Camera dei Deputati, XVIII Legislatura, 114a seduta pubblica, resoconto stenografico, venerdì 25 gennaio 2019

Italy, Chamber of Deputies, XVIII Legislature, 114th public session, shorthand records, Friday, 25 January 2019
Deputy Gennaro Migliore (Democratic Party – Partito Democratico, PD)
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The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights was mentioned during the 114th session of the Chamber of Deputies on 25 January 2019, while discussing an urgent questioning by PD to the Italian government concerning the critical aspects emerging from the implementation of Law No. 132 of 1 December 2018, Conversion into law, with modifications, of Decree Law No. 113 of 4 October 2018, containing urgent provisions governing international protection and immigration, and public security, as well as measures for the effective functioning of the Ministry of the Interior and for the organisation and functioning of the National Agency for the Administration and Management of the Assets Seized and Confiscated from Criminal Organisations. Delegation of power to the government for the reorganisation of roles and careers of the Police and the Armed Forces. This act – among other relevant aspects – reformed the Italian asylum and reception system. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights was mentioned to argue that the legislative reform violates several constitutional principles and international binding legislation, such as Article 19, paragraph 2 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.