
Article d'actualité
FRA presented the third edition of its future handbook on European law relating to asylum, borders and immigration on 28 October. The presentation was part of an online training course for judges on the detention of protection seekers.
On 3 November, the FRA Director met Ambassador Nuno Brito virtually, Permanent Representative of Portugal to the EU, to discuss FRA’s support to the upcoming Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU.
La pandémie de COVID-19 continue d’avoir de sévères conséquences pour les migrants et les réfugiés. Les difficultés à pénétrer dans les pays de l’Union, les signalements toujours plus nombreux de refoulements et de violences aux frontières et la détérioration des conditions dans les centres d’accueil figurent parmi les principaux motifs de préoccupation dont l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne (FRA) fait état dans son dernier bulletin trimestriel sur la migration. Dans le même temps, la nouvelle mouture du pacte sur la migration et l’asile de la Commission européenne donne lieu à l’ouverture de nouvelles négociations concernant le futur cadre de l’UE en matière de migration et d’asile.
The FRA Director will meet World Health Organization representatives to discuss the impact on human and fundamental rights of the COVID pandemic.
On 5 and 6 November, the agency’s National Liaison Officers (NLOs) will come together via video conference to discuss FRA’s cooperation with EU Member States.
FRA will give a presentation on the results of its EU LGBTI survey, LGBTI rights in the EU and FRA’s research in this area to the Vienna Diplomatic Academy.
FRA will take part in the next meeting of the EU Agencies Network on Scientific Advice (ANSA) on 4 December.
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is shocked and saddened by the terrorism that shook Vienna last night. It extends its sympathy to the families of the victims and those injured in the shootings.
FRA will take part in this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which runs virtually from 2-17 November. It will join the session on the role of the private sector in developing guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence.
FRA took part in discussions on 28 October related to the regulations setting up the interoperability of EU large-scale information systems.
Article d'actualité
On 30 October, FRA took part in a webinar organised by the Department of Political Science of Roma Tre University on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fundamental rights in Italy.
FRA discussed its business and human rights report with Members of the European Parliament on 27 October.
FRA presented the results of its surveys on Roma and Travellers in the Council Working Party on Social Questions on 29 October.
FRA will present its plans to update its Criminal Detention database during a meeting of the Council Working Party on Cooperation in Criminal Matters on 26 October.
This video statement by FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty was recorded for the ILGA-Europe Gathering Online 2020 on "Protect, Adapt, Rally".
The EEA and Norway Grants and FRA discussed online their cooperation at their annual meeting on 20 October.
Face à la pandémie de Covid-19, les personnes passent de plus en plus leur temps dans le monde numérique. Mais des dangers les guettent là aussi, comme dans le monde réel. Nombreuses sont les victimes d’escrocs et de haine en ligne. Pour célébrer la Journée européenne de la justice le 25 octobre, l’Agence des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne (FRA) demande instamment à l’UE et à ses États membres de renforcer la protection des victimes en ligne.
The EU’s newly established Sustainable Finance Platform held its first meeting from 15 to 16 October. The Platform, based on a new EU regulation, consists of experts on environmental, sustainable finance and human rights.
FRA joined a debate on the legal control of algorithms.
The FRA Director participated in the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs on 22 October.