
Between 21 and 23 February, FRA will take part in train-the-trainer sessions in Romania on tackling hate crime. The event is aimed at prosecutors, law enforcement and other relevant professionals.
From 7 to 8 February, FRA contributed to training in Predeal, Romania to better protect children as victims of crime and make criminal proceedings more child-friendly.
From 21 to 23 January, experts and policy makers met to discuss on how to best streamline the implementation and monitoring of international and European policies on children, youth affairs and child rights.
FRA spoke at a session of the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development on 14 February. The Agency presented its report ‘EU funds-ensuring compliance with fundamental rights’ to the Committee.
FRA will present findings from its ‘Being Black in the EU - experiences of people of African descent’ report at an online event in Ireland. The event takes place on 15 February.
On 6 February, FRA published its update of the accreditation status and mandates of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs). It now also covers the role of NHRIs in the context of EU funds and the use of the EU’s Fundamental Rights Charter.

FRA took part in a meeting on one of the subgroups of the European Labour Authority (ELA) Platform tackling undeclared work. The Subgroup looks at safe reporting and complaint mechanisms for workers to denounce abuse and seek support.
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In a meeting on 5 February, FRA introduced its project on data collection on fundamental rights at external borders in 18 EU Member States and candidate countries.
FRA presented the Agency’s perspective during an expert roundtable on the European Border and Coast Guard Agency’s (Frontex) legal and non-judicial accountability in light of recent case law of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU).
FRA welcomes views from all civil society organisations working in an EU Member State or in Serbia, Albania or North Macedonia or at the EU level for its annual civic space survey.
FRA presented its findings on civic space at a European Commission workshop on shrinking antiracism civic space on 31 January in Brussels.
FRA joined the plenary meeting of the Council of Europe’s Committee on artificial intelligence (CAI). FRA was part of the EU Delegation.
Au fil des ans, l’UE et ses États membres ont continué d’améliorer leurs systèmes de protection des enfants, même si des lacunes subsistent. L’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) a cartographié la situation actuelle dans l’ensemble de l’UE afin de soutenir les efforts visant à apporter de nouvelles améliorations.
FRA will present its Draft Programming Document 2025-2027 to the Council of the EU’s Working Party on Fundamental Rights, Citizen’s Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) on 30 January in Brussels.
The Greek Ombudsman and FRA held an expert workshop for staff of the Cypriot and Greek ombuds bodies who work as forced return monitors
FRA will give an online presentation on its work and activities to a delegation of Turkish authorities on 25 January.
FRA took part in a meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on 23 January.
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On 23 January, FRA and the Frontex Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights attended the Frontex Management Board meeting. They addressed the protection of fundamental rights in Frontex operations.
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The Council of Europe’s Special Representative on migration and refugees hosted a visit from FRA and the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA).
On 11 January, FRA held the inception meeting for a new project on the Entry/Exit System (EES) with partners from its research network, FRANET.