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3559 Documents found

Document Title / ID / Author / Date posted Téléchargements Category / Subcategory
Country research - Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in the EU - May 2020 - Fundamental Rights Implications - Poland / 39527 / Agency
( 25/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Country research - Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in the EU - May 2020 - Fundamental Rights Implications - France / 39526 / Agency
( 25/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Country research - Fundamental Rights Report 2020 - Austria / 39493 / Agency
( 19/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
Executive Board Decision no 2020/01 to hold the 33rd Management Board Meeting via video-conferencing / 39489 / Agency
( 15/05/2020 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Executive Board decisions
Management Board decision 2020/01 - Appointment of a deputy accounting officer / 39488 / Agency
( 15/05/2020 )
Bodies of the Agency documents / Management Board decisions
EU LGBTI survey II - Country data - United Kingdom / 39471 / Agency
( 14/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
EU LGBTI survey II - Country data - Sweden / 39470 / Agency
( 14/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
A long way to go for LGBTI equality / 39459 / Agency
( 14/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
EU LGBTI survey II - Country data - Slovenia / 39468 / Agency
( 13/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
EU LGBTI survey II - Country data - Slovakia / 39467 / Agency
( 13/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
EU LGBTI survey II - Country data - Spain / 39469 / Agency
( 13/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
FRA press release: LGBTI survey - Serbian / 39456 / Agency
( 12/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
FRA press release: LGBTI survey - Macedonian / 39454 / Agency
( 12/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Newsletters, brochures, Media releases
EU LGBTI survey II - Country data - Belgium / 39423 / Agency
( 08/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies
EU LGBTI survey II - Country data - Bulgaria / 39424 / Agency
( 08/05/2020 )
Agency's work / Reports, comparative reports, surveys, studies