one shall be sentenced to death, tortured or otherwise treated in a manner violating human dignity. (...) Section 9 Freedom of movement (...) The right of foreigners to enter Finland and to remain in the country is regulated by an Act. A foreigner shall not be deported, extradited or returned to another country, if in consequence he or she is in danger of a death sentence, torture or other treatment violating human dignity.
7 § Oikeus elämään sekä henkilökohtaiseen vapauteen ja koskemattomuuteen Jokaisella on oikeus elämään sekä henkilökohtaiseen vapauteen, koskemattomuuteen ja turvallisuuteen. Ketään ei saa tuomita kuolemaan, kiduttaa eikä muutoinkaan kohdella ihmisarvoa loukkaavasti. (...) 9 § Liikkumisvapaus (...) Ulkomaalaisen oikeudesta tulla Suomeen ja oleskella maassa säädetään lailla. Ulkomaalaista ei saa karkottaa, luovuttaa tai palauttaa, jos häntä tämän vuoksi uhkaa kuolemanrangaistus, kidutus tai muu ihmisarvoa loukkaava kohtelu.
Article 18. No one may be subjected to torture or to cruel or degrading treatment or punishment. (...)
§ 18. Kedagi ei tohi piinata, julmalt või väärikust alandavalt kohelda ega karistada.(…)
Article 8 No person shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment.
ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 8: Ουδείς υποβάλλεται εις βασανιστήρια ή εις απάνθρωπον ή ταπεινωτικήν τιμωρίαν ή μεταχείρισιν
Art. 29. (1) No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, or to forcible assimilation. [...]
Чл.29.(1) Никой не може да бъде подлаган на мъчение, на жестоко, безчовечно или унижаващо отношение, както и на насилствена асимилация. [...]